

单词 Volk
释义 Volk, volk|fɔlk|
[G., Du., Afrikaans = nation, people: see folk.]
1. S. Afr.
a. The Afrikaner people.
1880G. Hudson Let. 1 Dec. in B. Bellairs Transvaal War (1885) 424, I met with a very sullen reception, and Mr Paul Kruger appeared..very anxious that I should keep out of sight of the ‘volk’ (people) as much as possible.1928E. A. Walker Hist. S. Afr. xiii. 515 The Afrikaner Volk proceeded to find itself along cultural and then along political lines. The Old Colony led the way.1948Press Digest (S. Afr. Jewish Board of Deputies) No. 2. 16 What the nationally-minded Afrikaner wishes for himself and for his volk, he wishes also for other peoples, namely a national home.1953P. Abrahams Return to Goli 175 It is not only the Afrikaans-speaking Whites, not only ‘Die Volk’, who believe in the colour bar.1979J. Drummond Patriots iii. 24 We have to throw out white privilege... That's being said..in the..strongholds of the Afrikaner volk.
b. The Coloured employees of an Afrikaner.
1882Cape Q. Rev. 317 The water to be utilised for medicinal purposes in a bathing-house adjacent, which at present serves as a habitat for the ‘volk’ (workmen) of the farm.1900B. Mitford Aletta 79 Come this way. My volk will see to your horse.1939J. S. Marais Cape Coloured People i. 5 In the western Cape a farmer calls his labourers his ‘volk’—the same word that Adam Tas used for his slaves, as distinguished from his Hottentot labourers, in the early eighteenth century.1968K. McMagh Dinner of Herbs 30, I get the volk to drag away the carcasses and skin them.
2. The German people, esp. in the ideology of National Socialism.
1933C. B. Hoover Germany enters Third Reich vii. 175 Das Volk is thought of not as a juridical organization to which one might belong by obtaining citizenship rights through naturalization, but as a community held together by the sacred ties of common blood.1937N.Y. Times Mag. 21 Nov. 2/3 Like most nations of today, what is known as the Deutsche Volk is in itself a hybrid people composed of Germanic, Celtic, Slavic and Lithuanian elements.
3. Comb.
a. In sense 1 (of the Afrikaner people): ˈvolkspele |-spiələ| pl., Afrikaner folk dances; hence ˈvolkspeler, a dancer of these; ˈvolkswil |-vil|, the will of the people.
1949Cape Times 24 Sept. 9/2 There would be volkspele demonstrations, recitations and singing.1972Evening Post (Port Elizabeth) 5 Feb., Dancing that night will be confined to volkspele and other typically South African dances.
1953Cape Times 17 Apr. 9/8 The group of volkspelers..will sail on an oversea tour in to-day's mailship.
1948Cape Argus 2 Dec. 1/5 The numerical question apparently no longer applies, and it is now just a question of ‘volkswil’ and the support of the people.1956Star (Johannesburg) 23 Feb. 12/7 South Africa..has heard much sanctimonious talk of the ‘volkswil’ from members of a minority government.
b. (In English some of these words are used without proper regard for the inflexional endings customary in German itself.) In the possessive in sense 2 (of the people): Volksdeutsch |ˈfɔlksdɔitʃ| a., fem., pl., -deutsche |-tʃə|, belonging to or characteristic of the Volksdeutsche, ethnically German; Volksdeutsche n. pl., people of German origin resident outside Germany and Austria; ethnic Germans; Volksdeutscher, a member of the Volksdeutsche, an ethnic German; also attrib.; Volksgeist |ˈfɔlksgaist|, the spirit or genius which marks the thought or feeling of a nation or people; Volkskammer |ˈfɔlkskamər|, the parliament of the German Democratic Republic; Volksoper |ˈfɔlksɔːpər|, the light opera house in Vienna; also transf.; Volkspolizei |ˈfɔlkspolitsai|, a police force of the German Democratic Republic; members of this; Volkspolizist |ˈfɔlkspolitsist|, a member of the Volkspolizei; Volkssturm |ˈfɔlksʃturm| a territorial army established in Germany during the last years of the Third Reich; also attrib.; Volkswanderung |ˈfɔlksvandəruŋ| = Völkerwanderung.
1952E. F. Davies Illyrian Venture x. 177 The house⁓keeper matron, a fat, grim Volksdeutsche woman.1962Listener 7 June 1004/2 The old Volksdeutsch grannie who has nothing left to do except learn to die.1981I. Boland tr. Ginzburg's Within Whirlwind i. x. 83 She..expostulated in her Volksdeutsch dialect that people must be fed before they are turned out to work.
1937N.Y. Times Mag. 21 Nov. 16/3 The Germans of foreign citizenship are called ‘Volksdeutsche’, or ‘racial Germans’.1944I. Origo Diary 7 June in War in Val d'Orcia (1947) 193 The Italian patriots..are..to give shelter to Volksdeutsche who have deserted from the German Army.1961R. Kee Refugee World iii. 20 Ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) living in east and south-east Europe.1961Webster, Volksdeutscher.1978H. Wouk War & Remembrance xlvi. 463 A tall thin horribly pimpled Volksdeutscher burglar from Prague.1981I. Boland tr. Ginzburg's Within Whirlwind i. xiii. 108 He was a German. A Crimean Volksdeutscher.
1936Wirth & Shils tr. Mannheim's Ideology & Utopia ii. 59 During this period the Volksgeist, ‘folk spirit’, comes to represent the historically differentiated elements of consciousness.1977D. Watkin Morality & Archit. iii. i. 79 Our fundamental concern is..with the impression left by the emphasis on national character or Volksgeist as a determinant of artistic style.
1949Times 8 Oct. 4 The German ‘People's Council’ proclaimed itself in Berlin yesterday to be the provisional Volkskammer, or Lower House, of the Parliament of the new ‘German Democratic Republic’.1977Whitaker's Almanack 1978 865/1 Further amendments came into force on October 7, 1974 after adoption by the Volkskammer on September 27, 1974.
1928J. A. Mahan Vienna of Yesterday & Today ix. 210 Two opera houses, the Staatsoper..and the Volksoper..are in use every day of the season.1968Vogue 15 Apr. 23/1 Theoretically, the difference between the Wells and the Garden is that between Volksoper and Staatsoper in Vienna.1980Times 31 Dec. 3/5 The report rejects the idea that the D'Oyly Carte company should be built up..to become a British ‘Volksoper’, performing light music and operetta.
1964L. Deighton Funeral in Berlin vi. 38 A volkspolizei troop carrier was parked at the roadside.1967R. V. Beste Repeat Instructions (1968) ix. 94 He walked past Volkspolizei, who eyed him suspiciously.1980A. Coppel Hastings Conspiracy vii. 52 Two uniformed officers of the Volkspolizei..had hurried him to the military airfield at Bützow.
1974J. D. White Leipzig Affair vii. 63 There was a volkspolizist waiting outside my room.
1944Nation (N.Y.) 25 Nov. 653 The Volkssturm is necessarily largely composed of men between fifty and sixty, with a sprinkling of sixteen- and seventeen-year-old boys.1969A. Marin Rise with Wind ii. 12 He could still remember the..day when a Volkssturm officer dug him out of the rubble.
1855Geo. Eliot Let. 9 Jan. (1954) II. 190 The subject I now propose is ‘Women in Germany’..through the periods of the Volkswanderung and the romantic..life of the Middle Ages up to our own day.




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