

单词 insular
释义 insular, a. (n.)|ˈɪnsjʊlə(r)|
[ad. L. insulār-is, f. insula island: see -ar1. Cf. F. insulaire.]
A. adj.
1. a. Of or pertaining to an island; inhabiting or situated on an island.
1611Cotgr., Insulaire, Insular, Iland-like; of, or belonging to, an Iland.1669Gale Crt. Gentiles i. ii. vi. 73 In ancient times..they called every Insular Prince by the name of Neptune.1796Burke Regic. Peace i. Wks. VIII. 151 The names and other..signs of approximation, rather augmented than diminished our insular feuds.1867Freeman Norm. Conq. I. ii. 29 The insular Teutons showed themselves the most zealous of missionaries.
b. Phys. Geog. Of climate: Of the moderate or temperate kind which prevails in situations surrounded and tempered by the sea.
1830Lyell Princ. Geol. I. 97 An alteration from what has been termed an ‘insular’ to an ‘excessive’ climate.1880Haughton Phys. Geog. iii. 118 The term ‘Insular Climate’ has been always given to climates in which the annual range of temperature is small.1885R. H. Scott Elem. Meteorol. 344 Hence comes the subdivision of climates into insular or moderate, and continental or excessive. The west coasts of continents enjoy insular..climates.
2. Of the nature of an island; composing or forming an island.
1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacr. i. ii. §4 That the Tyre mentioned by Sanchoniathon was not the famous Insular Tyrus, but some other Tyre.1830Lyell Princ. Geol. I. 228 The alleged exposure of certain insular rocks in the Bothnian and other bays.1879D. M. Wallace Australas. i. 1 A description of the great insular land—Australia.
3. a. transf. Detached or standing out by itself like an island; insulated. b. Bot. ‘Situated alone, applied to galls which occur singly on a leaf’ (Cent. Dict. 1890). c. Path. insular sclerosis. ‘Moxon's term for Sclerosis, disseminated’ (Syd. Soc. Lex. 1886). d. Anat. (see quot. 1886).
1886Syd. Soc. Lex., Insular, relating to an Insula, or to the Island of Reil.1891Lancet 3 Oct. 780 We are inclined to think that the evidence of insular sclerosis is not quite convincing.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. II. 932 In insular sclerosis the tremor is completely absent during rest.
4. a. Pertaining to islanders; esp. having the characteristic traits of the inhabitants of an island (e.g. of Great Britain); cut off from intercourse with other nations, isolated; self-contained; narrow or prejudiced in feelings, ideas, or manners.
1775Johnson Journ. West. Isl., Coriatachan, The relief given to the mind in the penury of insular conversation by a new topick.1829Lytton Disowned xxxv, Percy Bobus, with true insular breeding, took up the newspaper.1847James J. Marston Hall ix, My English accent, and my insular notions, as he called them.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. ix. II. 427 They were a race insular in temper as well as in geographical position.1856Mrs. Browning Aur. Leigh vi. 1 The English have a scornful insular way Of calling the French light.1870Lowell Study Wind. 252 Without ceasing to be English, he has escaped from being insular.1890Boldrewood Col. Reformer (1891) 136, I am not sufficiently insular to deny a foreign nobility all the graces and virtues that add lustre to our own.
b. Palæogr. (See quots.)
1908W. M. Lindsay Contractions in Early Latin Minuscule MSS. 1 The most fertile source of error..is the unfamiliarity of the writers with the contractions used in the Irish or pre-Carolingian script... The correct term is Insular, for English MSS. are included and Welsh too.1913F. W. Hall Compan. Classical Texts 167 Insular hands..i.e. Irish and Anglo-Saxon; a peculiar type of the half-uncial developed in the sixth century.1960G. A. Glaister Gloss. Bk. 195/1 Insular hand, the name given to the Hiberno-Saxon script widely used in England until the Norman Conquest for non-Latin texts. Its origins may be traced to 6th-century Ireland. An example is the first London Charter, 1066, which may be seen in the Guildhall Library.1960E. A. Lowe Eng. Uncial 14 By Insular symptoms we mean features and practices peculiar to Anglo-Saxon (and Irish) scribes.1971T. A. M. Bishop Eng. Caroline Minuscule p. xiii, The most extensive repertories of Insular abbreviations in Caroline minuscule are MSS. of probably Continental origin.
B. n. An inhabitant of an island; an islander.
1744Berkeley Siris §109 It is much to be lamented that our insulars..grow stupid or dote sooner than other people.1845in J. Pye Patron. Brit. Art v. 206 Generous insulars of our country.1886Longm. Mag. VII. 517 A nimbleness foreign to us phlegmatic, deliberate insulars.




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