

单词 jew
释义 I. Jew, n.|dʒ(j)uː|
Forms: sing. 3 Gyu, 4 Giu, Gyw, Iu, Iuu, Iuw(e, Ieu, Ieuu, Ieuȝ, 4–5 Iwe, 4 (6 Sc.) Iow, 4–7 Iewe, 5 Ieue, 5–6 Iue, (Ive), 4–7 Iew, 7– Jew. pl. 2 Giwis, 3 Giws, Gius, Gyu(e)s, 3–4 Gywes, Giwes, Geus, 4 Iuu(e)s, Iuwis, Iow(e)s, Ioues, Iewis, -ys, -us, 4–5 Iuwes, 4–6 Iues, 4–7 Iewes, 5 Iuys, 6 Sc. Iowis, Iouis, 4–7 Iews, 7– Jews; β. 4 Iuen.
[ME. a. OF. giu, gyu, giue, earlier juieu, juiu, jueu:—L. iūdæum (nom. -us) Jew (cf. F. dieu, ebreu:—L. deum. hebræum); in later F. juif, fem. juive. L. iūdæus was a. Gr. ἰουδαῖ-ος, f. Aramaic y'hūdāi, corresp. to Heb. y'hūdī Jew, f. y'hūdāh Judah, name of a Hebrew patriarch and the tribe descended from him. (The OE. equivalent was Iudeas Jews, Early ME. Iudeow, Iudew: see Judew.)]
1. a. A person of Hebrew descent; one whose religion is Judaism; an Israelite.
Orig. a Hebrew of the kingdom of Judah, as opposed to those of the ten tribes of Israel; later, any Israelite who adhered to the worship of Jehovah as conducted at Jerusalem. Applied comparatively rarely to the ancient nation before the exile (cf. Hebrew n. 1), but the commonest name for contemporary or modern representatives of this group, now spread throughout the world. The word ‘Jew’ is also applied to groups, e.g. the Falashas in Ethiopia, not ethnically related to persons of the main European groups, the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim.
c1275Passion our Lord 351 in O.E. Misc. 47 Pilates hym onswerede, am ich Gyv þenne?a1300Cursor M. 3944 (Cott.) O sinnu etes neuer Iuu [v.rr. ieuu, iew].Ibid. 11072 (Cott.) It halus bath Iu and sarzine.c1310in Wright Lyric P. (Percy Soc.) 100 Ich holde me vilore then a Gyw [rimes bowe, trowe, now].c1340Cursor M. 4532 (Trin.) Þerynne a iewes childe we fonde.Ibid. 18579 (Trin.) And namely leue herof no iwe For al þus dud þei wiþ ihesu.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VI. 385 Charles Grossus was i-poysoned of a Iewe [v.r. Iuw].a1400Pistill of Susan 2 Þat was a Ieuȝ ientil, and Ioachin he hiht.c1440Promp. Parv. 266/2 Ive, judeus.1530Palsgr. 235/1 Jue a man of jurye, jvif.1572Satir. Poems Reform. xxxi. 173 Mair nor in Jurie dois the Jow.1596Shakes. Merch. V. iii. i. 61 What is the reason? I am a Iewe; Hath not a Iew eyes?1615G. Sandys Trav. 52 His mother a Iew both by birth and religion.1775Sheridan Rivals ii. i, She shall have a skin like a mummy, and the beard of a Jew.1820Byron Blues i. 77 You forget Lady Lilac's as rich as a Jew.1940Auden Another Time 116 He [sc. Sigmund Freud] Was taken away from his old interest To go back to the earth in London, An important Jew who died in exile.1956I. Murdoch Flight from Enchanter ix. 126 ‘Of course, you realize that I could rescue you with my little finger,’ said Mrs Wingfield. ‘I'm as rich as a Jew!’1970R. D. Abrahams Positively Black iii. 76 The Englishman is arrogant and overbearing, the American is a check-writing millionaire who doesn't mind the cost, the Jew tries to push down the entry price into heaven.1970Times 28 Jan. 10/4 At the heart of the matter lies the rabbinical definition of a Jew: a person born of a Jewish mother, or a person who has converted to Judaism according to rabbinical law.1974J. R. Baker Race xiv. 234 From the traditional religious point of view, a Jew was a person born of a Jewish mother, but this formula suffers from the defect that the defined word is included in adjectival form in the definition. The same flaw occurs in part of the new definition enacted by the Israeli Parliament in..1970, according to which a person is a Jew if he or she is the offspring of a Jewish mother or has been converted to the Jewish faith by the Orthodox Rabbinate or by the Rabbis of the Jewish Reform Movement or by the Rabbis of the Jewish Conservative Movement.
plural.c1175Lamb. Hom. 9 Alswa hefden þe giwis heore sinagoge.c1250Old Kent. Serm. in O.E. Misc. 26 Hi..askede wer was se king of gyus þet was i-bore.Ibid., King of geus.a1300Cursor M. 142 O þe Iuus [v.rr. iewes] and moyses.Ibid. 19129 (Gött.) Þar badd þai iuen suld þaim ȝeme.a1340Hampole Psalter xxvii. 5 Þe iowes sloghe crist.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VIII. 53 Þat he schulde doo þe Iewes [v.r. Iuwes] out of Engelond.1482Caxton Trevisa's Higden (Rolls) IV. 369 Þe Iuwes accused Pilatus to Tiberius.1533Gau Richt Vay 30 Ve prech Iesu Christ crucifeit, sclander to the Iowis and folie to the gentils.1548–9(Mar.) Bk. Comm. Prayer (Coll. Good Friday), Haue mercy upon all Iewes, Turkes, Infidels, and heretikes.1611Bible 2 Kings xvi. 6 At that time Rezin king of Syria..draue the Iews from Elath.1619Sanderson Twelve Serm. (1632) 2 In Rome there lived in the Apostles times many Iewes.1710etc. [see Falasha].1776Gibbon Decl. & F. xv, The same..abhorrence for idolatry which had distinguished the Jews from the other nations of the ancient world.1968L. Rosten Joys of Yiddish 142 Relentless persecution of Jews, century after century, in nation after nation, left a legacy of bitter sayings: ‘Dos ken nor a goy.’ (‘That, only a goy is capable of doing’).1971B. Malamud Tenants 50 The Jews got to keep us bloods stayin weak.1974J. R. Baker Race xiv. 232 In various parts of the world today there are communities that practise the Jewish faith in one form or another, but are ethnically distinct from the Jews of Europe and North America.
gen. plur.a1225Ancr. R. 394 Uorto acwiten ut his leofmon of Giwene honden.a1225Juliana 62 Ant þoledest pinen ant passiun þurh giwes read on rode.a1300Cursor M. 4532 (Cott.) Þar in a Iuen child [Trin. iewes childe] we fand.c1300Ibid. 19289 (Edin.) Þe iuwin folc felune.Ibid. 21696 (Edin.) Mang þe Iuwis lede.c1350Childh. Jesus 616 (Mätz.) Giwene children feole..Him siweden.c1449Pecock Repr. iii. iii. 291 If Cristen preestis weren Iewen preestis.1653Greaves Seraglio 150 In the Kings Seraglio, the Sultana's are permitted to employ divers Jewes⁓women about their ordinary occasions.
b. Jew's eye: proverbial expression for something valued highly.
1592G. Harvey Pierce's Super. 85 A souerain Rule, as deare as a Iewes eye.1596Shakes. Merch. V. ii. v. 43 There will come a Christian by, Will be worth a Iewes eye.1833Marryat P. Simple ii, Although the journey..would cost twice the value of a gold seal, yet, that in the end it might be worth a Jew's eye.1844Willis Lady Jane i. 212 From dome to floor, Hung pictures..Each ‘worth a Jew's eye’.
c. Black Jew (see quot. 1967); also = Falasha.
1807C. Buchanan Jrnl. 4 Feb. in Christian Res. in Asia (1811) 192 The resident Jews are divided into two classes, called the Jerusalem or White Jews; and the Ancient or Black Jews. The White Jews reside at this place [sc. Cochin]. The Black Jews have also a Synagogue here; but the great body of that tribe inhabit towns in the interior of the province.a1817T. Dwight Trav. New-Eng. (1823) III. 174 The black Jews in Hindostan.1822Imperial Mag. IV. 358 A copy of the Hebrew Pentateuch..found in one of the Black Jews' Synagogues, at Cochin.1843J. C. Maitland Lett. from Madras xviii. 178, I told him about the first preachers, the Black Jews, the Syrian Christians, &c.1892G. M. Rae Syrian Church in India x. 150 These black Jews are converts to the faith from among the people of the land.1907I. Zangwill Ghetto Comedies 155 The black Jews..surrounded by all those millions of Hindoos.1930H. Norden Africa's Last Empire 185 The black Jews among whom he works.1964[see Falasha].1967D. T. Kauffman Dict. Relig. Terms 77/1 Black Jews, in India, term applied to brown-skinned Jews to distinguish them from a group known as ‘White Jews’. Sometimes used also for Negro Jewish groups.1974J. R. Baker Race xiv. 232 The Falasha or ‘black Jews’ of Ethiopia are members of the Aethiopid subrace, a hybrid taxon.
d. A ship's tailor. Hence also jewing vbl. n. and ppl. a. Naut. slang.
1916Chambers's Jrnl. May 278/2 They [sc. ships' tailors] were still known as ‘jews’.Ibid., The term ‘jewing’, as sewing is still called.1945‘Tackline’ Holiday Sailor x. 102 There was the ‘Jewing-bloke’, who undertook tailoring repairs.Ibid., The ‘Jewing-bloke’ had a rather ancient Singer sewing machine, bought when ashore at Alexandria with..pay in his pocket.1946J. Irving Royal Navalese 100 A sailor-tailor is known as a ‘Jew’.1962Granville Dict. Sailors' Slang 66/1 Jewing firm, ship's tailoring ‘firm’ run by one or more ratings who repair and make clothing.
2. a. transf. and offensive. As a name of opprobrium: spec. applied to a grasping or extortionate person (whether Jewish or not) who drives hard bargains.
In medieval England, Jews, though engaged in many pursuits, were particularly familiar as money-lenders, their activities being publicly regulated for them by the Crown, whose protégés they were. In private, Christians also practised money-lending, though forbidden to do so by Canon Law. Thus the name of Jew came to be associated in the popular mind with usury and any extortionate practices that might be supposed to accompany it, and gained an opprobrious sense.
1606Sir G. Goosecappe v. i. in Bullen O. Pl. III. 77 If the sunne of thy beauty doe not white me like a shippards holland, I am a Iewe to my Creator.1700Bp. Patrick Comm. Deut. xxviii. 37 Better we cannot express the most cut⁓throat dealing, than thus, You use me like a Jew.1830Coleridge Table-t. 16 May, Jacob is a regular Jew, and practises all sorts of tricks and wiles.1844D. King Ruling Eldership ii. i, It is undesirable..that he pass in the commercial circle for what is there termed a Jew.1846Swell's Night Guide 123/1 Jew, an overreaching fellow.c1861E. Dickinson Poems (1955) I. 160 'Twould be ‘a Bargain’ for a Jew! Say—may I have it—Sir?1906J. M. Synge Lett. to Molly (1971) 31 What have I done that you should write to me as if I was a dunning Jew?1920T. S. Eliot Ara Vos Prec 14 The jew is underneath the lot. Money in furs.1931T. R. G. Lyell Slang 428 Why waste your time asking him for a subscription? He's a perfect Jew where money's concerned.1944Britannica Bk. of Year 693 In March 1943 there were tirades from Bangkok radio against the ‘Jews of Siam’ (probably Chinese), who were accused of profiteering.1952G. Bone Came to Oxf. xi. 34 There is a curious fallacy, rather wide-spread, that a borrower of money is an innocent and hapless person, while a lender is a shark, a harpy, a ‘Jew’.1964H. Brotz Black Jews of Harlem iii. 54 Occasionally the Black Jews forget they are Jews when complaining about the fact that ‘the Jews’ own all or most of Harlem!
b. A pedlar.
In this use not depreciatory.
1803G. Colman John Bull iii. ii. 32 Here is two poets, and a poll-parrot, the best image the Jew had over his head, over the mantle-piece.1963‘E. McBain’ Ten Plus One (1964) iv. 42 There was a guy who used to come around to the door selling stuff, and my mother called him ‘The Jew’... For her, ‘Jew’ was synonymous with pedlar.1970J. H. Gray Boy from Winnipeg 43 For us, however, ‘Jew’ was just another generic word that often included the peddlers who were Greek or Italian. When we scrounged bottles it was to sell to ‘the Jew’, who was anybody that came along buying junk.
3. attrib. and Comb.
a. attrib. or as adj. That is a Jew, Jewish, as Jew boy, Jew butcher, Jew girl, Jew man, Jew pedlar, Jew physician, Jew trooper (such expressions now mainly in offensive use but not originally opprobrious); of or relating to Jews, as Jew bill, Jew hatred, Jew toll.
b. objective, similative, etc., as Jew-drowning, Jew-hater, Jew-dear, adj.; Jew-like adj. and adv., Jew-looking adj.
1765Blackstone Comm. I. x. (1793) 375 Very high debates about the time of the famous *Jew-bill; which enables all Jews to prefer bills of naturalization in parliament, without receiving the sacrament.
1796P. Colquhoun Treat. Police of Metropolis (ed. 3) vi. 125 *Jew Boys..go out every morning loaded with counterfeit Copper, which they exchange for bad Silver, to be afterwards coloured anew, and again put into circulation.1817M. Edgeworth Harrington iii. 45 Mowbray easily engaged me to join him against the Jew boy; and a zealous partizan against Jacob I became.1873Trollope Eustace Diamonds II. liii. 361 You used to be very wicked, and say he was once a Jew-boy in the streets.1929D. H. Lawrence Let. 10 Oct. (1962) II. 1208, I do hate John's Jewish nasal sort of style—so uglily moral... Spring doesn't only come for the moral Jew-boys—for them perhaps least.1948J. Baldwin in Commentary Oct. 334/2 Jules Weissman, a Jewboy, had got the room for me.1954Jewboy [see ikey n. and a.].1959N. Mailer Advts. for Myself (1961) 50 Jewboy, blond Jewboy Wexler perched by the cellar window, tackling Japs with machine-gun bullets.1968Daily Mail 9 Feb. 3/3 Angry viewers rang the BBC last night to complain about an ‘anti-Semitic’ remark on the TV programme Softly, Softly. In last night's episode..the detective tells the man: ‘You always were a great one for putting things in your wife's name, Bob, just like a Jewboy heading for bankruptcy.’1972Observer 7 May, Mrs Lane Fox dismisses what she calls the country set, who call their children ‘the brats’, talk about ‘thrashing them into shape’, support Enoch Powell and still refer to ‘jew boys’.1974New Society 3 Jan. 11/2 A car's desirability also creates the opposite reaction, in that envy is easily turned to resentment and aggression towards, for instance, the ‘jewboy’, the ‘poser’, the ‘toffee nose’ and the ‘business classes’ who sport expensive and powerful cars.
1849W. S. Mayo Kaloolah (1887) p. viii, Oil, garlic, salt fish, and *Jew brandy.
1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 213 Thus you see the *Iew⁓butcher had need be no botcher, but halfe a Physitian in Anatomizing.
1755J. Shebbeare Lydia (1769) I. 274 [He] must have had this *jew-craft among his reasons for endeavouring to naturalize the Jews.
1899A. White Modern Jew 122 There are many instances of the drollery of *Jew-drowning in the annals of monkish historians.
1796E. Wynne Diary 11 Dec. (1937) II. ix. 139 Before having ever seen us she declared that we were all excepting the youngest, like little crows and *Jew girls.1930E. Pound XXX Cantos x. 45 Wives, jew-girls, nuns.1971B. Malamud Tenants 50 Jewgirls are the best whores.
1899Westm. Gaz. 18 Sept. 2/2 The nature of the wounds roused amongst the *Jew-haters the old story of the blood sacrifice.
1898Nat. Rev. Aug. 807 Outside Russia, *Jew hatred is a matter with which Governments have no direct concern.
1808Cobbett Pol. Reg. XIII. 172 Through the means of a *jew-like commerce with the revolted slaves.
1905Joyce Let. 29 Oct. (1966) II. 127 For a *Jewman it's better than having to bathe.1922Ulysses 336 I'll brain that bloody jewman for using the holy name.1938W. B. Yeats John Kinsella's Lament in London Mercury Dec. 114 Though stiff to strike a bargain Like an old Jew man.
1771Smollett Humph. Cl. 20 Apr. Let ii, I was cheapening a pair of spectacles with a *Jew-pedlar.
1731Gent. Mag. I. 403 Dr. Bass, a noted *Jew Physician in St. Mary Axe.
a1680Butler Rem. (1759) II. 84 And crucify his Saviour worse Than those *Jew-Troopers, that threw out, When they were raffling for his coat.
c. Special Combs.: Jew-bail, insufficient bail, ‘straw-bail’; ˈJew-baiting n. [= Ger. Judenhetze], systematic harrying or persecution of Jews; so Jew-bait v. nonce-wd., Jew-baiter, Jew-baiting a.; Jew-bush, a euphorbiaceous plant of the genus Pedilanthus; Jew-cart (see quot.); Jew-lizard, a large Australian lizard, Amphibolurus barbatus; Jew plum = Otaheite apple; Jew Tongo, a language spoken among Bush Negroes in Surinam, possessing a structure largely derived from West African languages and a vocabulary largely derived from English.
1785Grose Dict. Vulg. T., *Jew Bail.1797M. Robinson Walsingham IV. 283 He..did the deep ones with Jew-bail, till they were up to the trick.
1892Sat. Rev. 18 June 700/2 [He] is always going about Jew-baiting and to *Jew-bait with pen or sword.
1883Pall Mall G. 19 Nov. 3/1 [They] are now in full possession of the case of the German *jew-baiters against the Jews.1907I. Zangwill Ghetto Comedies 85 She's honest... She won't fall back on the old Jew-baiter.1945W. S. Churchill Victory (1946) 145 Julius Streicher, most notorious of Jew-baiters, was captured by the Americans.1960C. Day Lewis Buried Day vi. 116 The same herd instinct that produces Teddy Boys, Jew-baiters and Ku-Klux-Klansmen.1974G. Mitchell Javelin for Jonah xi. 133 Benjy was unlucky enough to fall foul at school of a ring of young Jew-baiters.
1883Evening Post (N.Y.) 21 Apr., The *Jew-baiting in Germany; the bloody persecutions in Russia.1898Nat. Review Aug. 807 In the Empire of the Tsar..Jew-baiting is a matter of high State policy.1922Joyce Ulysses 202 Shylock chimes with the jewbaiting that followed the hanging.1939Ann. Reg. 1938 203 The brutalities began on April 23, and it was clear that the scheme of Jew-baiting had been worked out in readiness for the ‘Anschluss’.1969J. Mander Static Soc. iii. 99 The American, however ugly, is no Jew-baiting Gauleiter.
1830Lindley Nat. Syst. Bot. 105 The *Jew Bush, or Milk plant.
1840Marryat Poor Jack xviii, Then we have what we call *Jew Carts, always ready to take [stolen] goods inland, where they will not be looked after.
1847Leichhardt Jrnl. iii. 89 A small Chlamydophorus (*Jew lizard of the Hunter [River]) was also seen.a1884J. Service Thir Notandums (1890) 205 From beneath a log the green Jew-lizard, or the iguana peeps.
1913W. Harris Notes Fruit & Veg. in Jamaica 18 The *Jew Plum..was introduced to Jamaica in 1782 and again in 1792.1920W. Popenoe Man. Tropical & Subtropical Fruits iv. 156 Jew-plum is another name for the ambarelle, used in Jamaica.1971Caribbean Q. XVII. ii. 14 Different name, same referent..golden apple/Jew plum/pomme-citerre.
1933L. Bloomfield Lang. xxvi. 474 Two creolized forms of English are spoken in Suriname (Dutch Guiana). One of these.., more divergent from ordinary types of English, is known as *Jew-Tongo.1968W. J. Samarin in J. A. Fishman Readings Sociol. of Lang. 666 Amerindian pidgins... Saramakan (Jew Tongo, Ningre-Tongo).
d. Genitival Combs.: Jews' apple, a name for the Egg-plant or its fruit; Jews' frankincense, a plant of the genus Styrax, or the resin obtained from it (storax or benzoin); Jews' houses, name given to the remains of ancient tin-smelting furnaces in Cornwall; Jew's letter, a text inscribed in Hebrew upon a phylactery, regarded as the outward symbol or badge of a Jew; Jews' lime, a synonym of Jews' slime (see below); Jews' mallow, a name for Corchorus olitorius (family Tiliaceæ), one of the plants from which the fibre called jute is obtained, used as a pot-herb in Egypt, Syria, and other countries; Jews' money, a popular name for ancient Roman coins found in some parts of England; Jews' myrtle, a name for Butcher's Broom, and for a variety of the common Myrtle; Jews' pitch, Jews' slime, names for asphalt or bitumen (cf. Gen. xi. 3); Jews' thorn = Christ's thorn (see Christ 5); Jews' tin, name for lumps of tin found in ancient smelting-furnaces (Jews' houses) in Cornwall.
1884Miller Plant-n., Solanum esculentum, *Jew's-Apple, Mad-Apple... S. Melongena,..Egg-plant, Jew's-Apple.
1760J. Lee Introd. Bot. App. 315 *Jew's Frankincense, Styrax.
1851Illustr. Catal. Gt. Exhib. 162 In the reign of King John, the mines [were] principally in the hands of the Jews..remains of furnaces, called *Jews' houses, have been discovered, and small blocks of tin, known as Jews' tin, have..been found in the mining localities.
1589R. Harvey Pl. Perc. (1860) 32 *Iewes letter scrible scrable ouer the Copurtenaunce of a mans countenaunce.1598Florio Worlde of Wordes To Rdr. A vj, A fouler blot then a Iewes letter..in the foreheads of Cælius and Curio.
1731–3Miller Gard. Dict. s.v. Corchorus, *Jews Mallow, ..sown in great Plenty about Aleppo as a Pot-herb, the Jews boiling the Leaves of this Plant to eat with their Meat.1887C. A. Moloney Forestry W. Afr. 289 ‘Jews' Mallow’ or ‘Jute’ (Corchorus olitorius, L.)—Annual. This is one of the species that affords the well-known fibre of commerce called ‘Jute’.
1577Harrison England ii. xxiv. (1877) i. 360 Some peeces or other are dailie taken vp, which they call Borow pence, Dwarfs monie..*Iewes monie, and by other foolish names not woorthie to be remembred.
1856N. & Q. Ser. ii. I. 432/2 In some parts of Kent it [Ruscus aculeatus] is called ‘*Jews' Myrtle’; and it is the popular belief, that the crown of thorns..was composed of its branches.
1756P. Browne Jamaica 40 Asphaltum, *Jew's pitch.1816P. F. Tingry Varnisher's Guide (ed. 2) 1 Asphaltum..issues in a liquid form from the bottom of the lake Asphaltis in Judæa; and hence the name of Jew's pitch.
1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts 188 *Iewes lime drunk in water..prescribed for a remedy of this euill.1639Horn & Rob. Gate Lang. Unl. x. §104 Salt-peter, brimstone, Jew's slime, patrol, bole-armoniak,..are called mineral juyces.
1597Gerarde Herbal Index, *Iewes thorne, that is Christs thorne. [iii. xxvi. 1153 This shrubbie thorne Paliurus was the thorne wherewith they crowned our Sauiour Christ.]
1851*Jews' tin [see Jews' house].
II. Jew, jew, v. colloq.
[f. Jew n. (sense 2).]
trans. To cheat or overreach, in the way attributed to Jewish traders or usurers. Also, to drive a hard bargain, and intr., to haggle. Phr. to jew down, to beat down in price; also transf. Hence ˈJewing vbl. n.
These uses are now considered to be offensive.
1824C. Harding Diary 29 Apr. in Sketch (1929) 75 He is a country clergyman; and, from his Jewing disposition, I should judge he had more taste in tithes than pictures.1825Constitutional Adv. (Frankfort, Kentucky) 15 Dec. 3/1 We hope, for the honour and character of the state, that neither the legislature nor the people, will Jew the items of expence.1833L. Dow Dealings of God (1849) 189 If they [sc. the Jews] will Jew people, they cannot flourish among Yankees, who are said to ‘outjew’ them in trading.a1845Barham Ingol. Leg., Bro. Birchington lxv, Is it that way you'd Jew one?1847W. Irving Let. 30 Apr. in Life & Lett. (1864) IV. 19 Some mode of screwing and jewing the world out of more interest than one's money is entitled to.1848W. Bagley Let. 14 Mar. in N. E. Eliason Tarheel Talk (1956) 279, I Jewed old Galloway down to 1·50 for ploughs.1851H. Mayhew London Labour I. 368/1 Some of the ladies in the squares..sets to work Jewing away as hard as they can, pricing up their own things, and downcrying yourn.1854D. G. Rossetti in Rossetti Ruskin, Rossetti, etc. (1899) 15 But as to his doings And jawings and jewings, William brought me the news.1870Congress. Globe 7 July 5340/1 This bill supposes that Congress..is ready to commence jewing down the pay of its General.1872Chicago Tribune 14 Oct. 8/2 The prices [for lodging] asked vary—the lodger being generally asked as much as it is thought he will give. If he jews, he will get it for comparatively little.1883G. M Hopkins Let. 6 Dec. (1938) 195 You will I know say..that Jew is a reproach because the Jews have corrupted their race and nature, so that it is their vices and their free acts we stigmatise when we call cheating ‘jewing’—and that you mean that Disraeli in 1871 overreached and jewed his constituents.1891Daily News 2 Nov. 7/3 He'd take care he didn't ‘Jew’ him again.1897[see Highland a. 2 b].1908Dialect Notes III. 324 Jew, to beat down the price. ‘I tried to jew him, but he wouldn't jew.’1926Market Growers Jrnl. 1 July 3, I make my retail prices about half way between grocery store wholesale and retail prices, and do not stand for any ‘jewing’ down.1937Scribner's Mag. Apr. 25 Thought we might get the divorce a little under fifty dollars. Maybe we might jew the young man down.1939A. Powell What's become of Waring v. 140 Then we can meet again and jew each other down.1946W. G. Hammond Remembrance of Amherst 121 Both here and at the mountain top we were unmercifully jewed for all the refreshments.1947L. Z. Hobson Gentleman's Agreement i. 9 Now she was describing the large new house she and Dick wanted to buy. ‘Did you close the sale on the old place?’ Mrs. Green asked. ‘Not yet. That cheap Pat Curran keeps trying to Jew us down.’1968L. Rosten Joys of Yiddish 142 Just as some Gentiles use ‘Jew’ as a contemptuous synonym for too-shrewd, sly bargaining (‘He tried to Jew the price down,’ is about as unappetizing an idiom as I know), so some Jews use goy in a pejorative sense.1970R. Lowell Notebk. 69 This embankment, jewed—No, yankeed—by the highways down to a grassy lip.1971R. Thomas Backup Men xxi. 184, I say how much and he says this much and I say it's not enough so we jew around with each other until we make a price.1972Harper's Mag. May 83 Jew the fruitman down for his last Christmas tree.1972New Society 11 May 301/1, I got jewed down..over the cheap offer.




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