

单词 interline
释义 I. interline, v.1|ɪntəˈlaɪn|
Also 5–6 enterlyne, 6–7 -line.
[In sense 1 app. ME. ad. med.L. interlīneāre (1278 in Du Cange), f. inter between + līnea line n.1; cf. OF. entreligneure, interlineure interlinear insertion (14th c. in Godef.; = med.L. interlīneātūra), F. interligner vb. (formerly entreligner, Cotgr.); also interligne and entreligne n. (16th c. in Hatz.–Darm.). But sense 1 also comes close to that of the unconnected L. interlinĕre to smear between, write between, which the English word may have been taken by some to represent (cf. interlineate). Later senses are partly transferred from the first, partly derived from various senses of line n.1 and v.1]
1. trans. To insert additional words between the lines of (a written, esp. a legal, document). Chiefly pass., const. with.
1421Will Hen. V in Rolls Parlt. IV. 299/2, I have..written hit in hast with myn owen hande, þus enterlynit and blotted as hit is.1563A. Nowell in Lett. Lit. Men (Camden) 20 The coopie..was interlined and sumwhear blotted.1598Kitchin Courts Leet (1675) 441 A Deed raced or interlined.1658Willsford Secrets Nat. 198 The Printer..is the lesse culpable, the Copy being much interlin'd.1726G. Shelvocke Voy. round World 32 Written by several hands, and interlin'd in a great many places.1823J. Badcock Dom. Amusem. 39 Write with ordinary ink on common topics, and interline this with the important secret intelligence meant to be conveyed.
fig.1597Middleton Wisd. Solomon xvii. 16 But thou with sorrow interlines his song.a1631Donne in Select. (1840) 51 Though he interline it with other studies..yet the text itself..will shine through and appear.
b. To add interlineary glosses to. Obs.
1676Marvell Mr. Smirke 40 No man ought to cheat another though to the true beliefe: Not by Interlining the Scripture. Not by false Quotation of Scripture, or of a Father.
c. To interpolate or extend (a narrative, etc.) with new matter. Obs.
1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. vii. xxi. §5. 301 With such lauish enlargements haue those Writers enterlined the deeds of Gods Saints.1654H. L'Estrange Chas. I (1655) 208 Where the series of the story is not enterlined nor disturbed with matters independent, and of a different kind.
2. To insert (a word or words) between the lines in a written document; also, loosely, between word and word (quot. 1681).
1589Pappe w. Hatchet C ij, To raze out good Greeke, and enterline bad Latine.1671F. Phillips Reg. Necess. 399 The word Executor being interlined.1681Stair Inst. Law Scot. iv. xlii. §19 Superinduction..of Monosyllabs or short words, as when No or Not is interlined, not between Line and Line,..but between word and word.1875Stubbs Const. Hist. III. xviii. 59 These words were found interlined in Richard's grant.1882–3Schaff Encycl. Relig. Knowl. I. 278/2 Words accidentally omitted were also placed in the margin, or interlined.
3. absol. or intr.
a. To make interlinear insertions.
1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 254 To interline here for necessitie, there for exornation.1654Whitlock Zootomia Pref. a v b, His fault that could never take..his Hand off, but was still mending, disliking, interlining.1733Swift On Poetry 88 Blot out, correct, insert, refine, Enlarge, diminish, interline.1858Ld. St. Leonards Handy Bk. Prop. Law xviii. 143 If you obliterate, interline, or make any other alteration in your will after it is executed, you must re-execute your will..as if it were an original will.
b. To come between the lines. In quots. fig.
1633G. Herbert Temple, Longing ix, Indeed the world's thy book, Where all things have their lease assign'd: Yet a meek look Hath interlin'd.1655H. Vaughan Silex Scint. ii. White Sunday x, As in night's gloomy page One silent star may interline.
4. trans. To write or print in alternate lines. Obs.
1692Locke Educ. Wks. 1812 IX. 159 By this way of interlining Latin and English one with another.
5. To mark with lines, esp. of various colours.
1572J. Bossewell Armorie ii. 61 This serpente is but halfe a foote of lengthe, and enterlined with white spottes.1657Lust's Domin. i. i. in Hazl. Dodsley XIV. 99 For each contracted frown A crooked wrinkle interlines my brow.1661Lovell Hist. Anim. & Min. 62 Their skinnes..being white, spotted, and changeably interlined like diverse flowers.
6. To place or insert something in lines between or among (something else). Const. with.
1600J. Dymmok Ireland (1843) 32 Vpon eyther syde of the vauntguarde..marched wings of shott, enterlyned with pikes.1655H. Vaughan Silex Scint. i. Pref. (1858) 7 They are interlined with many virtuous and some pious mixtures.1660T. Watson in Spurgeon Treas. Dav. Ps. ci. 1 Mercy interlined with judgment.
b. With the thing placed between as object.
1724De Foe Mem. Cavalier (1840) 143, I saw the foot..interlined among the horse.1736T. Lediard Life Marlborough I. 498 The Enemy being re-inforced with some Squadrons, and having interlined some Infantry with them, moved again towards the Allies.
Hence interˈlined ppl. a.
1601Chester Love's Mart. xciii, The white-veind enterlin'd-stone Achates.1828Webster s.v., An interlined word..an interlined manuscript.
II. interline, v.2|ɪntəˈlaɪn|
Also 5 enterlyne.
[f. inter- 1 a + line v.2]
trans. To insert a second or inner lining between the stuff and ordinary lining of (a garment).
1480Wardr. Acc. Edw. IV (1830) 148 A doublet..lined with Holand clothe and interlined with busk.1483Wardr. Acc. in Antiq. Rep. (1807) I. 41 A doublet of grene satyn enterlyned with..busk, and lyned with..Holand cloth.1690C. Hatton in H. Corr. (Camden) II. 160 Let y⊇ linning of y⊇ cloake be sent to y⊇ taylor to interline y⊇ coat.1894Chicago Advance 6 Sept., Skirts of dresses are now so generally lined and interlined, that they become too heavy for comfort..if made of weighty material.
III. interline, v.3|ɪntəˈlaɪn|
[Back-formation from *interlining n.2; cf. interline a.]
a. trans. Of an airline, etc.: to provide (a passenger or freight) with an interline connection.
1975Aviation Week & Space Technol. 24 Feb. 35/3 Under the regulations in this state, Southwest cannot interline air passengers.1988Air Transport World June 193/1, 80{pcnt} of Atlantis' flights to Atlanta..would be interlined with Eastern Airlines flights.
b. intr. To provide a connection with another carrier or service; hence, to operate an interline service integrated with other carriers. Also of a passenger, etc.: to make use of such a service.
1983Daily Tel. 21 Oct. 14/3 Most of the helicopter passengers were North American and 80 per cent. of them were ‘interlining’—or changing planes between airports.1984AAA World Nov.–Dec. 5/2 There are new airlines, such as People Express, that don't interline with any other carrier.1986Modern Railroads Feb. 29/2 There would still be a need to interline with all the other railroads.
IV. interline, n.1 Obs. rare—1.
In 6 enterlyne.
[f. prec.]
Inner lining.
c1570Pride & Lowl. (1841) 19 Of silk it had a costly enterlyne.
V. interline, n.2|ˈɪntəˌlaɪn|
[inter- 2 b.]
An intermediate line.
1721Bailey, An Interline.1886G. M. Crawford in Fortn. Rev. July 11 There is a network of wrinkles at the temple, and lines and interlines about the brow and side of the nose.
VI. interline, a.|ɪntəˈlaɪn|
[f. inter- 5 + line n.2]
Of or pertaining to transport: using more than one route, service, etc.
1946T. C. Bigham Transportation iii. 96 Service may be local or interline.1957Encycl. Brit. XVIII. 940 (heading) Joint or interline rates.1969Jane's Freight Containers 1968–69 48/1 The New York Port District may be likened to the centre of a web of gleaming steel rails..of ten long-haul railroads which, through interline connections, serve the entire nation, Canada and Mexico.1970Daily Tel. 30 June 24 Logically the first flight after the official connecting time would be the correct interline connection.




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