

单词 wantrust
释义 wantrust Obs.
Also 4 -trost, trest, 4–5 -truste, 5 -triste.
[ME. f. wan- + trust n. Cf. MDu. wantroost.]
Mistrust, lack of confidence.
c1374Chaucer Troylus i. 794 But ones nyltow for þi coward herte,..For wantrust tellen of þi sorwes smerte.1387T. Usk Test. Love i. viii. 19, I saye nat these thinges for no wantrust that I have in supposinge of thee otherwyse than I shulde.1412–20Lydg. Chron. Troy iv. 81 For now victorie is redy to oure hond,..And excludid,..Boþe of wantrust & of foreyn drede.c1450Life Our Lady xli. (1484) f vj, For wantriste of her felow salome.c1450Cov. Myst. 225 Many a man With his wantruste hymsylf hathe slayn.




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