

单词 indolence
释义 indolence|ˈɪndələns|
[a. F. indolence (16th c.), or directly ad. L. indolēntia freedom from pain, insensibility (Cicero), n. of quality f. in- (in-3) + dolēnt-em, pres. pple. of dolēre to be pained.]
1. Insensibility or indifference to pain; want of feeling. Obs.
1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 69 Clemencie and Mildnesse, [they say it is the meane] betweene senselesse Indolence and Crueltie.1706[see indolency 1].1723Pres. State Russia I. 153 A Russian values neither Life nor Death, and undergoes capital Punishment with unparalleled Indolence.
2. Freedom from pain; a state of rest or ease, in which neither pain nor pleasure is felt. Obs.
1656Stanley Hist. Philos. iv. (1701) 135/1 Indolence, which Epicurus held, they esteem not pleasure, nor want of pleasure..for Indolence is like the state of a sleeping Man.1702S. Parker tr. Cicero's De Finibus ii. 56 D'you know, said I, what Hieronymus Rhodius has allotted for the Summum Bonum? I know, said Torquatus, he resolves it into Nihil dolere, Mere Indolence.1713Berkeley Hylas & Phil. i. Wks. 1871 I. 269, I could rather call it an indolence. It seems to be nothing more than a privation of both pain and pleasure.1751Earl of Orrery Remarks Swift (1752) 113 That tranquility of mind, and indolence of body which he made his chief ends.
b. Path. Absence of pain (in a tumour: cf. indolent 1).
1758J. S. Le Dran's Obs. Surg. (1771) 219 The Pain or Indolence of the Tumour indicates the Quality of the Contents.
3. The disposition to avoid trouble; love of ease; laziness, slothfulness, sluggishness.
1710Steele Tatler No. 132 ⁋1 Heavy honest Men, with whom I have passed many Hours with much Indolence.1784Johnson Let. to Langton 12 July, That voluntary debility which modern language is content to term indolence.1816Scott Fam. Lett. 14 Nov. (1894) I. xii. 376 He is one of the many many hundreds in whom indolence has strangled genius.1844H. H. Wilson Brit. India I. 23 Passing his days in indolence and indulgence.1878R. W. Dale Lect. Preach. iii. 63 Some men fail as preachers through intellectual indolence.




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