

单词 isogamy
释义 isogamy Biol.|aɪˈsɒgəmɪ|
[f. iso- + Gr. γάµος, -γαµια marriage.]
The union of two equal and similar ‘gametes’ or cells in reproduction, as in conjugation. So isogamete |aɪˈsɒgəmiːt| [Gr. γαµέτης, γαµετή spouse], each of the two uniting cells, in isogamy. isogamous |aɪˈsɒgəməs| a., characterized by isogamy.
1889Bennett & Murray Handbk. Cryptogamic Bot. 272 The only known sexual mode of reproduction [in the Confervoideae] is an isogamous one between two masses of protoplasm.1891Hartog in Nature 17 Sept. 484 Isogamy, the union of gametes undistinguishable in size, form, and behaviour.Ibid., The union may be isogamous or anisogamous.Ibid., True Parthenogenesis..may occur in the case of (1) Isogametes (2) Anisogametes (male and female); (3) Oogametes.1935F. E. Fritsch Struct. & Reprod. Algae I. 43 Isogamy (i.e. the fusion of morphologically identical gametes) is very usually..combined with an absence of differentiated organs for the production of the sexual cells or gametes.Ibid. 46 Isogametes are commonly positively phototactic.1938G. M. Smith Cryptogamic Bot. I. ii. 21 All green algae in which both gametes are nonflagellated..are isogamous.1952C. J. Alexopoulos Introd. Mycol. i. 17 We use the terms isogametangia and isogametes..to designate gametangia and gametes which are morphologically indistinguishable.1964E. J. H. Corner Life of Plants vi. 85 The process is called isogamy or the union of outwardly similar gametes.1968Bell & Woodcock Diversity of Green Plants ii. 39 The gametes [of Stigeoclonium] are noticeably smaller than the zoospores, and copulation is isogamous.




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