

单词 i-seche
释义 i-seche, v. Obs.
[OE. ᵹesécan, -sécean, f. ᵹe-, i-1 + séc(e)an to seek.]
trans. To seek, seek for.
Beowulf (Z.) 684 ᵹif he ᵹesecean dear wiᵹ.a1000Cædmon's Gen. 1668 (Gr.) Þæs þe hie ᵹesohton Sennera feld.c1000Satan 213 He oðer lif eft ᵹeseceð.c1175Lamb. Hom. 31 Þene preost he mot isechen þe hine acursede.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 145 Þa þohte hie þat hie hine ȝeseche wolde.c1205Lay. 9223 He hætte..alle his hæȝe men his husti[n]gge isechen.Ibid. 25029 Cesar isohte Bruttene mid baldere strengðe.a1250Owl & Night. 741 Ich..bidde þat hi moten iseche Þan ilke song that ever is eche.




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