

单词 inheritable
释义 inheritable, a.|ɪnˈhɛrɪtəb(ə)l|
Also 5–6 en-.
[a. AF. en-, inheritable capable of being made heir, able to inherit, f. enheriter: see inherit and -able.]
1. Capable of inheriting.
a. lit. Entitled to succeed to property, etc. by legal right.
[1368Act 42 Edw. III, c. 10 Que les enfantz neez par dela..soient..enheritables de leur heritagee en Engleterre.]1470Harding Chron. cxxiii. v, Therle Henry..Deliuered all the castels and citees right To Kyng Wyllyam his brother enheritable.1535Act 27 Hen. VIII, c. 26 §2 Persons inheritable to any manours landes..or other hereditamentes.1732Neal Hist. Purit. I. 76 The marriages..were declared good and valid, and their children inheritable according to law.1774S. Hallifax Anal. Rom. Civil Law (1795) 55 In England..upon deficiency of Inheritable Blood, Lands escheat to the King.1807G. Chalmers Caledonia I. ii. vi. 307 The daughters were not inheritable to such lands.1876Digby Real Prop. x. §3. 391 The effect of attainder was, as is said, to corrupt the blood so as to render it no longer inheritable.
b. transf. and fig. Entitled to possess or enjoy something as one's birthright. Obs.
1523in W. H. Turner Select. Rec. Oxford (1880) 38 Put from the benefite of the lawes of the Realme whereunto they be inheritable.1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 731/2 Made inherytable vnto the blesse of heauen.1581Lambarde Eiren. iv. xiii. 539 The auncient libertie of the land, whereunto euery free borne man thinketh himselfe inheritable.
2. Capable of being inherited.
a. lit. That may or can descend by law to an heir: = heritable 1.
a1483Liber Niger in Househ. Ord. 74 Till the King's housholds purueyours have taken for the Kinge..with trewe paymentes, according to the Kinges old enheritable prises.1592West 1st Pt. Symbol. §39 B, An estate in fee simple, which is, when a man hath lands or other things inheritable, to him and heires for euer.1683Hickes Jovian 23 It is the Lex Legum, or great standing Law of this Inheritable Kingdom.1786Burke W. Hastings Wks. 1842 II. 164 That the property of the lands of Bengal is..an inheritable property.1837Syd. Smith in Q. Rev. 241 It is clear that the British Crown was in those early days inheritable by females.
b. fig. That may be naturally transmitted from parents or ancestry to offspring: = heritable 2.
1828Webster, Inheritable..2. That may be transmitted from the parent to the child; as, inheritable qualities or infirmities.1859Darwin Orig. Spec. i. (1872) 9 The number and diversity of inheritable deviations of structure.1880A. H. Huth Buckle I. iii. 180 Buckle..had a strong suspicion that superior intellectual power was inheritable.
Hence inˈheritableness, the quality of being inheritable.
1780[M. Madan] Thelyphthora II. 162 Laws are made for its regulation, to establish the inheritableness of the issue.1831Examiner 564/1 The contest against the inheritableness of the peerage arises from a levelling spirit.1893H. Spencer in Pop. Sci. Monthly XLIII. 171 If any say that inheritableness is limited to those [characters] arising in a certain way, the onus lies on them of proving that those otherwise arising are not inheritable.




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