

单词 inflammation
释义 inflammation|ɪnfləˈmeɪʃən|
Also 6–7 inflamation.
[ad. L. inflammātiōn-em, n. of action f. inflammāre to set on fire: cf. F. inflammation, 14th c. in Littré in sense 2, 16th c. in sense 3: these senses were also in L.]
1. The action of inflaming; setting on fire or catching fire; the condition of being in flames, conflagration.
1563W. Fulke Meteors (1640) 31 A thick Exhalation, violently moved out of a cloud, without inflammation or burning.1626Bacon Sylva §366 We will first therefore speake..of Bodies Enflamed, wholly, and immediatly, without any Wieke to helpe the Inflammation.1650Fuller Pisgah ii. xiii. 269 More proper it had been, that such an inflammation [that of the Cities of the Plain] should have left an Etna, Hecla or Vesuvius behinde it.1794J. Hutton Philos. Light 185 These different substances require very different degrees of heat, in order to excite their inflammation.1833Brewster Nat. Magic xiii. 313 One of the commonest experiments..is that of producing inflammation by mixing two fluids perfectly cold.1854J. Scoffern in Orr's Circ. Sc., Chem. 230 The inflammation of a gas by electricity.
b. concr. Something in flames or on fire; a blazing body or appearance. Obs.
1563W. Fulke Meteors (1640) 27 If lightning or any other inflamation be in the upper part of these clouds.1620Melton Astrolog. 31 Another will foretell of Lightning and Thunder..when there are no such Inflamations seene.1760–72tr. Juan & Ulloa's Voy. (ed. 3) I. 443 One of these inflammations [meteors], of a very extraordinary largeness, was seen at Quito whilst we were there.
2. The action of inflaming mentally, of firing the mind, passions, senses, etc. (in quot. 1597 with liquor); the condition of being so inflamed; excitement, fervour. Also, with an and pl., an instance of this.
1597Shakes. 2 Hen. IV, iv. iii. 103 They are generally Fooles, and Cowards; which some of vs should be too, but for inflamation.1609–38Heywood Lucrece Wks. 1874 V. 184 Our hearts with inflammations burne.1627F. E. Hist. Edw. II (1680) 24 Their Bodies were divided, but their Affections meet with a higher Inflammation.1777Burke Addr. to King Wks. 1842 II. 397 The means of calming a people in a state of extreme inflammation.1818Jas. Mill Brit. India II. iv. vii. 250 The combustion..was soon communicated to the rest, whose bosoms were perfectly prepared for inflammation.
b. An incitement; a kindling of devotion. Obs.
1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. xxxiv. §1 The minde..taketh euerywhere new inflammations to pray.
3. Path. A morbid process affecting some organ or part of the body, characterized by excessive heat, swelling, pain, and redness; also, a particular instance or occurrence of this.
1533Elyot Cast. Helthe ii. xxx. (1541) 47 b, Much sleepe augmenteth heate, more than is necessary, wherby hot fumes and inflamacions are often ingendred.1543Traheron Vigo's Chirurg. 26 b/1 The patient complayned of great payne and heate, and inflammation.1611Bible Lev. xiii. 28 If the bright spot stay in his place, and spread not in the skin,..it is an inflammation of the burning.1732Arbuthnot Rules of Diet i. 249 It is reckoned good in Inflammations of the Bowels.1813J. Thomson Lect. Inflam. 39 The term Inflammation has long been employed by medical men, to denote the existence of an unusual degree of redness, pain, heat, and swelling, in any of the textures or organs of which the human body is composed.1879G. C. Harlan Eyesight v. 54 The most common disease of the eye is inflammation of the conjunctiva.
4. Augmentation of price or charge: cf. inflame 4 b. Obs.
1821Byron Juan iii. xxxv, That climax of all human ills, The inflammation of his weekly bills.




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