

单词 ambs-ace
释义 ambs-ace|ˌæmz ˈeɪs|
Forms 3–4 ambes as, -z as, 4–5 ambes aas, 6–7 ambes ace, 6–9 ambs ace. Also 4 amys ase, 6 aums ase, 6–7 aumes-, aums-, amnes-, 6–9 ames-, 7 alms-, 8 ams-, am's-, ame's ace.
[a. OFr. ambes as:—L. ambas as, both ace: see ace n.]
1. lit. Both aces, double ace, the lowest possible throw at dice; hence, fig. bad luck, misfortune; worthlessness, nought, next to nothing.
1297R. Glouc. 51 Ac he caste þer of ambes as.c1300Beket 450 Thu ert icome therto to late: thu hast icast ambez as.c1400Beryn 2955, I bare thre dise, in myne owne purs..I kist hem forth al three, and too fil amys ase.c1430Lydg. Minor Poems (1840) 166 Whos chaunce gothe neyther on synk nor sice, But withe ambes aas encresithe his dispence.1601Shakes. All's Well ii. iii. 85, I had rather be in this choise, than throw Ames-ace for my life.1611Cotgr., Besas, Aumes-ace, on the dice.a1658Cleveland Clev. Vind. (1677) 28 In whom Dame Nature tries To throw less than Aums Ace upon two Dice.a1680Butler Rem. (1759) VI. 81 Idly vent'ring her good Graces To be disposed of by Alms-Aces.1721S. Centlivre Gamest. i. i. 136 My evil genius flings Am's Ace before me.1722Wollaston Relig. Nat. iii. 56 Nobody can certainly foretell, that sice-ace will come up upon two dies fairly thrown before ambs-ace.1731Fielding Lottery (1755) I. 249 If I can but nick this time, ame's-ace I defy thee.1870Lowell Among my Bks. Ser. i. (1873) 192 A lucky throw of words which may come up the sices of hardy metaphor or the ambs-ace of conceit.
2. The smallest point. within ambs ace of, emph. form of ‘within an ace of’: on the very verge of. ? Obs.
1679Trial of Langhorn 18 His Wife was but aumes ace turned from a Devil.1698Vanbrugh æsop v. i, Reduced within ambs-ace of hanging or drowning.a1733North Examen i. iii. ⁋158 His Lordship was within Ams-ace of being put in the Plot.1800M. Edgeworth Cast. Rackr. 28 Within ames-ace of getting quit..of all his enemies.




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