

单词 intumulate
释义 inˈtumulate, v. Obs.
Also 6 -ilate. Pa. pple. -at(e and -ated.
[f. ppl. stem of L. type *intumulāre to bury (see intumil), f. in- (in-2) + tumulus burial mound.]
trans. To place in a tomb: to entomb, bury.
(In earlier use only in pa. pple. intumulate. Intumulit in quot. 1535, may be pa. pple. of intumule = intumil.)
1535Stewart Cron. Scot. III. 271 Intumulat in Drumfermling wes syne.Ibid. 443 And syne in Scone intumulit wes he.a1548Hall Chron., Edw. IV 250 Whose corps was..princely enterred and intumulate.Ibid., Hen. VI (1809) 303 He was removed to Winsore and there in a new vawte newly intumilate.1584B. R. tr. Herodotus 45 The dead bodyes of their countrimen..they never bury or intumulate.1598Rous Thule ii. i. xiv, His ioy intumulated in the graue.1606W. Birnie Kirk-Buriall xix. F iij, What tombe could intumulate any entyre race of folks?
Hence inˌtumuˈlation, entombment, burial.
1658Phillips, Intumulation, a throwing a heap upon, a burying.




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