

单词 well-head
释义 ˈwell-head
[well n.1]
1. a. The place at which a spring breaks out of the ground; the head-spring or source of a stream or river.
1340–1Durham Acc. Rolls (Surtees) 539 In structura unius domuncule supra le Welleheued, 23s. 6d.13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 364 Waltes out vch walle-heued, in ful wode stremez.Ibid. 428 To-walten alle þyse welle-hedez & þe water flowed.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xiii. iii. (1495) 441 Euery ryuer..spryngith out in welle heedes.1574Cal. Laing Charters (1899) 225 Vp the face of the hill to ane lang veit welheid onder the craigis.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. ii. 6 Great Dame Nature, from whose fruitfull pap Their welheads spring.a1628Preston New Covt. (1629) 160 There would be different streames, there would be divers well-heads.1832Tennyson Eleänore 16 From old well-heads of haunted rills.1838Arnold Hist. Rome I. xi. 195 By the well-head of the water of Ferentina.1886Stevenson Kidnapped xxiv. 240 We..travelled on eerie mountains and among the well-heads of wild rivers.
b. Sc. A spring in a marsh or morass.
1816Scott Old Mort. xv, The charger on which he was mounted plunged up to the saddle-girths in a well-head, as the springs are called which supply the marshes.1862G. J. Whyte-Melville Queen's Maries xxxi, The horse..had got bogged up to the girths in a well-head, as those particularly soft pieces of morass are called, which abound on the Scottish moorland.1884T. Speedy Sport in Highlands xvii. 299 Extensive unfrozen marshes, abounding in ‘well-heads’.
2. fig. The chief source or fountain-head of anything.
1542Boorde Dyetary Pref. (1870) 226, I..beynge at the well-hed of Physycke [sc. at Montpelier].1587Golding De Mornay ii. 18 The Veynes are spred foorth throughout the whole bodie, howbeit from one welhead, that is to say from the Liuer.1596Spenser F.Q. v. ix. 26 Or that he likened was to a welhed Of euill words and wicked sclaunders by him shed.1606L. Bryskett Civ. Life 42 Knowing that the well bringing up of children, was the spring or wel-head of honest life.1638Junius Paint. Ancients 309 We must suffer our understanding to be directed to the well-head of the history it selfe.1654E. Pagitt Heresiogr. (ed. 5) 141 Oxford, and Cambridge, two Well-heads of Divinity.1820Hazlitt Lect. Dram. Lit. 20 It was the spring, the well-head from which every thought and feeling gushed into act.1842Borrow Bible in Spain iii. 20 The Bible, which is the well-head of all that is useful and conducive to the happiness of society.1854Patmore Angel in Ho., Betrothal 15 As Poets of grammar, Lovers are The well-heads of morality.1890Spectator 28 June, The County Council..had better endeavour to find some well-head of money which has hitherto remained untapped.
3. a. The top of a draw-well. Also a more or less elaborate structure erected over this.
1613J. Saris Voy. Japan (Hakl. Soc.) 133 At euery fiftie paces there is a Well-head, fitted very substantially of free⁓stone, with buckets for the neighbours to fetch water.1891Builder 28 Nov. 403/1 Wrought-iron Well-head.1908W. C. Green Old Cottages Surrey 69 Fig. 102 shows one of these well heads with a rough roof over it.1913Eng. Hist. Rev. July 553 The thoroughly characteristic Italian well-head of the twelfth century in the Lateran cloister.
b. The structure surmounting an oil- or gas-well. Freq. attrib.
1951U.S. Rep. 1950 CCCXL. 180 The issue in this case is the power of a state to fix prices at the wellhead on natural gas.1969Times 16 Dec. (Bahrain Suppl.) p. iv/3 (Advt.), Well-head structures for undersea drilling.1972L. M. Harris Introd. Deepwater Floating Drilling Operations ix. 93 The wellhead is installed on top of, and run with, the conductor pipe.1983Fortune 13 June 60/2 For each $1 drop in the wellhead price, producers' net income falls only 25 cents.




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