

单词 jure
释义 I. jure, n. Chiefly Sc. Obs.
[ad. L. jūr-, stem of jūs law, right: ‘in jure’ answers to L. in jūre.]
1. The science of law, jurisprudence.
1496Sc. Acts Jas. IV (1814) 238/1 To remane thre ȝeris at þe sculis of art and Iure, sua þat þai may haue knawlege..of þe lawis.1500–20Dunbar Poems lxiii. 4 Doctouris in jure and medicyne.Ibid. lxv. 3 To speik of science..Off jure, of wisdome, or intelligence.1556Lauder Tractate 448 Thay suld haue knawlage of boith the Iuris, Als weill the Canone as Ciuile law.
2. A just privilege, a right.
1533Bellenden Livy iv. (1822) 314 Gif the tribunis has..tane fra the Faderis thare majesties and juris.c1745in Gentl. Mag. (1773) XLIII. 498 Sherlock the Elder, with his jure divine, Did not comply till the battle of Boyne.
II. ˈjure
L., abl. of jūs right; in phr. ˈjure diˈvino by divine right (see divine a. 2); hence juredivinist, a believer in the divine right of kings; jure-divinoship (nonce-wd.).
1663Sir G. Mackenzie Relig. Stoic vi. (1685) 51 The sole jure-divinoship of all Ecclesiastical Rites.1681[T. Flatman] Heraclitus Ridens (1713) I. 237 All your Bishops, and Tantivy Clergymen,..your Jure Divinists, who have renounced the Covenant.1749Fielding Tom Jones ii. i, A jure divino tyrant.
III. jure, v. nonce-wd.
1. Used contextually with reference to juror, as if = make jurors of you.
1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, ii. ii. 97 You are Grand Iurers, are ye? Wee'l iure ye ifaith.
2. nonce-adaptation of L. jurare to swear (with allusion to Horace Ep. i. i. 14, Nullius addictus jurare in verba magistri).
1818Keble in Sir J. Coleridge Mem. iii. (1869) 24 If I must jure into any man's Verbs I think on the whole it would be his.




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