

单词 insertion
释义 insertion|ɪnˈsɜːʃən|
[ad. L. insertiōn-em, n. of action f. inserĕre to insert: cf. F. insertion (in sense 2, Paré, 16th c.).]
1. a. The action of inserting, setting or putting in; introduction into or between: see insert vb.
1598Florio, Insertatione, an intermedling, a grafting, an implying, an insertion.1675Ogilby Brit. Advt., The Work is capable of Emendation by Insertion.1750Johnson Rambler No. 23 ⁋6 In every work of imagination..the insertion of incidents and use of decorations may be varied a thousand ways.1794G. Adams Nat. & Exp. Philos. III. xxx. 204 The progressive motion of the parts from the point of impact is stopped by the insertion of the lead [into the ivory balls].1857Dunglison Med. Lex. 502 The word insertion has likewise been used by pathologists for the act of inoculating or introducing a virus into the body.1860Tyndall Glac. ii. xxiv. 360, I have tried whether the insertion of a pin would produce the collapse of the bubbles.1878L. P. Meredith Teeth 220 The proper insertion of artificial teeth.Mod. Newspaper Notice, Trade notices are charged at the rate of 1/6 per insertion. All communications in reference to the insertion of Advertisements to be sent to the Advertisement Manager.
b. Astronautics. = injection 1 d; also insertion point = injection point.
1962J. Glenn in Into Orbit 192 The computers..had indicated that the insertion of the capsule was good for a minimum of seven orbits.1962A. Shepard in Ibid. 174 During the first four and a half minutes of launch, before we reach the insertion point and the ‘Go’ or ‘No Go’ decision as to orbit.1963C. McLaughlin Space Age Dict. (ed. 2) 86 Insertion point. That point where a spacecraft acquires a centrifugal force equal to the gravitational field force and goes into orbit.
2. a. That which is inserted; an inserted addition, piece, or part; a word or part inserted in a writing or print; a page inserted in a book; anything inserted in a newspaper, postal packet, etc.
1624Gataker Transubst. 117 In Fulbertus his workes..they have with a foule insertion branded them [words] for hereticall.1682Grew Anat. Trunks i. ii. §1 The Parenchymous Part of the Wood..hath this property, To be disposed into many Rays, or Diametral Insertions, running betwixt so many Lignous Portions, from the Barque to the Pith.1707Curios. in Husb. & Gard. 37 In the Root..are..the Skin, the Parenchyma, the Lignous Body, the Insertions, and the Pith.1742West Let. in Gray's Poems (1775) 146, I am only sorry you follow the blunders of Broukhusius, all whose insertions are nonsense.1841Lane Arab. Nts. I. 58 When I find trifling insertions of this kind to be requisite in my translation, I shall not deem it necessary to mention them in a note.
b. Needlework. Embroidery or ornamental needlework, made to be inserted or sewed into plain material, for decorative purposes; a piece or detached portion of such work.
c1840Lady Wilton Art of Needlework xvi. 267 Patterns, without any edging, were seemingly designed for what we should now call ‘insertion’ work or lace.1858Simmonds Dict. Trade, Insertions, narrow strips of lace, embroidered muslin or cambric, sold for inlets in handkerchiefs, dresses, etc.1864Sala in Daily Tel. 18 June, It was the ‘extras’ that did the mischief—the ruches, the bouffantes, the lace, the innumerable yards of ‘insertion’.1881Daily News 22 Aug. 3/2 A white straw hat, trimmed with buff insertion.1897Globe 18 Feb. 6/3 A band of lace insertion.
3. Anat., Entom., Bot. The attachment of a muscle, external organ, etc., as to place or manner.
1578Banister Hist. Man i. 17 Some necessary Asperitie, seruing for the insertion of two Muscles.1651Raleigh's Ghost 109 The connexions or insertions of one threed [of a spider's web] with another..are most strange.1807J. G. Smith Phys. Bot. 144 We shall first explain their [leaves'] different situations, insertions, forms, and surfaces.1870Hooker Stud. Flora 14 Anthers erect, insertion basal.1875Bennett & Dyer Sachs' Bot. 167 If the surface of an axial structure..is imagined to be continued through the base of each lateral member, the section forms its Plane of Insertion. An imaginary point in this is considered its organic centre, but does not usually correspond to its geometrical centre; this point may be termed the Point of Insertion.1883C. J. Wills Mod. Persia 105 A black mark running from the mane to the insertion of the tail.
4. Comb., as insertion stitch, insertion-success; insertion loss Electr., the decrease in the power delivered to a load (or in the voltage across it or the current through it) as a result of the insertion of a four-terminal device or network between it and the source, expressed (usu. logarithmically, in decibels or nepers) in terms of the ratio of the power, etc., without the network in place to that with it; similarly insertion gain, the negative of the insertion loss when expressed in logarithmic units.
1930T. E. Shea Transmission Networks & Wave Filters ii. 49 A negative insertion loss is an insertion gain, and corresponds to an increase in load current amplitude as the result of inserting a network in a circuit.1964V. Uzunoglu Semiconductor Network Analysis & Design v. 69 The insertion gain of an amplifier connected between a source and load impedance (both being specified) is defined as Pins = 10 log Pout/Pr, where Pr is the power which would be delivered to the load if the amplifier were removed.
1930T. E. Shea Transmission Networks & Wave Filters ii. 49 Insertion loss measures the actual change in load current caused by the insertion of a net⁓work.1971Kim & Meadows Mod. Network Analysis vi. 241 The behavior of a two-port coupling network such as a filter or equalizer..for use in a communication, signal⁓processing, or control system is frequently studied or specified in terms of an insertion loss defined in terms of voltage or power ratios.
1932D. C. Minter Mod. Needlecraft 51/2 Various..insertion stitches may be formed by working an edging stitch, as braid edging or Antwerp edging.1934M. Thomas Dict. Embroidery Stitches 128 This simple insertion stitch consists of a row of braid edging stitch worked along both edges of the material to be joined.1967100 Embroidery Stitches (J. & P. Coats Ltd.) 35 Buttonhole insertion stitch..consists of groups of four buttonhole stitches worked alternately on each piece of fabric to be joined.
1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. II. 561 The ‘insertion-success’ of skilled vaccinators is very large, amounting to 97–98 per cent.
Hence inˈsertional a., of the nature of an insertion; put in as an insertion. inˈsertioned ppl. a. Needlework, ornamented with an insertion; having some ornamental material worked in as an insertion.
1867Contemp. Rev. IV. 325 A sonorous triplet made up by an insertional line.1894Season X. No. 9. 36/2 The coverlet was of satin, insertioned with linen open thread work.




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