

单词 ingredience
释义 I. inˈgredience, n.
[f. as ingredient: see -ence. But, in sense 1, orig. a misspelling of the pl. ingredients (cf. accidence, inhabitance), and subsequently confused with the sing. ingredient.]
1. That which enters into a mixture.
a. The ingredients in a medicine, potion, etc., separately or collectively; or the mixture itself, as containing ingredients. Obs.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 166 The physicyon consyderynge his medecyne or pocyon..may se in his mynde the dyuerse ingredyence that wente therto.1533More Answ. Poysoned Bk. Wks. 1088/2 Thys plaster..hath som good ingredience. But it hathe also some deade potycarye drugges putte in it that can do no good.1605Shakes. Macb. i. vii. 11 This euen-handed Iustice Commends th' Ingredience of our poyson'd Challice To our owne lips.1646S. Sheppard Year Jubilee 39 An ingredience, which quaft of, might surely destroy the health of both their bodies and souls.1678Marvell Def. Howe Wks. 1875 IV. 179 Do I therefore think them equipollent, or that one of them hath not the stronger ingredience?1694R. Burthogge Reason 167 If there be no ingredience of matter in their making.
fig.1645Ussher Body Div. (1647) 198 Faith doth not consist in darknesse and ignorance; but Knowledge is of the ingredience of it.
b. (with pl.) A single ingredient or element.
1577–87Holinshed Chron. II. 13/1 One Theoricus wrote a proper treatise of Aqua vitæ..He declareth the simples and ingrediences thereto belonging.1589Cogan Haven Health ccxviii. (1636) 250 Ale requireth two ingrediences.1661Sir H. Vane's Politics 9 All those to receive their proper Ingrediences, or they perfect not the Cure.
2. The fact or process of entering in:
a. by physical movement;
b. as an ingredient.
1557Sarum Primer, Lauds B iij, For us in heaven to have ingredience.1604R. Cawdrey Table Alph., Ingresse, Ingredience, enterance in.1638Sibbes Emanuell i. 16 Both natures had an ingredience into all the works of mediation.1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. ii. iv. 158 The Phantasie, Design and Destination of Man, which is various, according to those various Temperaments that have ingredience and influence into him.1925A. N. Whitehead Sci. & Mod. World (1926) x. 237 This complete ingredience in an occasion, so as to yield the most complete fusion of individual essence with other eternal objects in the formation of the individual emergent occasion, is evidently of its own kind and cannot be defined in terms of anything else.1955Scottish Jrnl. Theol. VIII. 426 Nor can it [sc. history] be seen as a total process given meaning by the ingredience of non-historical reality.
II. inˈgredience, v. Obs. rare.
[f. prec.]
trans. To introduce as an ingredient; to furnish with ingredients.
1650Ashmole Chym. Collect. 30 No unclean Body is ingredienced except one, which is commonly called of the Philosophers, The green Lion.1822Lamb Elia Ser. i. Chimneysweepers, May the descending soot never taint thy costly well-ingredienced soups.




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