

单词 intermeddle
释义 intermeddle, v.|ɪntəˈmɛd(ə)l|
Forms: α. 4–6 entremedle, (-el), 5–6 -meddle, 5–7 entermedle, (-el), 6–7 -meddle. β. 5–7 intermedle, (6 -el, intremedle, intermeddyl), 6– intermeddle.
[ME. entremedle, a. AF. entremedle-r, = OF. entremesler, F. entremêler, f. entre-, L. inter- + AF. medler (Britton), OF. mesler to meddle.]
1. trans. To ‘meddle’ or mix together; to intermingle; to intermix. Const. with. Obs.
c1384Chaucer H. Fame iii. 1034 With shrippes bret-ful of lesenges Entremedled with tydynges.c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode ii. lix. (1869) 98 Bushes thorny..and thikke entermedled.c1450Merlin 164 The bateilles were entermedled that oon with the tother.1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 449 [King Edward] made clayme to the hole crowne of Fraunce..and..entermedelyd the armys of Englande with the armys of Fraunce.1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. ii. (1586) 72 b, Entermedling the greater with the lesser.1599Sandys Europæ Spec. (1632) 239 Their Liturgy is intermedled much with singing.1658Bromhall Treat. Specters i. 40 He might intermeddle some holy discourse out of holy Writ.1733Maddox Vind. Ch. Eng. 155 Some keep precisely the Order of the Book, others intermeddle Psalms in Metre.
b. To interpose. Obs.
1577–87Holinshed Scot. Chron. (1805) II. 117 He wrote to pope Innocent..praying him to intermeddle his authority by sending some legat into Scotland.1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 474 b, Constantine..entermedled his authoritye in the pacyfying of quarells.
2. refl. To mix oneself up with; to take part, concern oneself, interfere: = next. Obs.
1483Caxton Cato B v, Hyt is grete presumpsion for to entremeddle hym ne to enquere of the counceyl of other.1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 391 That no cytezyn shulde entermedle hym with y⊇ sayd straungers.1559Abp. Hethe in Strype Ann. Ref. (1824) I. ii. App. vi. 406 Her highness may not entermeddle her self with the same.1594T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. ii. 159 If reason intermeddle and mingle it selfe with them, it will be so troubled, that it will not be able to iudge as it ought of those things.
3. intr. To concern or occupy oneself with or in; to have to do with; to take part in; to meddle, interfere; esp. to concern oneself with what is none of one's business, to meddle or interfere impertinently.
c1477Caxton Jason 16 b, All they sette hand on their swerdes and came for to entremedle with Jason.1491Act 7 Hen. VII, c. 16 §1 If..any othre persone..hath intermedled with theym.1542–3Act 34 & 35 Hen. VIII, c. 10 §2 Diuers other persons..entermedlynge with the same crafte or occupacion, hauing little experience therein.1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. iv. 39 The see of Rome was alway ready to entermedle.1639R. Gentilis Servita's Inquis. (1676) 877 The Ministers of Christ, to whom is severely forbidden to entermeddle in it.1683Lond. Gaz. No. 1856 1 Because several Carriers..intermeddle with, and intrude upon the Office of the Post-Master General.1785Burke Nabob Arcot's Debts Wks. IV. 198 The board of control had no right whatsoever to intermeddle in the business.1834Macaulay Ess., Pitt (1854) 306 Fox would certainly intermeddle with that department.1877Black Green Past. xviii. (1878) 149 It was not to be expected that a woman should be constantly intermeddling in affairs of which she could not possibly be a fair judge.




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