

单词 water-bank
释义 water-bank Obs.
A bank of a river; also, the sea-shore.
1382Wyclif Acts xxvii. 39 Thei biheelden sum hauene hauynge a water banke, into which thei thouȝten..for to caste the schipp.c1400Destr. Troy 4239 For many a Troyen sen thei stonde Armed wel opon the londe, To put hem fro the water bankes.c1425St. Christina vii. in Anglia VIII. 122 Þe preste..come and stood vpoun þe watir⁓banke.1470–85Malory Arthur iv. vi. 125 Thenne were they ware of the herte that lay on a grete water banke, and a brachet bytynge on his throte.1546Yorks. Chantry Surv. (Surtees) 56 The yerly reparacions of the waterbanke.a1578Lindesay (Pitscottie) Chron. Scot. (S.T.S.) I. 76 Wtheris..war cruellie slaine wpoun the watter bankis.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Sinus,..the running or hollowness of Water⁓banks.
fig.1533tr. Erasm. Expos. Commune Creed U ij b, Swearyng..is very cosyn and nere to synne, and it is no good trustyng to this daungerous waterbanke.




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