

单词 i-sette
释义 I. i-set, i-sette
ME. pa. pple. of set v.
II. i-set, v. Obs.
[OE. ᵹesętt-an, f. ᵹe-, i-1 + sęttan to set. Cognate with OS. gisettian, OHG. gaseȥȥan, Goth. gasatjan.]
trans. To set; to set up, establish.
971Blickl. Hom. 143 Þa apostolas..hie ᵹesetton on þæm fæᵹran neorxna wange.a1000O.E. Chron. an. 604 Sæberht..þone æðelberht ᵹesette þær to cininga.a1175Cott. Hom. 227 Þes cenne god sælde and ȝesette ǽ vel laga.c1175Lamb. Hom. 93 Ða apostoli siððan..isetten iacob þet wes ihaten rihtwis on cristes selt [= setl].c1205Lay. 22053 Seollic is þe lauerd þat al hit isette.




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