

单词 jazerant
释义 jazerant, jesserant Now only Hist.|ˈdʒæzərənt, ˈdʒɛs-|
Forms: α. 5 iessera(u)nt(e, -and, -ance, iestraunt, 5–6 iestern(e, 8 jazerent, 9 -an, -ant. β. 5 gessera(u)nt(e, -an, -en, (geseran), 6 gesseron; see also gesteron.
[a. OF. jaseran, -ant, jaz-, jac-, jesseran, jasiran, in Roland (11th c.) jazerene = Pr. jazeran, Pg. jazerão; in Sp. jacerina, Pg. jazerina, It. ghiazzerino; orig. an adj., in OF. osberc jazerenc, hauberc jazerant, in Sp. cota jacerina. Generally agreed to be of Saracen origin, and according to Diez prob. identical with Sp. jazarino Algerian, f. Arab. (al-) jazīrah ‘the island’, in pl. Al-jazā ir, Algiers, in the old Arabic writers Jazīrah beni Mazighanan.]
‘A light coat of armour composed of splints or small plates of metal rivetted to each other or to a lining of some stout material’ (Fairholt).
αa1400Morte Arth. 4238 Thorowe jopowne and jesserawnte of gentille mailes.a1400–50Alexander 2450 (Ashm.) Ȝarkid to þe ȝatis & ȝode to þe wallis, Sum in Iopons, sum in Iesserantis [Dublin MS. Iesserauntez] sum Ioyned all in platis.1466Mann. & Househ. Exp. (Roxb.) 353 He schal make my mastyr a jestrawnt.1470–85Malory Arthur xiii. vi, Thenne syr Galahalt..dyd vpon hym a noble Iesseraunce.1577Holinshed Chron. Scot. 32 Armed in iacks and light iesternes.1795Southey Joan of Arc vii. 184 At all points arm'd A jazerent of double mail he wore.1823Scott Quentin D. ii, Underneath his plain habit, the Scotsman observed that he concealed a jazeran, or flexible shirt of linked mail.1834J. R. Planché Brit. Costume 194 The jazerant or jazerine jacket was frequently worn in lieu of the breast and back plates. This defence was composed of small overlapping plates of iron covered with velvet, the gilt studs that secured them forming the exterior ornament.
βa1400Morte Arth. 2909 Thorowe gesserawntes of Iene jaggede to the herte.1422Will of Salwayn (Somerset Ho.), A Habirgon of gesseran.1423Jas. I Kingis Q. cliii, Lytill fischis..That In the sonne on thaire scalis bryght As gesserant, ay glitterit In my sight.1465Paston Lett. II. 214 Your gesseren and gaunteletts shall be send hom by the next caryours.1530Elyot Gov. i. xvii, Armed as he was in a gesseron.




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