

单词 indoaniline
释义 indoaniline Chem.|ɪndəʊˈænɪliːn|
[f. indo-2 + aniline.]
a. A violet dye, O:C6H4:N·C6H4·NH2.
b. Any of the derivatives of this compound.
1886Jrnl. Chem. Soc. L. 146 (heading) Indophenol and indoaniline.1952K. Venkataraman Chem. Synthetic Dyes II. xxv. 763 Alkaline hydrolysis leads to the indophenols, sometimes called indoaniline to distinguish them from the ‘true indophenols’.1958Packer & Vaughan Mod. Approach Org. Chem. xix. 645 Thus aniline gives..dyestuffs such as indoaniline and the aniline blacks.




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