

单词 intuition
释义 intuition|ɪntjuːˈɪʃən|
[a. F. intuition, ad. late or med.L. intuitiōn-em, n. of action from intuērī to look upon, consider, contemplate, f. in- (in-2) + tuērī to look. Cf. L. intuitus.]
1. The action of looking upon or into; contemplation; inspection; a sight or view. (= L. intuitus.) Obs.
1497Bp. Alcock Mons Perfect. B iij, That they myght have a perpetuall intuycion & fruycion of his Infynyte Joye.1627–77Feltham Resolves ii. lvi. 275 A Looking-glass..becomes spotted and stained from their only intuition.1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exemp. ii. Disc. ix. §36. 126 His disciples must not onely abstain from the act of unlawfull concubinate, but from the impurer intuition of a wife of another man.1664Evelyn tr. Freart's Archit. 123 To remove, uncover, and take in pieces, for the intuition of every Contignation.
2. The action of mentally looking at; contemplation, consideration; perception, recognition; mental view. Obs.
1628T. Spencer Logick 10 Which hath..a power, aptitude, or fitnes, to bring the thing, objected unto our understanding, into the knowledge, and intuition thereof.1652Benlowes Theoph. ii. 15 She is wholly taken up with Intuition of supercœlestial Excellencies.1755B. Martin Mag. Arts & Sc. ii. xii. 253 That the Employment of Time to endless Ages will consist in an uninterrupted Intuition and Contemplation of [an infinite Scene of the Operations of divine Power and Wisdom].
3. The action of mentally looking to or regarding as a motive of action; ulterior view; regard, respect, reference. with intuition to (of), with reference to; in intuition to, in respect to, in view of, in consideration of. Obs.
1612–15Bp. Hall Contempl., O.T. xx. x, God doth not always strike with an intuition of sin: sometimes he regards the benefit of our trial, sometimes the glory of his mercy in our cure.1637Serm. Consecr. Buriall-place 81 Praying for the dead..but not the Romish: that is, not with an intuition to their fained Purgatory.1650Fuller Pisgah ii. iii. 91 This Countrey was conferred upon them in Intuition to their valour.1659Pearson Creed iv. (1662) 214 The recompence of the reward was set before him, and through an intuition of it he chearfully underwent whatsoever was laid upon him.1667Decay Chr. Piety v. ⁋16 For he that sues upon the naked intuition of recovering his right, without any aspect of revenge on the invader; has as fully the benefit of the law.1718Hickes & Nelson J. Kettlewell iii. §72. 381, I do it with Affectionate intuitions of doing Honour to Religion.
4. Scholastic Philos. The spiritual perception or immediate knowledge, ascribed to angelic and spiritual beings, with whom vision and knowledge are identical.
1652Benlowes Theoph. i. i, Might souls converse with souls, by Angel-way Enfranchis'd from their pris'ning clay What strains by Intuition would they then convey.1660Jer. Taylor Worthy Commun. i. §5. 97 St. Pauls faith did not come by hearing, but by intuition and revelation.1711Addison Spect. No. 162 ⁋4 Our Superiors are guided by Intuition, and our Inferiors by Instinct.1690Baxter Kingd. Christ ii. (1691) 44 As if the Intuition of Spirits and Spiritual Bodies, were not a more eminent discerning than our Eyesight.a1720Sheffield (Dk. Buckhm.) Wks. (1753) I. 122 Their [i.e. Angels'] thoughts are communicated to one another by what the schoolmen call intuition.1836J. Gilbert Chr. Atonem. iv. (1852) 101 For a creature to know an infinite Being by intuition is plainly impossible.
5. a. Mod. Philos. The immediate apprehension of an object by the mind without the intervention of any reasoning process; a particular act of such apprehension.
a1600Hooker (in Cottle Coleridge II. 217) An intuition, that is, a direct beholding or presentation to the mind through the senses or imagination.1782Priestley Matter & Spir. I. xi. 134 What we feel, and what we do, we may be said to know by intuition.1840–1De Quincey Rhetoric Wks. 1859 XI. 42 An intuition is any knowledge whatsoever, sensuous or intellectual, which is apprehended immediately.1860Abp. Thomson Laws Th. §47. 74 Notions of single objects are called Intuitions, as being such as the mind receives when it simply attends to or inspects (intuetur) the object.
b. Immediate apprehension by the intellect alone; a particular act of such apprehension.
1659Gentl. Calling (1696) 20 This is that Tree of Knowledge..which instructs not..by sad and costly experience, but by fair and safe intuitions.a1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. i. i. 2 There seems to be a third means, which is a kind of intuition; there are some truths so plain and evident, and open, that need not any process of ratiocination to evidence or evince them.1695Locke Hum. Und. iv. ii. §1 The Mind perceives, that White is not Black, That a Circle is not a Triangle, That Three are more than Two, and equal to One and Two. Such kind of Truths the Mind perceives at the first sight of the Ideas together, by bare Intuition, without the intervention of any other Idea.1841Myers Cath. Th. iii. §1. 2 Such laws and precepts as the reasonings and intuitions and sentiments of men have agreed to pronounce the wisest and worthiest.1846Mill Logic Introd. §4 The truths known by intuition are the original premises from which all others are inferred.1850McCosh Div. Govt. (1852) 487 note, The real intuitions of the human soul are just the human faculties and feelings acting according to their fundamental principles.1856Dove Logic Chr. Faith Introd. §5. 17 God would be a primary of intuition.1865Lecky Ration. II. iv. 67 The intuition by which we know what is right and what is wrong, is clearer than any chain of historic reasoning.1877E. R. Conder Bas. Faith iv. 157 Primary judgments (such as that every change must have a cause) are often called beliefs, though ‘intuitions’ would be a better term.
c. Immediate apprehension by sense; a particular act of such apprehension.
Esp. in reference to Kant, who held that the only intuition (anschauung, intuitus) possible to man was that under the forms of sensibility, space, and time.
1796F. A. Nitsch Gen. View Kant's Princ. concerning Man 75 Those ideas which immediately arise in consequence of our external sense being affected are external perceptions or external intuitions.1819Richardson tr. Kant's Proleg. to Metaph. 53 All our intuition however takes place by means of the senses only.1855H. Spencer Princ. Psychol. ii. i. 78 note, Sir William Hamilton..restricts the meaning of intuition to that which is known by external perception.1864Bowen Logic i. 1 Such acts are called Intuitions or Presentations.Ibid., In receiving Intuitions, the mind exerts no conscious activity.Ibid. ii. 40 Derived from processes of observation or intuition.
6. In a more general sense: Direct or immediate insight; an instance of this.
1762–71H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Paint. (1789) IV. 152 It is..a proof of his intimate intuition into nature.1851Hawthorne Fr. & It. Jrnls. II. 234 A miraculous intuition of what ought to be done just at the time for action.a1862Buckle Misc. Wks. (1872) I. 40 That peculiar property of genius which, for want of a better word, we call intuition.1866Duke of Argyll Reign Law ii. (ed. 4) 111 The intuitions of genius unconscious of any process.1879Froude Cæsar xxiii. 410 Rashness if it fails is madness, and if it succeeds is the intuition of genius.




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