

单词 amidst
释义 amidst, prep. and adv.|əˈmɪdst|
Forms: α. 4 imyddes, y myddes, emiddes, in myddes. β. 4–6 amyddes, 5 -is, 6 -ys, amiddes, amydes, 6–7 amids. γ. 6 amidest, 6–7 amiddest, amid'st, (7 immid'st), 7– amidst.
[f. amid, a-midde, with genitive -s, added to many advb. phrases. Subseq. corrupted (in the south), by form-assoc. with superlatives, to -st. Cf. amongst, against, betwixt. The early variants y myddes, in middes, shew resolution into the two elements: cf. amid. Also aphetized midst.]
There is a tendency to use amidst more distributively than amid, e.g. of things scattered about, or a thing moving, in the midst of others.
A. adv. In the middle or central part.
a. absol. Obs.
1509Hawes Past. Pleas. xxxii. 158 The rofe was golde, and amiddes A carbuncle.
b. with of. (In prose usually in (the) midst of.)
c1384Chaucer H. Fame 714 Right even in myddes of the way.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 278/4 A right fayr sterre whiche shone amyddes of the celle.1565T. Stapleton Bede's Hist. Ch. Eng. 66 Warme with a softe fyre burning amidest therof.a1628Sir J. Beaumont Poems Immid'st of flames, or through the raging tide.1868Morris Earthly Par. i. 141 Amidst of these.Ibid. ii. 279 Amidst of spring.
B. prep.
1. In or into the middle or centre of.
a. with sing. n.
αa1300Cursor M. 655 Yon a tre..þat standis emiddes [Cott. in midward, Trin. amidde] paradis.c1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 6451 Als þe yholk ymyddes þe egge lys..Right swa es þe erthe..Ymyddes þe hevens þat gas obout.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xi. 33 A man in a bot · in-myddes a brode water.c1400Destr. Troy xii. 4957 Ymyddes the halle Was a tre..all of tru gold.
βc1400Destr. Troy xxi. 8774 Þo maisturs gert make, amyddes his hede, A hole þurgh his herne-pon.c1450Lonelich Grail xiv. 619 Amyddes the Feld there it lay.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. ccviii. 190 The Communers..token the bisshop and led hym amyddes Chepe.1509Hawes Past. Pleas. xxix. 141 She did him up wynde, Amiddes the wall, and left hym there..fyve fadom and more from the grounde.1607Topsell Four-footed Beasts (1673) 131 They plunge amids the water and passe the stream with their pawes.
γ1595Edwardes in Shaks. Cent. Praise 18 Amid'st the Center of this clime.1667Milton P.L. ix. 661 The fruit of this fair tree amidst The garden.1692E. Walker Epictetus (1737) Prol., Pensive, amidst the bellowing throng.1866G. Macdonald Ann. Q. Neighb. xxx. (1878) 526 And died amidst a circle of friends.
b. with pl. n. (Often becoming less definite = Amongst, surrounded by.)
βc1450Lonelich Grail xlvi. 167 Amyddes the stretes..they maden ful gret hepes.Ibid. li. 122 Amyddis his bretherin twelve.1614Chapman Odyss. xiii. 261 Lost, Amids the moving waters.
γc1590Marlowe Dido i. i. 369 Build his throne amidst those starry towers.1605Camden Rem. 100 A plaine amiddest woods.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. iv. 677 And dared amidst the trembling Ghosts to sing.1709Strype Ann. Ref. I. xx. 239 A noble woman..who died amidst the tormentors hands.1762Hume Hist. Eng. (1806) III. 320 Amidst his friends and vassals.1842Borrow Bible in Sp. (1849) 59 The road..winding amidst thickets of broom and brushwood.1853Thackeray Eng. Hum. iv. 202 Amidst the fumes of tobacco.
2. Of state, condition, or surrounding circumstances: Amongst, in the course of.
a. with sing. n.
c1386Chaucer Monk's T. 739 Yet was he caught amyddes al his pride.a1541Wyatt Poet. Wks. (1861) 66 Unless I sterve, For hunger still amiddes my food.1613Purchas Pilgr. I. i. xiii. 61 Amiddest the which hee fell asleepe.1620Bp. Hall Hon. Marr. Clergie Concl., It was written..amids the heat of contention.1756C. Lucas Ess. Waters III. Ded., To smile amidst adversity.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. 535 Amidst the splendour and festivity of a court.1866G. Macdonald Ann. Q. Neighb. ii. (1878) 19 Amidst the downward sweep of events.
b. with pl. n.
a1604Hanmer Chron. Irel. 108 Amids the warres of France, Flanders, and England.1659Gentl. Calling (1696) 65 Amidst all the seducements of Wealth.1711Addison Spect. No. 7 ⁋6 Amidst all the evils that threaten me.1794S. Williams Hist. Vermont 162 Which is never found amidst the refinements of polished societies.1849Sir J. Stephen Ess. Eccl. Biogr. I. 253 Amidst his ascetic follies.Ibid. 275 Amidst the funeral rites, the soldered coffin had been opened.




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