

单词 interpellation
释义 interpellation|ˌɪntəpɛˈleɪʃən|
[ad. L. interpellātiōn-em, n. of action from interpellāre: see interpel. The English uses became obsolete before 1700; it has been re-introduced from Fr. in sense 5 in the 19th c.]
The action of interpellating or of interrupting by question or appeal.
1. The action of appealing to or entreating; pleading, intercession. Obs.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 243 Makyng..interpellacyon & pletynge for vs before y⊇ father of heuen.1542Becon Pathw. Prayer in Early Wks. (Parker Soc.) 169 By the importunity of her interpellation and hearty request.1612Ainsworth Annot. Ps. iv. 2 Appeale, interpellation or intercession.1650Jer. Taylor Holy Living & Dying ii. ii. §4 (1870) 348 For whose interest the Spirit makes interpellations with groans and sighs unutterable.a1670Hacket Cent. Serm. (1675) 1012 The personal complaint of the Souls under the Altar, and not the interpellation of their injuries.
2. A summons, citation. Obs.
1599Fenton Guicciard. iii. 140 To put the Duke of Myllan in contumacie, it were necessarie to haue interpellation.1726Ayliffe Parergon 180 In all Extra-judicial Acts, one Citation, Monition, or Extra-judicial Interpellation is sufficient.
3. The action of breaking in upon with speech or otherwise; interruption. Obs.
1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. vi. §23. 490 The Archbishop had enjoyed the same for a long time, without interpellation or disturbance.1640Bp. Hall Episc. Ep. Ded. 5, I had need to crave pardon of your Majestie for the boldnesse of this interpellation.1647H. More Song of Soul i. ii. xliv, Good Sir, I crave pardon If so I chance to break that golden twist You spin, by rude interpellation.1668Div. Dial. ii. x. (1713) 119 So frequent and palpable Interpellations in humane affairs would take away the Usefulness of both.1829Landor Wks. (1846) II. 23/2 Such writers have confined their view..to..sophistic reasonings, and sarcastic interpellations.1834[see interlocation 1].
4. Sc. Law. Prevention, hindrance. Cf. interpel 3.
1814Act. 54 Geo. III, c. 137 §3 margin, Arrestments at Market Cross, &c. no sufficient interpellation.
5. The action of interrupting the order of the day (in the French or other foreign legislative Chamber) by asking from a Minister an explanation of some matter belonging to his department.
It may lead to a debate and division, and thus answers both to ‘asking a question’ in the British House of Commons, and to a ‘motion for the adjournment of the House’ in order to call attention to a matter of urgency.
1837Carlyle Fr. Rev. I. iii. iii, He is standing at bay: alone; exposed to an incessant fire of questions, interpellations, objurgations.1861Sat. Rev. 22 June, The last invention in this way is the word ‘interpellation’. When an Opposition member of a foreign Parliament asks a question of a Minister, he is said to ‘put an interpellation’.1867Morn. Star 28 Jan., If you put a question in the House of Commons you cannot have a debate. But an ‘interpellation’ is really equivalent to our ‘motion’. It always opens with a long speech, and usually leads to a long debate.1893Nation (N.Y.) 9 Feb. 99/3 The interpellations already announced are numerous.




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