

单词 indistant
释义 inˈdistant, a. Obs.
[ad. late or med.L. indistāns, -stāntem, tr. Gr. ἀδιάστατος: see in-3 and distant.
In L. the adv. indistānter occurs in Priscian and Ammianus; the adj. indistāns (with the n. indistāntia) in a 13th c. grammarian quoted in Thurot Doctrines grammaticales du moyen âge, 187, and in William of Moerbeka's transl. of Proclus De decem dubitat. (col. 85, Cousin), and Ficinus' transl. of Plotinus (ed. Oxon. I. 88). (Prof. I. Bywater.)]
1. Not distant, not separated by an interval; without break or interval, continuous.
1644Digby Nat. Bodies v. (1645) 43 The very nature of quantity uniteth any two parts that are indistant from one another.1647H. More Song of Soul Notes 336 Eternity hath all the world in an indivisible indistant way at once.1674Owen Holy Spirit (1693) 51 To be present with them, or indistant from them.1788T. Taylor Proclus I. 91 Whatever form contains occultly, and in an indistant manner, is produced into the phantasy subsisting with intervals, divisibly and expanded.
2. Without material extension.
1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. iv. 416 The Generality of those other Ancients who asserted Incorporeal Substance, did suppose it likewise to be Unextended, they dividing Substances (as we learn from Philo) into διαστηµατικαί, και ἀδιάστατοι οὐσίαι, Distant and Indistant, or Extended and Unextended Substances.Ibid. i. v. 774 In like manner Simplicius..writeth thus: τὁ δὲ τοιοῦτον ἀµερὲς εὐθὐς ἀνάγκη εἶναι και ἀδιάστατον, µεριστὸν γὰρ καὶ διάστατον ὑπάρχον, οὐ δύναται [κ.τ.λ.], because what is such, must of necessity be indivisible, and indistant; for where it divisible, and distant, it could not all of it be conjoined with its whole self [etc.].
Hence inˈdistantly adv. [f. prec. + -ly2, repr. L. indistānter (see above), Gr. ἀδιαστάτως.]
1656Jeanes Fuln. Christ 137 Divines..affirme, that the manhood, and the person of the word are united, not onely inseparably but also indistantly, therefore one of them is not distant from the other.1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. v. 776 (transl. fr. Porphyrius) The corporeal world is distantly present to the Intelligible (or the Deity); and that is indivisibly and indistantly [ἀδιαστάτως] present with the world.




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