

单词 volunty
释义 volunty Obs.
Forms: α. 4–6 volunte (5 -ee), 6 wolunte, volounte; 5 voluntie, 6–7 volunty. β. 5–6 volente (5 uol-, voulente), volante, 6 volenty.
[a. OF. volonte (voulonte, -unte), volente (mod.F. volonté = It. voluntà, Sp. voluntad, Pg. vontade), ad. L. voluntāt-, voluntas will, f. vol-, velle to will.]
Will, desire, pleasure; that which one wishes or desires.
Rarely, the faculty of willing, volition.
αc1330Arth. & Merl. 681 (Kölbing), A forseyd deuel liȝt adoun & of þat wiif made a couioun, To don alle his volunte.c1400Rom. Rose 5276 For that he May not fulfille his volunte Fully, as he hath requered.c1449Pecock Repr. ii. xi. 210 That this answere is a feyned and forgid thing bi pure volunte withoute eny for him sufficient evidence, Y proue thus.1490Caxton Eneydos iv. 19 O cursid and false deceyuable auaryce whiche blyndeth the voluntees humayn.c1525Doctr. Gd. Servaunts (Percy Soc.) 7 Seruauntes ought not to ensue Theyr owne wyll nor volunte.1649Evelyn tr. Le Vayer's Lib. & Servit. Misc. Writ. (1825) ii. 11 Our volunty cannot (after some sort) embrace the evill, considering it as evill.1652St. France 15 The handsomer to disguise and apparell these his volunties, and render them at the least specious proceedures of Justice.
β1418–20J. Page Siege Rouen in Archaeologia XXI. 48 Byfore Rone that reche cyte Fore that he lovyde as hys own volante.c1450Merlin i. 22 Neuer shall I make the do thynge that shal be ageyn the volente of oure lord Ihesu Cryste.c1477Caxton Jason 134 But as sone as I was leyd in my bedd an euill volente or wil surprised me.1518H. Watson Hist. Oliver of Castile (Roxb.) E 4 b, The knyght..sayd that al his volente was for to go there as he had specyfyed.1525Ld. Berners Froiss. II. xliv. 143 Syth it is your pleasure and volante yt I shall pursewe my wordes, I shall shewe you euery thynge as I knowe.
b. In the phrases of (free) volunty, of or at one's (own) volunty.
(a)c1402Lydg. Compl. Bl. Knt. 299 The whiche..Of volunte, withoute more trespas, Myn accusurs hath taken vnto grace.1426De Guil. Pilgr. 23031 The space of xxxix yere I was bound of volunte, to obedience.c1430Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 79 The kyng..That..Into a virgyns wombe immaculate, Descendid..of fre volunte.
(b)c1407Lydg. Reson & Sens. 4453 Thow sholdest chese here tabyde..Of thin ovne volunte, Syth thou hast swich lyberte.1459Rolls of Parlt. V. 347/1 This that I here have promitted and sworn, procedeth of myne owne desire and fre volunte.c1485Digby Myst. (1882) iii. 3 Of my most hyest and mytyest wolunte, I woll it be knowyn to al þe word vnyversal.1508Fisher 7 Penit. Ps. cxxx. Wks. (1876) 230 Almyghty god of his owne voluntary wyll and gracyous volunty..redemed vs.1533Bellenden Livy iii. xii. (S.T.S.) I. 295 Þis Iulius, of his fre volunte & benevolence, remittit certane thingis to þe Iugement of pepill.
(c)1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 20335 Bothe to shette and ek vnclose And as hym lyst, for to dyspose At ther owne volunte.c1450Merlin iii. 58 They shall neuer haue power over me at her volunte.1461Rolls of Parlt. V. 492/1 The same Letteres Patentes..to endure and be of force..at our pleasure and voluntie.




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