

单词 insinuation
释义 insinuation|ɪnsɪnjuːˈeɪʃən|
[ad. L. insinuātiōn-em, n. of action f. insinuāre to insinuate: cf. F. insinuation (16th c. in Littré).]
The action of insinuating.
1. A winding or twisting.
1661Evelyn Diary 15 July, I greately admired at the extravagant turnings, insinuations, and growth of certaine birch trees among the rocks.1869J. Martineau Ess. II. 3 The infinitely fine insinuations of analysis.
2. Introduction or entrance by winding, indirect, or stealthy motion; creeping or slipping in covertly or stealthily; stealing in.
1614Bp. Hall Recoll. Treat. 488 Pleasure is of a winding, and serpentine nature;..Withall, her insinuations are so cunning, that you shall not perceive your excesse, till [etc.].1624Donne Serm. ii. 17 That a Virgin may have a child by the insinuation and practise of the Devill.1644Bulwer Chirol. 114 Omit this benevolent insinuation of the Hand.1664Evelyn Sylva (1679) 13 These concussions of the Roots, loosning the mould, make room for their more easie insinuations.1685Boyle Salub. Air 31 The possible insinuation of Effluvia, that rove in the Air, at the pores of the skin.1799Kirwan Geol. Ess. 139 Putrefaction on the one part, and gradual insinuation of stony particles on the other, until the petrifaction is completed.a1806Ld. Macartney Wks. II. 365 (Jod.) The resistance of adamant is insufficient to defeat the insinuation of a fibre.
3. The action of stealing into the favour or affections of any one by winning, persuasive, or subtle means; ingratiation. Also, an instance of this, a winning or ingratiating action or speech.
1553T. Wilson Rhet. (1580) 101 A privie twinyng, or close crepyng in, to win favours with muche circumstaunce, called insinuation.1644Bulwer Chiron. 7 When She came to read it, and found not the insinuations of elocution and gesture.1675tr. Machiavelli's Prince (1883) 181 He..made use of..courtesy and insinuation.1720Welton Suffer. Son of God II. xvii. 465 By the Winning Insinuations of His Agreeable Discourses.1728Morgan Algiers I. Pref. 2, I never advanced a Step by way of Insinuation, to curry Favour or Affection, as they say, on any Side.1814Scott Wav. xxi, [Her voice] possessed as well the tones which impress awe and conviction as those of persuasive insinuation.
b. Rhet. A kind of exordium to a speech designed artfully to win over the hearers. Obs.
c1530L. Cox Rhet. (1899) 53 There is yet an other maner, to begyn by insinuacion..he must vse, in stede of a preface, an insinuacion.1553T. Wilson Rhet. 60 Insinuation must then, and not els, be used, when the judge is greaved with us, and our cause hated of the hearers.1586A. Day Eng. Secretary i. (1625) 11 We study to winne favour or allowance..sometimes by insinuation, wherein covertly..we seeke..to shew that the case is tollerable.1616Bullokar, Insinuation, a cunning speech to creepe into ones fauour.
4. The subtle or insensible instilling of anything into the mind.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 201 b, Abhorre to admyt in thy mynde y⊇ leest insinuacyon or poynt of ony maner of corrupcyon.1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. iv. §15. 278 Who by the insinuation of divine truth hath delivered us from such great Errors of mind.1697Potter Antiq. Greece ii. xiii. (1715) 310 The Mind and Phantasy being pure..might be the fitter to receive Divine insinuations.1863J. G. Murphy Comm. Gen. ii. 17 By the insinuation of a few fundamental and germinant notions into his mind.
5. The suggestion or hinting of anything indirectly, covertly, or by allusion or implication. Also with pl., an indirect or covert suggestion.
1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 819/1 Many other necessary truthes, though they be spoken of in scripture, and some insinuacion made of them..yet [etc.].1533Answ. Poysoned Bk. iv. viii. Wks. 1112/1 He gaue them an insinuacion and significacion therof, in that he said, And yt bred that I shall geue you is my fleshe.1642Milton Apol. Smect. Introd., Wks. (1851) 258 A modest title should only informe the buyer what the book containes without furder insinuation.1664H. More Myst. Iniq., Apol. 328 There is not the least insinuation or show of implication that God is the Author of sin.1727De Foe Syst. Magic i. iv. (1840) 96 Whether Satan did it thus, or by any other method of insinuation, we are not sure.1748Anson's Voy. iii. vii. 356 Which groundless insinuations had indeed too much weight.1884L. J. Jennings Croker Papers I. x. 287 This insinuation..was promptly met and disposed of at the time.
6. Law. The production or delivery of a will for official registration, as a step towards procuring probate. (So in F.; late L. insinuātio notification, publication, Cod. Justin.) Obs.
1529Act 21 Hen. VIII, c. 5 Any..person..whyche..shall have auctorite or power to take or receyve probacyon insynuacion or approbacion of testament.1602[see insinuate v. 8].1706Phillips, Insinuation of a Will.., the first Production of it, or the leaving it in the Register's Hands, in order to its Probate.1726Ayliffe Parergon 534 The Insinuation or Registring of Wills is the Publication of Wills at the Acts of Court.




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