

单词 regalty
释义 ˈregalty Obs.
Forms: 4 regaute, 4–5 regalte, (4 -tee), 6–7 regaltie, (7 -tye), 7–8 regalty.
[Prob. a. AF. *regalté, regauté: see regal a. and -ty and cf. royalty.]
= regality1.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 15 Egbriht of alle þe lond had þe regaute.Ibid. 57 To coroune Kyng Edward, Als he þat had gode right vnto þe regalte.1388Wyclif Wisd. vi. 22 If ȝe kyngis of the puple, deliten in seetis, and kyngis ȝerdis, ether regaltees.c1440J. Capgrave Life St. Kath. ii. 726 Þat hye degre, Grettest of all, I mene þe regalte.1588Allen Admonit. 34 Queene Maacha..was deposed from her regaltie by her owne sonne.1601R. Johnson Kingd. & Commw. (1603) 20 The kingdome is deuided into many Regalties and principalities, as Burgundie, Britaine, Aniou and Normandie.1614Selden Titles Hon. 206 To speake here of particular Dukedomes their rights, Regalties and such like were from our purpose.1703Lond. Gaz. No. 3950/4 With all the several Regalties, Free-Fisheries, &c.




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