

单词 viperous
释义 viperous, a.|ˈvaɪpərəs|
Also 6 vyperos, -ouse, viperouse, 7–8 viporous; 6 vipros, 7 viprous, 7–8 poet. vip'rous.
[f. viper + -ous.]
1. Of or pertaining to a viper or vipers.
Rarely in literal use.
fig.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. (Rolls) II. 144 With vipros vennum inwart in his mynd,..Dissaitfullie that tyme he gart him trow, That he wrocht ay for his plesour and prow.1602Rowlands Tis Merrie when Gossips meete (Hunter. Cl.) 13 No viperous tongue thy pleasant vayne will strike.1608D. T[uvill] Ess. Pol. & Mor. 130 With the filthy slime of their malicious and viperous iawes.a1665J. Goodwin Filled w. the Spirit (1867) 55 Men of a viperous spirit, and desperately set upon their own ruin and destruction.1765Beattie Judgm. Paris ciii, Censure spreads the viperous hiss around.a1859Macaulay Hist. Eng. xxv. (1861) V. 304 Papers about the brazen forehead, the viperous tongue, and the white liver of Jack Howe.1886Daily News 8 April 5/3 What viperous venom and what rat-like rage.
lit.1614Gorges Lucan ix. 391 But when she [Medusa] comb'd her crawling crowne, The viprous venome trailed downe.1706De Foe Jure Divino xii. 268 In vain supplies of vip'rous Blood they bring.
b. In allusive use (see viper 3 a). Obs.
1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. iii. v. (1634) 319 Out of that ancient custome the confessions and satisfactions that are at this day used, tooke their beginning. Truly very viperous births.1603J. Davies (Heref.) Wits Pilgr. Wks. (Grosart) II. 52/2 The Viperous Iron Teeth of Time may gnaw away, to wrack, through my Works Wombe.1638Sir T. Herbert Trav. (ed. 2) 127 Whether [it be]..from vapors ingendred in the bowels of the earth, and loth to bee imprisoned in a wrong orb, [the subterranean fire] rends its passage by a viperous horrid motion; or [etc.].
2. Composed or consisting of vipers. Freq. with admixture of sense 4.
Chiefly in fig. use or as a term of opprobrium, esp. in viperous brood or viperous generation; freq. in the 17th c., now rare or arch.
fig.1538Bale Thre Lawes 1754 Oh ragynge serpentes and vyperouse generacyon.1586J. Hooker Hist. Irel. in Holinshed II. 42/1 The loose life of that viperous nation.1601Dent Pathw. Heaven 152 This viperous brood [of liars] doe but watch their times and opportunities.1643Quarles Loyal Convert Wks. (Grosart) I. 142/2 A viperous Generation (which hath long nested in this unhappie Island).1670Devout Commun. (1688) 124 That the Lord of all should..take into his bosom the viperous brood, that have so often spit their venom in his face?1706E. Ward Hud. Rediv. (1707) II. vii. 13 For in this pious Christian Nation There is a vip'rous Congregation [etc.].1714L. Milbourne Traitor's Reward Pref., His way of extolling his viperous generation is so very impudent and rediculous, that [etc.].1814Southey Roderick v. 115 These were Witiza's hateful progeny; And in an evil hour the unhappy King Had spared the viperous brood.1874Farrar Christ viii. (1884) 53 A formalism and falsity which made them vipers of a viperous brood.
lit.1648J. Beaumont Psyche ii. 128 She..rent from thence, before Psyche's astonish'd eyes, that viperous fry Which her snarl'd soul in unfelt bands did ty.1688Phil. Trans. XVIII. 128 Vipers, and all the Viperous Brood.
b. In allusive use (cf. 4 b, and see viper 3 a).
1615W. Hull Mirr. Maiestie 39 Sinne is a viperous brood: the life of the daughter, is the death of the mother.1627in Rushw. Hist. Coll. (1659) I. 514 This forwardness of you is the more remarkable, when that Viperous Generation..do, at ease, with tooth and nail, essay to rend the Bowels of their Mother.1648Canterburie March B 2, Hence Viprous Brood! what make you heare, Who thus the Kingdomes Bowels teare?
c. Of hair, etc. Cf. snaky a. 1. Obs. rare.
1633P. Fletcher Purple Isl. xii. xxx, Her viperous locks hung loose about her eares; Yet with a monstrous snake she them restrains.1648J. Beaumont Psyche xi. 8 Then from his own viperous Tresses He Pluck'd three large handfuls of his longest Snakes.
3. Of actions, qualities, etc.: Worthy of or befitting a viper; malignant, treacherous, venomous.
Very common in the 17th c.; now rare or arch.
1542Brinklow Compl. xxiii. 48 b, How haue thei bewitched the Parlament howse in making such vyperos actys as the beast of Rome neuer made him selfe!1555in Strype Eccl. Mem. (1721) III. App. xlvi. 142 Their wicked lyves, and viperouse behaviour toward the said bishope.1604Coke 2 State Trials 26, I want words sufficient to express your viperous treasons.1631Weever Anc. Funeral Mon. 252 The viperous malice of this Monkish broode.1646J. Hall Poems i. xi. 27 Wee'l suffer viperous thoughts and cares To follow after silver hairs.a1716South Serm. (1744) X. 285 Let us now see into how many cursed consequences, this viperous piece of villany is like to spread itself.1824Jefferson Writ. (1830) IV. 399 Passions so vehement and viperous.
b. Of language, writings, etc.
1605Camden Rem. Epit. 34 Vpon Stigand..I finde this most viperous Epitaph in an old Manuscript.1611Shakes. Cymb. iii. iv. 41 'Tis Slander,..whose tongue Out-venomes all the Wormes of Nyle;..the Secrets of the Graue this viperous slander enters.1632Lithgow Trav. i. 3 The viperous murmurings of miscreant villaines.1728P. Walker Life Peden (1827) 270 This is a viporous, groundless wicked Story.1809–10Coleridge Friend (1865) 58 In one of those viperous journals, which deal out profaneness, hate, fury, and sedition throughout the land.1860Motley Netherl. (1868) I. ii. 37 Wit..expended in darting viperous epigrams at Court-ladies.1905Athenæum 12 Aug. 217/1 Lockhart was..annoyed..especially by the viperous notes from a Whig hand.
4. Of the nature of a viper; resembling a viper in character or action; having the attributes or evil qualities of a viper.
Freq. in the 17th c.; now rare.
1593G. Harvey Pierce's Super. Wks. (Grosart) II. 20 Good Sir, arise, and confound those Viperous Cryticall monsters.1607Shakes. Cor. iii. i. 287 Speake breefely then, For we are peremptory to dispatch This Viporous Traitor.1621in Foster Eng. Factories Ind. (1906) I. 347 These viprous, dessemblinge, and crockadillike currs.1680Spirit of Popery 24 The Viperous Author of the Reformed Bishop.1760H. Brooke Fool of Qual. (1809) I. 130 No step-dames, nor viporous instruments, shall ever hereafter insinuate between us.1821Shelley Adonais xxxvi, What deaf and viperous murderer could crown Life's early cup with such a draught of woe?
b. In allusive use (see viper 3 a). Obs.
1591Shakes. 1 Hen. VI, iii. i. 72 Ciuill dissention is a viperous Worme That gnawes the Bowels of the Common-wealth.1603J. Davies (Heref.) Microcosmos Wks. (Grosart) I. 56/2 Woe woorth such vip'rous Cousins that wil rend Their Mother's wombe (the Common-wealth) to raigne.1648Hunting of Fox 11 Such viperous Schismaticks as would eate out their way.1652Benlowes Theoph. xii. ix, Twas vip'rous Nero slew his own indulgent Mother.
c. fig. Of things.
1805Wordsw. Prelude ix. 576 The stings of viperous remorse, Trying their strength, enforced him to start up, Aghast and prayerless.1880Sat. Rev. No. 1311. 734/1 Considering how much damage these viperous little craft are likely to do in war.1885–94R. Bridges Eros & Psyche April xi, A savage beast, The viperous scourge of gods and humankind.
Hence ˈviperously adv., in or after the manner of a viper; venomously; ˈviperousness, viperous nature or character; venomosity. rare.
1587Holinshed Chron. III. 419 In that copious treatise hauing spoken as maliciouslie & *viperouslie as he might..of Wickliffes life.1648J. Beaumont Psyche iii. 210 O how the peevish and reluctant elves (Mad with their own birth,) viperously contend The worried bowels of the heart to rend!1649Cockayne Found. Freedom Vind. 1 Whose seeming sugered words are mixed with wormwood, promising fairnesse, but viperously stinging the poore despised Army.1728P. Walker Life Peden To Rdr. (1827) p. xxv, Mr. William Vetch,..in his dotted old Age, wrote so viporously and maliciously against him.
1651Mr. Love's Case 37 Is it possible that such virulency and *viperousness of words as these should proceed from any other Principle?1727Bailey (vol. II), Viperousness.




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