

单词 intentive
释义 intentive, a. Obs. or arch.|ɪnˈtɛntɪv|
Forms: α. 3–5 ententif, 4–5 -yf, -yve, 5 -ife, -yfe, 6 -ive. β. 5–6 intentif, -yf, -ife, 6– intentive.
[a. OF. en-, intentif, -ive (12th c. in Godef.), ad. late L. intentīvus, f. intent-, ppl. stem of intendĕre to intend: see -ive.]
1. Of persons: Devoting earnest attention or pains; paying regard or attention; attentive, heedful, assiduous, intent. Const. to, about, on, upon, or inf.
αc1290[implied in intentively].c1374Chaucer Troylus ii. 789 (838), I loue oon which is most ententyf To seruen wel vnwery and vnfeynid.Boeth. i. pr. iii. 6 (Camb. MS.) They ben ententyf abowte sarpuleris or sachels.c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode i. cxxiv. (1869) 66 Wel me liketh þat ententyf to my wordes þou hast ben.1491Caxton Vitas Patr. (W. de W. 1495) i. xlix. 97 a/2 Lete your eeres by ententif and dylygente to me.a1563Bale Sel. Wks. (Parker Soc.) 113 Is not Chrysostom an ententive doctor?
β1523Skelton Garl. Laurel 942 Intentyf, aye And dylygent.1548Hall Chron., Hen. VII 54 b, The Kynge..was so vigilant, so circumspect and so intentive.a1635Naunton Fragm. Reg. (Arb.) 30 He was wholly intentive to the service of his Mistris.1658Bromhall Treat. Specters iii. 227 They..going nearer privily..the servants being intentive, flew upon them.1670Famous Concl. wherein Clement VIII was elected Pope 10 Montalto..was..intentive to continue his solicitation. [1835Sir T. Hardy in Rot. Litt. Pat. Introd. 6 (tr. Writ, 4 John, De intendendo) We command you to be intentive to him in all things as our Seneschal, and to execute his commands.]
2. Of the faculties, thoughts, actions, looks, etc.: Intently bent or directed.
c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋707 Ententif desir to byen thyng espiritueel.1475Bk. Noblesse (Roxb.) 70 The saide Cirus emploied..intentife besynesse in..labourage of his londis.1555–8T. Phaer æneid ii. C iij b, They whusted all, and fixt with eies ententiue did behold.a1592Greene Jas. IV, ii. ii, His too intentive trust to flatterers.1637Heywood Royal Ship 22 My purpose, which is fully intentive upon brevity.1655H. Vaughan Silex Scint. ii. Rainbow 7 The youthful world's gray fathers..Did with intentive looks watch every hour For thy new light.1725Pope Odyss. vi. 80 Blushes ill-restrained betray Her thoughts intentive on the bridal-day.1844Alb. Smith Adv. Mr. Ledbury xlii. (1886) 129 Many..were at breakfast..with such intentive appetites, that they took no notice of the courteous salute.




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