

单词 joggle
释义 I. joggle, n.1|ˈdʒɒg(ə)l|
[f. joggle v.1]
An act, or the action, of joggling; a slight shake, a jog, a jolt; a shaking loosely from side to side.
1727Bailey vol. II, A Jog, a Joggle, a push or shove.1822Galt Sir A. Wylie xxxiv, She grippit wi' me like grim death at every joggle the coach gied.1864Lowell Fireside Trav. 280 Just as the guides had progued..the donkeys into a brisk joggle.1893Baring-Gould Cheap-Jack Z. I. vii. 109 Get into the waggon and drive along... I can't abear the joggle, answered the Cheap Jack.
II. joggle, n.2 Masonry and Carpentry.
[Origin uncertain; perh. from jog = jag, a projection.]
A joint at the meeting of two adjacent pieces of stone or timber, so constructed as to produce a pressure transverse to that by which they are held together, and thus to prevent them from sliding on one another; a notch in one piece, or a corresponding projection in the other, or a small piece let in between both, for this purpose.
1703[see b].1793Smeaton Edystone L. §240 When a smaller piece of stone, of any shape, is let in between two larger stones, partly into one, and partly into the other, so as to prevent their shifting place with respect to each other, those pieces of stone are termed Joggles.1823P. Nicholson Pract. Build. 128 Joggles are the points at the meeting of struts, king-posts, queen-posts, and principal rafters.1845Parker Gloss. Archit. I. 218 Almost every sort of jointing, in which one piece of stone is let or fitted into another, is called a joggle: what a carpenter would call a rebate is also a joggle in stone.1847Smeaton Builder's Man. 110 The method of securing the joints of masonry by means of joggles..consists in sinking a cavity in the two pieces in such a manner as to make them correspond with each other, and inserting in that cavity a piece of metal, stone, or even wood, so that any lateral thrust may not be able to separate them.1869E. J. Reed Shipbuild. xx. 456 The joggles for the continuous longitudinal angle-irons are cut out.
b. Comb., as joggle-beam, joggle-joint, joggle-piece, joggle-post, joggle-truss, joggle-work (see quots.).
1703T. N. City & C. Purchaser 122 Crown-post..is also call'd a King-piece, or Joggle-piece.1823P. Nicholson Pract. Build. 225 Joggle-piece, a truss-post, with shoulders and sockets for abutting and fixing the lower ends of the struts.1858Skyring's Builders' Prices (ed. 48) 88 Joggle joints to 3 inch landings in cement.1875Knight Dict. Mech., Joggle-beam,..a built beam, the parts of which are joggled together... Joggle-work,..work in which the courses are secured by joggles..so as to prevent their slipping on each other.
III. joggle, v.1|ˈdʒɒg(ə)l|
[app. dim. or freq. of jog v.: but found earlier in our quots. Cf. shoggle.]
To jog continuously or repeatedly.
1. trans. To shake to and fro, as by repeated jerks; to cause to move from side to side.
1513Douglas æneis x. vii. 55 The ilk schaft stak in hys cors anone: Pallas it jogglyt, and furth drew in hy.1583Stanyhurst æneis iii. (Arb.) 89 Guts of mounten yrented From roote vp hee iogleth.1640Wilkins New Planet viii. (1707) 244 The Earth is firm and stable from all such Motions whereby it is joggled or uncertainly shaken.1738Wheler in Phil. Trans. XLI. 108 Striking or jogling the Vessel would make them subside.1837Brewster Magnet. 169 Something chanced to joggle the magnets..and they instantly rushed together.1853Mrs. Butler in Recoll. G. Butler v. (1892) 87 If he was long in replying I drove the dog-cart over some lumps on the roadside, and this joggled the answers out of him.
2. intr. To move to and fro with a succession of short jerky movements; to shake or rock about, as something loose or unsteady; dial. to jog along.
1683Moxon Mech. Exerc. x. §3. 178 That they may neither joggle nor tremble in working.1706Phil. Trans. XXV. 2253 That the Wheel may turn about upon the Pin..tight to the Ruler without joggling.1825Brockett, Joggle, to shake, to totter.1869Mrs. Stowe Old-Town folk xx. 239 My grandmother's broad shoulders joggling with a secret laugh.1883R. Broughton Belinda I. iii. 37 They are..joggling tranquilly along in the sunshine.
Hence ˈjoggling vbl. n.1 and ppl. a. ˈjoggling-board: see quot. 1883; joggling-table, (a) a machine in which ore is made to separate according to its specific weight, by the joggling or shaking of an inclined table on which it is spread; (b) Printing (see quot. 1947).
1828Moir Mansie Wauch xiii. (1849) 87 Wearied with the joggling of the cart.1849Ex. Doc. 31st U.S. Congress 1 Sess. House No. 5. i. 435 It is probable that a set of joggling and sleeping tables will be added to the washing machinery.1860Russell Diary India II. i. 7 Camels slung along at their utmost joggling stride.1883C. F. Smith Southernisms in Trans. Amer. Philol. Soc. 50 Joggle, ‘to shake up and down or move up and down on a plank suspended between supports at each end’... Joggling is a favorite amusement of children in South Carolina, and the joggling-board..is a common sight.1947Jrnl. R. Aeronaut. Soc. LI. 319/1 Offset lithographic process... The mat surface is obtained by placing the template on a joggling table... When the table is joggled or agitated by a lever.., the constant scouring action..produces a delicate mat surface.
IV. joggle, v.2 Masonry and Carpentry.
[f. joggle n.2]
trans. To join or fit together by means of a joggle; to fasten with a joggle.
1820D. Turner Tour Normandy II. 33 The stones immediately over the entrance are joggled into each other, the key-stone having a joggle on either side.1861Smiles Engineers II. vi. iv. 41 Sixteen pieces forming each circle, all joggled and cramped, so as to secure perfect solidity.1869E. J. Reed Shipbuild. ii. 34 One way would be to joggle the butt-strap over the keel angle-iron.
Hence ˈjoggled ppl. a.; ˈjoggling vbl. n.2, the action of the verb; also concr. a joggle, or work consisting of joggles.
1823P. Nicholson Pract. Build. 339 Joggled-joints.1858Skyring's Builders' Prices (ed. 48) 85 Sunk joggling to 3 inch and 4 inch landings, set in cement.1865G. E. Street Goth. Archit. Spain 83 The joggling of the joints of stone⁓work.1899Hist. Northumbld. V. 87 A fire-place with a skilfully joggled flat arch.




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