

单词 region
释义 region|ˈriːdʒən|
Also 4–5 -youn(e, 5 -yowne, 4–6 -ioun(e, -yon, etc.
[a. AF. regiun (mod.F. région), ad. L. regiōn-em direction, line, boundary, quarter, district, etc., f. regĕre to direct. The earliest English uses show association with regĕre in the sense of ‘to rule’.]
a. A realm or kingdom. Obs.
b. A large tract of land; a country; a more or less defined portion of the earth's surface, now esp. as distinguished by certain natural features, climatic conditions, a special fauna or flora, or the like.
Wyclif, Tindale, and the Genevan version (1557) have regions in place of fields in John iv. 35, after regiones of the Vulgate. Similarly tree of the region in Wyclif, Jer. xii. 20.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 282 Merlyn..of him has said, þat þre regions, in his bandons, salle be laid.c1385Chaucer L.G.W. 1445 Hypsipyle, If..That thou this famous tresor mightest winne, And bryngyn it myn regioun with-inne.1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) I. 59 The grete see is namede in diuerse maners for diuerse regiones, yles, cites, and peple that hit compassethe.1485Caxton Chas. Gt. i. 12 There was a kyng..which, whan he departed fro Troye came in to the regyon of fraunce.a1533Ld. Berners Huon lxxxii. 255 In what place of your regyon thynke you that ye ought too iuge of the peeres of Fraunce?1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. ii. 188 Whiche Lybia is a region or coste of the countree of Afrike, boundyng vpon Aegypte.1607Shakes. Cor. iv. vi. 101 All the Regions Do smilingly Reuolt, and who resists Are mock'd for valiant Ignorance.1625N. Carpenter Geog. Del. ii. i. (1635) 5 Nauigatours haue discouered few or no Regions wanting inhabitants.1671Milton P.R. iv. 67 Embassies from Regions far remote In various habits on the Appian road.1726–46Thomson Winter 414 Amongst those hilly regions, where embrac'd In peaceful vales the happy Grisons dwell!1814Scott Ld. of Isles iii. xvii, But late you said No steps these desert regions tread!1857Sclater in Jrnl. Proc. Linn. Soc., Zool. (1858) II. 143 South America is the most peculiar of all the primary regions in the globe as to its ornithology.1870Yeats Nat. Hist. Comm. 1 The inhabitants of any one region may, by exchange, become possessed of the abundance and variety of all other regions.
c. Without article: Land, territory. rare—1.
1697Dryden Virg. Georg. iv. 415 That length of Region, and large Tract of Ground.
d. An area, space, or place, of more or less definite extent or character.
1726Leoni Alberti's Archit. I. 2/1 The Region..shall be the whole large open Place in which we are to build, and of which the Seat or Platform shall be only a Part.1838Dickens Nich. Nick. xvi, Within the precincts of the ancient city of Westminster, is a narrow and dirty region.1871A. Edwardes Ought we to visit her? III. viii. 131 The ginger-beer stalls and Aunt Sallies of the back regions.
2. The rule or government of a kingdom. Obs.
c1400Apol. Loll. 86 Þey reyse not a king to regioun, þey schal not ȝeue reyn to men.c1470Harding Chron. clxxvi. ix, He prayed the lordes at parlyement His sonne to admytte into the regyon, Syth he vnable was to the regyment.
3. a. A separate part or division of the world or universe, as the air, heaven, etc.
1340Ayenb. 268 Þe zuete smel ine hare regyon [sc. heaven] zuo zuete ys þet alle manyre zuete smelles ouercomþ.c1384Chaucer H. Fame ii. 421 For in this Region [the air] certeyn Duelleth many a Citezeyn.c1477Caxton Jason 73 Bulles of fyre so grete that they enflamed alle the regyon of the ayer.1591Shakes. 1 Hen. VI, v. iii. 11 Ye Familiar Spirits, that are cull'd Out of the powerfull Regions vnder earth.1602Ham. ii. ii. 509 Anon the dreadfull Thunder Doth rend the Region.1667Milton P.L. iii. 349 Heav'n rung With Jubilee, and loud Hosannas fill'd Th' eternal Regions.1726–46Thomson Winter 116 In what far-distant region of the sky, Hush'd in deep silence, sleep ye when 'tis calm?1820Shelley Liberty x, As light may pierce the clouds when they dissever In the calm regions of the orient day!1866G. Macdonald Ann. Q. Neighb. xxix. (1878) 497 We know nothing of the region beyond the grave!
b. fig. A place, state or condition, having a certain character or subject to certain influences; the sphere or realm of something.
1526Tindale Matt. iv. 16 To them which sate in the region and shadowe of deeth.1548–9(Mar.) Bk. Com. Prayer, Burial of Dead, That he escaping the..paynes of eternall derkenes May euer dwel in the region of lighte.1601Daniel To C'tess Cumbld. ii, With how free an eye doth he looke downe Vpon these lower regions of turmoyle.1667Milton P.L. i. 65 Darkness visible Serv'd only to discover sights of woe, Regions of sorrow.1751Johnson Rambler No. 83 ⁋2 Barbarians, by whom every region of science is equally laid waste.1843Miall Nonconf. III. 1 We have passed beyond the region of early perils.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) IV. 234 He has followed philosophy into the region of mythology.
4. a. One of the successive portions into which the air or atmosphere is theoretically divided according to height (see quot. 1704). Also similarly of the sea according to depth.
1563W. Fulke Meteors (1640) 7 Some part of it being caryed up into the highest Region, by the fiery heat is set on fire.Ibid. 11 Generated in the highest region of the ayre.1626Bacon Sylva §81 Raines [are condensed] by the Cold of that, which they call the Middle Region of the Aire.1671Boyle Temp. Submarine Regions iii. 8 To justifie my ascribing of this Coldnesse to the second, or lower Region of the Sea, I shall now subjoin some Relations.1704J. Harris Lex. Techn. I. s.v., Regions of the Air, are distinguished into Upper, Middle, and Lower.1843Ruskin Mod. Paint. I. ii. iii. ii. §2. 196, I shall therefore consider the sky as divided into three regions: the upper region, or region of the cirrus [etc.].1860Tyndall Glac. i. xxvii. 203 The wind was high in the upper regions.
fig.1598Shakes. Merry W. iii. ii. 74 He is of too high a Region, he knows too much.
b. = climate 1. Obs. rare.
1551Recorde Cast. Knowl. (1556) 91, I meane by a Region that whiche the Grekes do call a Climate;..the climates may well be accompted 48 betwene the twoo polare circles.
5. a. An administrative division of a city or district.
1593Bilson Govt. Christ's Ch. 282 Every Bishop had his region or Diocese besides his Citie.a1600Hooker Eccl. Pol. vii. viii. §7 The Roman governor..gave charge that Macedonia should be divided into four regions or diocesses.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. xvii. II. 21 He divided Constantinople into fourteen regions or quarters.1841W. Spalding Italy & It. Isl. I. 319 No new nomenclature seems to have been introduced, each province being merely called a Region... The following were the Augustan Regions.1854Card. Wiseman Fabiola (1855) 80 One of the seven regions into which Pope Cajus..had divided the city.
b. A relatively large subdivision of a country for economic, administrative, or cultural purposes that freq. implies an alternative system to centralized organization; spec. one of the nine local government areas into which the mainland of Scotland has been divided since 1975, when the former system of counties was abolished. standard (administrative) region: one of the eight (formerly nine) areas into which England is divided for industrial planning, demographic surveying, etc.
1921G. D. H. Cole Future of Local Govt. ii. 15 What is really needed is..a systematic scheme of development including both towns and rural areas over the whole of a wide Region.1933H. Finer Eng. Local Govt. vii. 160 The largest area of government..which would comprehend the main large-scale services, to be managed or regulated by a Council popularly elected for the whole of the Region.1950Ormrod & Walker Butterworth's Annotated Legislation Service: Statutes Suppl. No. 63 i. 10 England and Wales are divided into fourteen hospital regions, each administered by a Regional Hospital Board. Each region is based on a town in which there is a University Medical School.1958Britain: Official Handbk. 1959 (H.M.S.O.) i. 14 Table 2 shows the distribution of the population by urban and rural districts and the populations of the standard administrative regions, of the seven major conurbations and of 16 large cities.1959W. Isard et al. Industrial Complex Anal. i. 6 Until the ‘ultimate’ is achieved in social science theory, analysts must be content with sets of regions—or hierarchies of sets of regions—which tend to differ from problem to problem.1966Census 1961: Occupation Tables p. xix, (heading) Areas for which statistics are given. Standard Regions. The constitution of the Standard Regions of England and Wales used in this volume is as follows.1973Times 23 May 16/6 The Government were confident of their ability to continue giving the regions the assistance they needed.1973Act 21 & 22 Eliz. II. c. 65 §1 Scotland (other than Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles) shall be divided into local government areas to be known as regions.1976Scottish Daily Express 23 Dec. 6/6 Even in booming Aberdeen and the thriving Grampian Region there are troubles between the two councils.
c. An area of the world made up of neighbouring countries that, from an international point of view, are considered socially, economically, or politically interdependent.
1925W. S. Culbertson Internat. Econ. Policies App. ix. 549 Regional or world conferences..to establish in regions, or with respect to subjects in the agenda, ‘a workable basis of coöperation among the nations of the earth’.1948G. A. Johnson in K. M. Panikkar et al. Regionalism & Security 45 There are..yet few who would..divide the world into regions, each a federation.1959W. Isard et al. Industrial Complex Anal. i. 5 For a long time economists, geographers, sociologists, political scientists, city and regional planners, and other social scientists have been concerned with the concept of ‘region’.1970Cantori & Spiegel Internat. Politics of Regions i. 1 We will consider regions to be areas of the world which contain geographically proximate states forming, in foreign affairs, mutually interrelated units.1977M. Hudson Global Fracture xiii. 167 Regional consolidation is occurring within five broad geopolitical blocs... Each of these regions is characterized by a broad range of complementary products.
d. Broadcasting. A part of the country covered by a particular programme service or broadcasting company; transf., the company itself.
1929Radio Times 8 Nov. 442/1 The Northern Region—Manchester 22Y 797 kc/s. (376·4 m.)1949Ibid. 15 July 12/4 In Other Regions—Midland (296·2 m)..North (449·1 m), [etc.].1956B.B.C. Handbk. 1957 124 The expansion of television resources in the Regions.1968Listener 25 July 123/2 This was a good effort by a small ITV region—Anglia—and the old companies of ITV have been putting on quite a brave show.1974B.B.C. Handbk. 1975 56/2 The Manchester site will eventually accommodate network production centre, television region and local radio station.
6. A part or division of the body or its parts:
a. spec. in Anat. and Med.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. vii. liii. (Bodl. MS.), Ofte such a passion and yuel is ycured by bloode letting and by medicyns..and namelich vppon þe regioun of þe lyuoure.1579Langham Gard. Health (1633) 133 Applyed to the region of the milt, it doth soften it.1626Bacon Sylva §65 To draw away the Reliques of the Humours, that may haue descended to the Lower Regions of the Body.1707Floyer Physic. Pulse-Watch 350 The celiac Branches of the Artery..send Branches to all the Viscera in the middle Region.1835–6Todd Cycl. Anat. I. 2/2 The outline of the anterior wall or proper abdominal region constitutes an oval.1881Mivart Cat 60 The skull is said to be divided into certain regions.
b. in general use.
1604Shakes. Oth. iv. i. 84 The Gybes, and notable Scornes That dwell in euery Region of his face.1605Lear i. i. 147 Let it fall rather, though the fork invade The region of my heart.1839De Quincey in Tait's Mag. Jan. 9/1 The mouth, and the region of the mouth..were about the strongest feature in Wordsworth's face.1892Hardy Tess li. (ed. 5), A sudden rebellious sense of injustice caused the region of her eyes to swell with the rush of hot tears.
c. Phr. in the region of: round about, approximately.
1966‘A. Hall’ 9th Directive x. 97 The breech-pressure is in the region of 20 tons p.s.i.1972Country Life 5 Oct. (Suppl.) 7/2 Delightful house... Offers in the region of {pstlg}40,000.1979Solihull News 26 May (Classified Section) 24/1 (Advt.), A superb and spacious centrally heated residence... Price: offers in the region of: {pstlg}29,500.
7. A space occupied by a thing.
1664Power Exp. Philos. i. 35 Oyle (which floated on the Vineger in a distinct Region by it self).1876Tait Rec. Adv. Phys. Sc. xiii. (ed. 2) 334 We indicate on the diagram the region within which our given quantity of water can exist partly as vapour and partly as liquid.1882Minchin Unipl. Kinemat. 194 Let DEF..be a contour enclosing any portion of a moving fluid. We may speak of the whole of this space as a region.
8. attrib., as region cloud, region kite, region planting, region whisper; (in sense 5 b) region-planning.
c1600Shakes. Sonn. xxxiii, The region cloude hath mask'd him from me now.1602Ham. ii. ii. 607, I should haue fatted all the Region Kites With this Slaues Offal.a1821Keats Hyperion i. 349 Ere half this region-whisper had come down, Hyperion arose.1832Planting 44 in Lib. Usef. Kn., Husb. III, The forest trees to be planted should be selected according to the above principles. In practice this may be termed region planting.1921G. D. H. Cole Future of Local Govt. ii. 14 What is really needed is plainly not mere town-planning, but region-planning.1931W. A. Robson Devel. of Local Govt. i. ii. 143 Similar problems are presented in connection with other fundamental region-planning requirements.




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