

单词 voix
释义 voix|vwa|
[Fr. = voice.]
Used in various phrases, as voix blanche |blɑ̃ʃ| [lit. ‘white voice’], a toneless voice; voix céleste |selɛst| [lit. ‘heavenly voice’] = vox angelica s.v. vox 2; also fig.; voix d'or |dɔr| [lit. ‘voice of gold’], a rich dramatic voice; voix grave |grav|, a low-pitched or deep voice; voix moyenne |mwajɛn| [lit. ‘middle voice’], a voice of middle range.
1876Stainer & Barrett Dict. Mus. 452/2 Vox angelica... Called also Voix céleste, unda maris, &c.1895G. B. Shaw Our Theatres in Nineties (1932) I. 137 The inevitable stale, puerile love scene is turned on to shew off that ‘voix céleste’ stop which Madame Berhardt, like a sentimental New England villager with an American organ, keeps always pulled out.1897Ibid. III. 210 Sarah Bernhardt's voix d'or.1907Voix celeste [see Suabe].1920D. H. Lawrence Lost Girl x. 232 The muted voix blanche came through his lips.1935Joyce Let. 19 Mar. (1966) III. 351, I sent The Dupan collection. There is none for voix grave. So I sent the best I could: voix moyenne.1962Listener 8 Nov. 779/2 Her verse has always lacked intellectual content, and..the later and more ambitious manner comes to seem one-tenth genuine poem-making to nine-tenths voix d'or and delphic vapour.




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