

单词 junk
释义 I. junk, n.1|dʒʌŋk|
Forms: 5 ion(c)ke, 5–7 iunke, 7 junke, jonk, junck, 7– junk.
[a. OF. jonc, jounc, junc = Sp., Pg. junco, It. giunco:—L. juncus rush.]
1. A rush. Obs.
c1400Mandeville (1839) ii. 13 Ȝif..Men seyn that this Croune is of thornes, ȝee schulle understonde that it was of Jonkes [Roxb. iunkes] of the See, that is to sey, Rushes of the See, that prykken als scharpely as Thornes.1491Caxton Vitas Patr. (W. de W. 1495) 33 a/2 His bedde was of Ionckes, and his vestyment of hayre.Ibid. 43 Made fyscellis woven wyth rede and Ionkes. [1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 302 b, Tough sharpe thornes, called the iunkes of y⊇ see.]
2. Surg. A form of splint, originally stuffed with rushes or bents (cf. quots.).
1612Woodall Surg. Mate Wks. (1653) 150, I appoint him juncks, as some terme them, namely bents rowled up in canvas.1634T. Johnson Parey's Chirurg. 559 Junkes are made of stickes the bignesse of a man's finger, wrapped about with rushes, and then with linnen cloth.1650tr. Glisson's Dis. Childr., Rickets (1742) 226 Bandages, Jonks, and clasped Boots every Body knows to be very useful in the Rickets.1887Syd. Soc. Lex., Junk,..in Surgery, a thin cushion stuffed with horse-hair and strengthened or not by strips of wood or cane, used to support a broken or sprained limb... The original junk, which is still employed, consisted of reeds or stiff straw quilted between two pieces of stout calico.
II. junk, n.2|dʒʌŋk|
Forms: 5 ionke, 7 iunke, junke, 8 junck, 8– junk.
[Of obscure origin: though identical in form with prec., there is no evidence of connexion.]
a. Naut. An old or inferior cable or rope; usually old junk. Obs.
1485Naval Acc. Hen. VII (1896) 49 Hausers grete and small..iij, Jonkes..iiij.Ibid. 55 Olde Jonkes..iiij.1600Hakluyt Voy. (1810) III, We only roade by an old iunke.1622Sir R. Hawkins Voy. S. Sea (1847) 155 Peeces of a Junke or rope chopped very small.1626Capt. Smith Accid. Yng. Seamen 16 Cables, hawsers or streame cables when that way vnseruiceable, they serue for Iunkes, fendors and braded plackets for brests of defence.1627Seaman's Gram. vii. 30 Fenders are peeces of old Hawsers called Iunkes.1769Newland in Phil. Trans. LXII. 86 You may make your ship fast with any old junk.
b. A piece of old cable used in making a fender, etc. Obs.
[1626–7: see 1.]a1642Sir W. Monson Naval Tracts (1704) III. 374/1, I advise, that..the uppermost part of the Ship be arm'd with Junks of Cables.1716Glossogr. Nova, Bongrace, to Mariners is a Frame of old Ropes or Juncks of Cables, laid out at the Bows, Stems, and Sides of Ships..to preserve them from Damage of great Flakes of Ice.
c. Old cable or rope material, cut up into short lengths and used for making fenders, reef-points, gaskets, oakum, etc.
1666Pepys Diary 14 July, Four or five tons of corke, to send..to the fleet; being a new device to make barricados with, instead of junke.1704New Hampsh. Prov. Papers (1868) II. 440 Ordered, that Mr. Treasurer, provide..Junk for Wadding, Tar, Blacking &c. for the great Guns.1748Anson's Voy. ii. ii. 133 We had not a sufficient quantity of junk to make spun-yarn.1840R. H. Dana Bef. Mast ii. 2 The steerage..was filled with coils of rigging, spare sails, old junk, and ship stores.18825 Yrs. Penal Servit. i. 23 Every morning the quantum of junk was served out.
d. transf. Any discarded or waste material that can be put to some use: cf. junk-dealer in 5. Also, second-hand or discarded articles of little or no use or value; rubbish.
1842Congress. Globe 23 Feb. 261 Champagne was charged for under the head of ‘old junk’.1884H. Frederic in Pall Mall G. 6 Aug. 11/1 Many..[shops] devoted to the sale of rags, and the sweepings of a city, bones, junk—a collection of pestilence-breeding filth.1913V. Steer Romance of Cinema 30 The life of a film is very short. It is ‘first run’ to-day and ‘junk’ a few short weeks hence.1924Galsworthy White Monkey i. v. 33 His ‘junk’, however, was not devoid of the taste and luxury which overflows from the greater houses of England.1935A. Christie Death in Clouds xi. 118, I have my collection..that all connoisseurs know—and also I have—well, frankly, Messieurs, let us call it junk!1940Punch 3 Apr. 386/2 A great deal of ecclesiastical junk which the Vatican..would have obvious difficulty in dispersing.1952R. Finlayson Schooner came to Atia 112 The boat was found battered to junk in a pool.1974Woman 4 May 5/1 Collecting junk for creative work is a way of life at school.
e. Any narcotic drug, esp. heroin; also, such drugs collectively. Also attrib. slang (orig. U.S.).
1925Writer's Monthly June 487/1 Junk, dope.1930Liberty 5 July 24/1 When he has the junk in him there is no telling what he'll do.1933‘J. Spenser’ Limey iii. 37 You shouldda seen him when he was only half light with a shot o' the junk (dope) he used.1937B. Reitman Sister of Road (1941) vii. 74 She was full of junk, which she had received in her mail.1938[see connect v. 5 b].1953W. Burroughs Junkie (1972) vii. 66 It doesn't take the manager long to spot a bookie or a junk-pusher.Ibid. x. 108 You cannot escape from junk-sickness any more than you can escape from junk-kick after a shot.Ibid. xii. 120 Lupita got her start with one gram of junk and built up from there to a monopoly of the junk business in Mexico City.1957P. Frank Seven Days to Never vii. 204 Pretty slick way to carry your junk... You're a junkie, aren't you?1960J. Gelber Connection i. 25 You cats ought to smoke pot instead of using junk. It would make you more agreeable.1963A. Trocchi Cain's Book 73 One must go where the junk is and one is never certain where the junk is, never sure that where the junk is is not the anteroom of the penitentiary.1966Listener 17 Mar. 401/2 Burroughs's position is explicit: junk—i.e., all narcotic drugs, as opposed to hallucinogenic ones like hashish and mescalin—are purely evil.1972J. Brown Chancer ix. 85 You do anything for junk... Cheat. Lie. Steal.
f. = junk food (sense 5 below). orig. U.S.
1972Time 18 Dec. 69/1 Eating is a spiritual movement...It upsets me to see people eating junk.1973Jrnl. Nutrition Educ. Apr.–June 117/2 Students eat what they..refer to as ‘junk’—French fries, pretzels, chips, ice cream, candy, hot dogs.
2. transf. A piece or lump of anything; a chunk.[Chunk may have originated under the joint influence of chuck and junk.] 1726G. Roberts 4 Years Voy. 155, I..gave to each of them a short Junk of Pipe.1764Grainger Sugar Cane 1. Note 41 The stem is knotty, and, being cut into small junks and planted, young sprouts shoot up from each knob.Ibid. iii. 127 The Cane..Cut into junks a yard in length.1833M. Scott Tom Cringle i. (1859) 8 A large knot in his cheek from a junk of tobacco therein stowed.1843Mrs. Carlyle Lett. I. 270 [He] snatched up a large pound-cake, cut it into junks.1876M. E. Braddon J. Haggard's Dau. xxiii. 243 The huge junk of single Gloucester.
3. transf. orig. Naut. The salt meat used as food on long voyages, compared to pieces of rope; usually with epithet, as old junk, salt junk, tough junk.
1762Smollett Sir L. Greaves xiii, Your mistress Aurelia, whom I value no more than old junk, pork-slush, or stinking stock-fish.1792M. Cutler in Life, Jrnls. & Corr. (1888) I. 486, I had infinitely rather sit down with you to a piece of salt junk at one o'clock than be tormented with the parade..of Philadelphia entertainments.1862Carlyle Fredk. Gt. x. v. (1872) III. 263 Steadfastly eating tough junk with a wetting of rum.
4. Whale-fishery. The lump or mass of thick oily cellular tissue beneath the case and nostrils of a sperm-whale, containing spermaceti.
1850Scoresby Cheever's Whalem. Adv. x. (1859) 135 What whalers call the junk, or mighty mass of blubber, was separated from the case.c1865Letheby in Circ. Sc. I. 97/2 The dense mass of cellular tissue, called junk.
5. attrib. and Comb., as junk-mat, etc.; (sense 1 d) junk car, junk cart, junk collector, junk-heap, junk merchant, junk-pile, junk-room, junk-stall, junk store, junk-yard; junk art (see quot.); so junk artist; junk-dealer, U.S., a marine-store dealer; junk food orig. U.S., food that appeals to popular (esp. juvenile) taste but has little nutritional value; also fig.; junk-hook, a hook used in handling the junk of a whale; junk jewellery = costume jewellery; junk mail N. Amer., circulars, advertisements, etc., sent by post to a large number of addresses; junk-playground = adventure playground; junk-ring, (a) a metal ring confining the hemp packing of a piston; (b) a steam-tight metal packing round a piston; junk sculpture = junk art; so junk sculptor; junk-shop, a marine store, the shop of a junk-dealer; junk-strap, a chain for hoisting the junk of a whale to the deck of a vessel; junk-vat, in tanning, a large vat for holding weakened vat-liquor; junk-wad, a wad for a gun made of junk or oakum bound with spun-yarn. Also junkman2.
1966Britannica Bk. of Year (U.S.) 807/1 *Junk art, three-dimensional art made from discarded material (as of metal, mortar, glass, or wood); junk artist, n.
1954Amer. Speech XXIX. 99 *Junk car or junker, a car in poor condition that has been made to look like a hot rod. Usually used sarcastically of any car ready for the junk yard.1967Boston Sunday Herald 26 Mar. ii. 9/2 Thirty-five junk cars hauled away.
1879Scribner's Monthly May 34/1 These piers..are too narrow even for the circulation of a *junk-cart.1934Webster, Junk collector.1956J. M. Mogey Family & Neighbourhood 10 Junk-collectors' yards.
1882Sala Amer. Revis. v. (1885) 70 The marine store or ‘*junk’ dealer, as he is styled in New-York.1892Pall Mall G. 23 May 7/2 These ‘exchanges’ are bought by the pound from an old junk-dealer [in New York].
1973Washington Post 9 Mar. a27/5 How many children are going to fill up on *junk foods and be too full to eat a nutritious lunch now?1974Ottawa Citizen 24 July 52/3 Canadians' consumption of..junk food is alarming.1982Times 12 Aug. 6/6 Blyton may be junk food but it's not addictive.1986Times 4 Mar. 10/5 The eastern cult for junk food may be having a remarkable effect on the health and appearance of Japan's youngsters.
1906Westm. Gaz. 26 Oct. 2/1 He [sc. Hearst]..took hold of a *junk-heap relic of Pacific-coast journalism called the Examiner.1917R. L. Alsaker Eating for Health ii. xiii. 195 You and I..have to conform to the laws of nature, or else we are thrown into the junk heap.1953C. Day Lewis Italian Visit iii. 34 It would take three life-times to cover The glorious junk-heap.1973Guardian 23 Mar. 12/4 In Plymouth once they raided the local junk-heap to supplement the props which they had brought with them.
1939Sun (Baltimore) 8 May 17 The Duchess of Kent..envies American women their smart ‘*junk jewelry’ (costume stuff).1960Sunday Express 21 Feb. 14/3 American women have..loaded themselves with so much ‘junk’ jewellery they jangle as they walk.
1954Reader's Digest Oct. 37/1 The argument for *junk mail is that sorting requires little time—the postman simply delivers one throwaway to each home.1967Economist 23 Dec. 1227/1 These high charges are necessary to subsidise third class bulk mail, often called ‘junk’ mail, which includes millions of unsolicited advertisements sent out to lists of names as well as mail order catalogues.1972Edmonton (Alberta) Jrnl. 26 June 5/5 Within the first few months of their baby's life, the Duncans had received more than 1,000 pieces of junk mail.
1851Illustr. Catal. Gt. Exhib. 1416 *Junk mats.
1901Westm. Gaz. 8 July 3/2 Twenty tons of unsold copies of a well-known cheap magazine were sold for waste-paper to *junk merchants.
1880Harper's Mag. June 67/1 The junk pile in the barn is invaded, and the rusty plough abstracted.1912J. H. Moore Ethics & Educ. 10 They should be sent without sighs or lamentations to the junk-pile.
1957Economist 5 Oct. 28/2 That lively social experiment the Grimsby ‘shanty town’, a *junk-playground which has evolved into a children's community.
1839R. S. Robinson Naut. Steam Eng. 41 On the top of the packing rings comes the *junk ring, which occupies the whole space from the boss of the piston to the sides.1887D. A. Low Machine Draw. (1892) 61 The piston rod and nut are of wrought iron, so also are the junk ring bolts.
1936M. Allingham Flowers for Judge xiv. 207 They didn't keep anything valuable there. It's a sort of *junk-room.
1966Time 14 Jan. E1 Long before the tachiste painter or the *junk sculptor, the American Indian shaped art from sand, bone, feathers—whatever he had at hand.1969Harper's Mag. Sept. 14 Students interested in musicology, junk sculpture, the Theater of the Absurd.1970Times 7 Mar. p. iv/6 He [sc. Brion Gysin] had time on his hands and became one of the pioneers of junk sculpture.
1800Colquhoun Comm. Thames ii. 50 Receivers..who kept Old Iron and *Junk Shops in places adjacent to the River.1841‘Dow, Jr.’ Short Patent Sermons 77 Trash, that wouldn't fetch two cents in the market of heaven, and but a trifle more in the junk-shops of hell.1879Scribner's Monthly May 33/2 New York is bordered with rat-holes and rotten cribs, gin-mills and junk-shops.1881C. C. Harrison Woman's Handiwork iii. 171 She confessed to having purchased from a junk-shop the charming little gilt-framed oblong mirror.1883Millionaire v. xvii, Jeremiah Flint, who keeps the junk-shop down there close to the London Docks.1939C. Day Lewis Child of Misfortune i. v. 70 Lady Gresham's mind was dark, dusty and furtive as a junk-shop.1951M. Kennedy Lucy Carmichael iii. i. 157, I saw it..in a tray in a junk shop.1969Listener 17 Apr. 533/1 The Metropolitan Museum in New York was a really dismal junk shop 40 years ago.
1962John o' London's 11 Jan. 40/3 Oddities off *junk⁓stalls.
1882J. D. McCabe New York 583 They..sell it to the *junk and rag stores.1908Kipling Lett. of Travel (1920) 197 We went to look at a marine junk-store.
1875Knight Dict. Mech., *Junk-wad.1879Man. Artillery Exerc. 323 When junk or grummet wads are used they are supplied by 5.
1880G. W. Cable Grandissimes 192 You may still..see one [sc. a villa] standing..among..*junk-yards, and longshoremen's hovels.1952W. R. Burnett Vanity Row (1953) vi. 50 All about loomed gas tanks, warehouses, junk yards.1953Manch. Guardian Weekly 27 Aug. 7 Suffocating in a junkyard of chairs.1966T. Pynchon Crying of Lot 49 i. 14 If it had been an outright junkyard, probably he could have stuck things out, made a career.1974M. Hastings Dragon Island ix. 77 The only reason this floating junkyard's still in service is that the Chinese perishers that own her can't even give her away.

Add:[5.] junk bond Finance (orig. U.S.), a stock with a high rate of interest and substantial risk, issued esp. to finance a corporate take-over or a buy-out.
1974Business Week 28 Sept. 77/1 A more daring way to play converts is to sift among what people call ‘*junk’ bonds, whose yields have become spectacular.1988Sunday Tel. 30 Oct. 35/2 The event was the withdrawing..of a $1.15 billion issue of high-interest bearing (and high risk—hence ‘junk’) bonds.1991Economist 5 Oct. 103/1 With the economy weak and financial markets still hurt by a credit crunch and the collapse of the junk-bond market, this is not a good time for the cold-shower business of repaying, rolling over or replacing corporate debt.

junk DNA n. Molecular Biol. segments of DNA that have no known function in the genome (such as coding for a protein, regulating transcription, etc.), typically consisting of repetitive sequences of nucleotides.
1972S. Ohno in Brookhaven Symp. Biol. 23 366 (title) So much ‘*junk’ DNA in our genome.1974Ecology 55 213/2 Some believe that spacer DNA is composed of ‘fossil genes’ which once were functional, but have since lost their functions. It is estimated that only 6% of DNA is functional, with the rest being ‘junk DNA’.2000Chicago Tribune (Nexis) 27 June 1 Also preserved is the detritus from millions of years—failed genes, dead genes, viral genes—all the strange entities called pseudogenes..transposons and retrotransposons—collectively referred to as ‘junk DNA’.
III. junk, n.3|dʒʌŋk|
Forms: (6 giunco, iunco), 7 junke, junck(e, jounck, junc, yonk, 7–9 jonk, 8 joncke, 7– junk.
[A word of Oriental origin, now adapted in most European langs.: Pg. junco (in 16th c. jungo, Barbosa), Sp. junco, It. giunco (16th c. giunca, Pigafetta), F. joncque, Du. jonk. App. ad. Javanese djong (occurring in compositions of 13th c. or earlier), ‘ship, large vessel,’ Malay adjong. The earlier Eng. forms are from other European langs.
Some have sought the origin of the word in the Chinese ch'wan ‘ship or sailing vessel’; but the Portuguese and Dutch were established in Java and the Malay Archipelago before they visited China, and found the Javanese and Malay word (which has no connexion with the Chinese) applied to all large native vessels as well as to the Chinese ships which visited those shores.]
A name for the common type of native sailing vessel in the Chinese seas. It is flat-bottomed, has a square prow, prominent stem, full stern, the rudder suspended, and carries lug-sails.
The name is now applied to Chinese, Japanese, Okinawan, Thai, and other vessels of this type; early writers applied it still more widely to Malay, Javan, and even South Indian native vessels.
[1555Eden Decades 215 [from It. of Pigafetta] From the whiche Ilandes [Moluccas] they are brought [to India] in shyps or barkes made withowt any iren tooles... These barkes they caule Giunche.1588Parke tr. Mendoza's Hist. China i. iii. xxi. 115 Such ships as they haue to saile long voiages be called Iuncos.]1613Purchas Pilgrimage, Descr. India (1864) 54 The viceroy having two ships sent him for supply, two Iunkes, eight or ten boates.1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 184 We espied a Malabar Juncke of seventie Tunnes, bound for Acheen in Sumatra.1697W. Dampier Voy. (1729) I. 396 The Chinese..have always hideous Idols on board their Jonks or Ships.1720De Foe Capt. Singleton xiv. (1840) 237 A Dutch junk, or vessel, going to Amboyna.1773Gentl. Mag. XLIII. 332 The Chinese junks and boats..were most of them sunk.1813J. Burney Discov. S. Sea iii. x. 255 The unwieldiness of the Chinese jonks.1853Hawthorne Eng. Note-Bks. (1883) I. 442 All manner of odd-looking craft, but none so odd as the Chinese junk.
attrib.1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 27 A Junck-man of Warre full of desperate Malabars.1880I. L. Bird Japan II. 320 The total junk navy is 468,750 tons.
IV. junk, n.4
A local name for a joint in the bedding of slate or other rock.
1662Ray Itin. iii. in Lankester Mem. Ray (1846) 185 At Denbyboul, about two miles from Tintagel, is the best quarry of slate in the country... It is divided..both longways and broadways, by cracks or rifts, which they call junks.
V. junk, v.|dʒʌŋk|
[f. junk n.2]
1. trans.
a. To cut off in a lump;
b. To cut or divide into junks or chunks. Hence junked |dʒʌŋkt| ppl. a., chopped in pieces.
1803Ann. Reg. 802 Six feet junked off the smaller part of the root..will yield several gallons of water.1833M. Scott Tom Cringle ii. (1859) 42 To produce a two-inch rope and junk it into three lengths..was the work of an instant.1847R. Hill in Gosse Birds Jamaica 392 They trod and stirred the mashed biscuits and junked fish, with which we fed them.
2. To treat as junk or rubbish; to discard, abandon; to ‘scrap’.
1916B. Hall Diary 11 Oct. in Hall & Niles One Man's War (1929) 196 When he got home his ship was a complete wreck. It will be junked.1922H. Titus Timber xxxii. 281 Perhaps he had friends..who are junking their mills now and getting ready to move.1930Time & Tide 20 Sept. 1164 Jugo-Slavia will not disband a soldier, scrap a gunboat, or junk a gun while Italy menaces her.1945[see cow-country s.v. cow n.1 7].a1963S. Plath Crossing Water (1971) 33 The roses in the Toby jug Gave up the ghost last night... You should have junked them before they died.1972Listener 21 Dec. 860/2 The free⁓wheeling teams..might have to junk their wagons and stumble on foot down the western slopes of the Sierra.1973K. Giles File on Death vi. 149, I dare say you can pick up junked bits of weapons.1973Times 21 Mar. 9/4 The story of a man who junked his education and went after the short-term riches of sport.




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