

单词 infeftment
释义 inˈfeftment Sc. Law.
[f. prec. + -ment.]
The action or fact of infefting; ‘the act of giving symbolical possession of heritable property, the legal evidence of which is an instrument of sasine’ (Bell Dict. Law Scot.); enfeoffment.
infeftment in security, temporary infeftment of a creditor, to secure payment of a debt. infeftment of relief, a similar security to relieve a cautioner from his engagement. (Bell.)
1456in Sir W. Fraser Wemyss of Wemyss (1888) II. 74 Twychyng the infeftments of the said landis.1489Sc. Acts Jas. IV, c. 12 And to eschew all circumvenciouns & dissatis That has bene done to the Kingis hienes be bringing of diuerse Signaturis Infeftmentis donacions giftis.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. II. 358 Fyftene abbais..He foundit hes with riche infeftment ilkane.a1572Knox Hist. Ref. Wks. 1846 I. 356 That the same [town] may be guyded and reulled frelie, as it was befoir, be the Baillies and Counsale, conforme to thair infeftmentis gevin to thame be the ancient and maist excellent Kingis of this realme.1617in W. McIlwraith Guide Wigtownsh. (1875) 90 The said burgh is now erect, made, and constitute and creat in ane free burgh of barony by us and our infeftment.1832Austin Jurispr. (1873) I. xiv. 392 The word infeftment, or investiture, properly applies to the personal title completed by the sasine: but is sometimes applied to the sasine as distinct from the personal title, where, as it sometimes happens, they conflict.1861Bell Dict. Law Scot. 444 By the Infeftment Act, 8 and 9 Vict. c. 35, 1845, infeftment may be effectually obtained by producing to the notary-public the warrants of sasine and relative writs..and by expeding and recording in the appropriate register an instrument of sasine [etc.].1884Law Rep. 9 App. Cases 305 The trustee's infeftment in the heritable estate was recorded in the register of sasines at Glasgow.




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