

单词 intrinsic
释义 intrinsic, a. (n.)|ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk|
Forms: 5–7 intrinsique, (5 -tryn-), 6 intrynsyke, 7 intrinsike, -sicke, -seque, -sec(k, 7–8 -sick, 7– intrinsic.
[a. F. intrinsèque (13–14th c. in Godef. Compl.), ad. med.Schol.L. intrinsec-us adj. (Fr. Mayron a 1325; Herveus Natalis a 1322 has an adv. intrinsece: Prantl), f. L. intrinsecus adv. inwardly, inwards. The ending was from the beginning confounded with the adj. suffix -ic, but the etymological -eque, -ec(k occurs in 17th c. Cf. extrinsic, to which this is in all senses opposed.]
A. adj.
a. Situated within; interior, inner. Obs. (exc. as in b.)
1490Caxton Eneydos xxv. 91 Occupyed for to make the palayces and other edyfices intrinsique of y⊇ cyte.1541R. Copland Guydon's Quest. Chirurg. C ij b, How many maners of skynnes or lether are there?.. Two, one is extrynsyke or outforth..The other is intrynsyke.1665Sir. T. Herbert Trav. (1677) 253 The Waters..mixing with it [the earth] in the most intrinsique places.
b. Anat. Applied to a muscle of a member or organ which has its origin and insertion within that organ; so in Path. to a morbid growth arising in the part or tissue in which it is found.
1839–47Todd Cycl. Anat. III. 111/2 The intrinsic muscles of the larynx..determine its form.1874Roosa Dis. Ear 56 The auricle has also a set of muscles which are contained in its structure, intrinsic muscles, as they are called by several authors.1890Nature 11 Sept., Structures which, like the outer digits of the horse's leg, or the intrinsic muscles of the ear of a man, are present in the adult in an incompletely developed form, and in a condition in which they can be of no use.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. IV. 834 The intrinsic variety [of laryngeal cancer] including the growths originating from the vocal cords.
a. Inward, internal (in fig. sense); secret, private. Obs. (passing into sense 3).
1490Caxton Eneydos xix. 71 By gret yre gadred by inmense sorow intrynsique wythin her hert.1605Bacon Adv. Learn. i. iv. §12 There are..other..peccant humors..not so secret and intrinsike, but that they fall vnder a popular obseruation.1658Hist. Mem. K. James 66 Not only..the publick but most intrinsick actions of the State.1689Burnet Tracts I. 16 When there are Intrinsic diseases in a state.
b. Intimate. Obs.
1613Sherley Trav. Persia 65 We must haue a more intrinsicke acquaintance to perfect that knowledge.1651Life Father Sarpi (1676) 53 The General of the Servi..being an intrinsick friend of the Fathers.
3. a. Belonging to the thing in itself, or by its very nature; inherent, essential, proper; ‘of its own’.
intrinsic mode: see intrinsical 3.
1642Howell For. Trav. (Arb.) 46 If one would go to the intrinsique value of things.1661–98South Twelve Serm. III. 57 As if every such single Act could by its own Intrinsick Worth merit a glorious Eternity.1691Locke Money Wks. 1727 II. 67 The intrinsick Value of Silver consider'd as Money, is that Estimate which common Consent has placed on it.1692Bentley Boyle Lect. 221 By an intrinseck principle of gravity or attraction.1725[see intrinsical 3].1758Blackstone Comm. I. Introd. 14 The civil and canon laws, considered with respect to any intrinsic obligation, have no force or authority in this kingdom.1835Thirlwall Greece I. iv. 84 Confirmed as well by high authority as by intrinsic probability.1859Kingsley Misc. (1860) II. 167 Then came out the intrinsic rottenness of the whole system.1861W. Bell Dict. Law Scot., Intrinsic is a term applied to circumstances..so intimately connected with the point at issue that they make part of the evidence afforded by the oath, and cannot be separated from it.
b. Const. to.
1850Gladstone Homer II. ii. 153 Latona..remains all alone without any meaning or purpose intrinsic to herself.1873L. Ferguson Disc. 159 The flower has no beauty that is not its own,..that is not intrinsic and native to it.
c. Math. intrinsic equation of a curve: an equation expressing the relation between its length and curvature (and so involving no reference to external points, lines, etc., as in equations referred to co-ordinates).
1849Whewell in Camb. Phil. Trans. VIII. 660 The intrinsic equation to the circle is s = αϕ, a being the radius.1862Walton in Q. Jrnl. Math. V. 260 (title) On the Discontinuity of the Intrinsic Equations to Curves.
d. intrinsic factor, a substance (perhaps a mucoprotein) which is secreted in the gastric juice and makes possible the absorption by the body of vitamin B12 (‘extrinsic factor’).
1930[see extrinsic a. 3 c].1961Lancet 26 Aug. 483/2 Vitamin-B12 deficiency through lack of intrinsic factor (i.f.), as in pernicious anæmia, has stimulated efforts to purify and isolate i.f.1965A. Doscherholmen Stud. Metabolism Vitamin B12 4 The intrinsic factor has not yet been isolated in pure form.., but it is believed to be a mucoprotein or mucopolypeptide... The purpose of the intrinsic factor is to bring about the absorption from the food, by some mechanism still unknown.., of the small amount of cyanocobalamin needed.
e. Physics. Of a semiconductor: owing its electrical conductivity to thermally excited electrons from the principal substance present, rather than to electrons from impurity atoms. Hence applied to conduction that arises in this way.
1933R. H. Fowler in Proc. R. Soc. A. CXL. 507 Semi⁓conductors without impurities owe their conductivity and other electrical properties to thermal excitation of electrons from band 2 to band 1. These we shall refer to as intrinsic semi-conductors.1945Jrnl. Appl. Physics XVI. 562/2 The atoms of the bulk material hold their valence electrons at low temperatures but become thermally ionized at elevated temperatures. An electronic conductivity of this type is called intrinsic.1948Torrey & Whitmer Crystal Rectifiers iii. 47 Intrinsic semiconduction occurs in materials that have a band structure similar to that of insulators..but with the difference that the gap in energy between the highest filled band and the lowest empty band is relatively small.1962Simpson & Richards Physical Princ. Junction Transistors viii. 167 The region near the collector is practically intrinsic and under proper operating conditions the transition region (depletion region) of the collector barrier occupies the whole of it.1966C. R. Tottle Sci. Engin. Materials ii. 46 Intrinsic semiconductors..are insulators below a given temperature and conductors with a negative temperature coefficient above it. Silicon and germanium are examples of this type of semiconductor.
B. as n. (ellipt. for ‘inmost part’, ‘intrinsic value’, ‘intrinsic quality’: see 3.)
1665Sir T. Herbert Trav. (1677) 88 To visit and search the intrinsique of that precious piece of Earth which [etc.].1716Collier tr. Panegyrick, etc. 96 We should be better prepar'd to examine the Intrinsick.a1734North Lives (1826) III. 168 It is no other than a token, or leather money, of no intrinsic.Exam. iii. vi. §78 (1740) 481 Then the Merchants tumbled them in for the Gain by the Intrinsic.1751Warburton Notes Pope's Dunc. ii. 187 Let our English at least escape, whose intrinsic is scarce of marble so solid, as not to be impaired or soiled by such rude and dirty hands.




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