

单词 well-a-fine
释义 well-a-fine, adv. and int. Obs. exc. dial.
[See afine adv.]
A. adv. Right well, well indeed; to good purpose, thoroughly.
c1330Kyng of Tars 780 Icham nou glad wel a fyn, Mai no mon blithur be.1380Sir Ferumb. 2752 Now y knowe wel-a-ffyn, þy message schendeth me.c1400Rom. Rose 3690 For no man..maye..of the reysyns haue the wyne, Tyl grapes rype and wel a fyne Be sore empressid.c1400Beryn 1393 The tale wol be ryff Of me, & of noon othir; I knowe riȝte wel a fyne.1573Tusser Husb., Author's Life xix. (1878) 210 A Moone,..Which well a fine me thought did shine.1746Exmoor Scolding (E.D.S.) 81 Chem a laced well-a-fine aready.1882Jago Dial. Cornw. 309 That's all well-a-fine.1886W. Somerset Word-bk., Well-a-fine, adv. phr., very well; truly; indeed.
b. Altered to well and fine.
c1400Gamelyn 427 Anon as Gamelyn hadde eten wel and fyne.c1400Beryn 303 Fawnus lete hym clatir & cry wel & fyne.14..Guy Warw. (Camb. MS.) 9086 Gye lokyd theron wele and fyne.c1450Lovelich Merlin 6860 This knowen ȝe alle wel and fyn.
B. int. (See quot. 1880.)
1880E. Cornw. Gloss., Well-a-fyne, a common interjection, meaning ‘it's all very well’.1892‘Q’ Three Ships ii. 33 Well-a-fine! What a teasin' armful is woman, afore the first-born comes!




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