

单词 visionariness
释义 ˈvisionariness
[f. next + -ness.]
1. The quality of being visionary in respect of mind or views.
c1806D. Wordsworth Jrnl. (1941) I. 286 That visionariness which results from a communion with the unworldliness of nature.1809–10Coleridge Friend (ed. 3) III. 72 Visionariness seems the tendency of the German;..fanaticism of the French.1831Blackw. Mag. XXX. 104 The conceptive faculty delights at times in half-formed and hazy visionariness.1840De Quincey Style Wks. 1859 XI. 256 Books..labouring with the same two opposite defects..dulness from absolute monotony, and visionariness from the aërial texture of the speculations.1880Pater Coleridge Wks. 1901 V. 83 A kind of languid visionariness, deep-seated in the very constitution of the ‘narcotist’.
2. The quality of being visionary in respect of reality, fulfilment, or practical value.
1817Bentham Parl. Reform. Introd. 317 Annuality—with all its wildness and visionariness..would be far less intolerable.1837Blackw. Mag. XLII. 98 He..wrote instantly,..against the new alarmist, pledging his own head upon the visionariness of his alarms.1876Mozley Univ. Serm. i. 16 This project of a Universal Empire..may..justly be charged with utter visionariness.




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