

单词 Kaiser
释义 Kaiser Now Hist.|ˈkaɪzər|
Forms: α. 2–4 caisere, 2–5 caysere, 3–4 kaisere, caiser, 3–6 cayser, 3, 6 caisar, (5 kayssar), 4–6 (9) kayser, 4–6, 9 kaisar, 3–4, 6, 9– kaiser. β. 3 keisere, (Orm. keȝȝsere), kæisere, 3, 7–9 keiser, 4 keyzar, 4–7 (9) keysar, 6–7 keisar, keyser. γ. 6–9 kesar, 6 keaser, 7–8 kæsar, 9 kezar.
[Ultimately ad. L. Cæsar Cæsar, which at an early period passed (perh. through Gr. καῖσαρ) into the Teutonic langs., appearing as Goth. kaisar, OHG. keisar (MHG. keisar, G. kaiser), OS. kêsur, -ar (MDu. keiser, keyser, keser, Du. keizer), OFris. keisar, -er. In OE. cásere and ON. keisari the terminal syllable was assimilated to the -ere, -ari of agent-nouns. OE. cásere normally gave early ME. cāser kaser; the usual ME. forms kaiser, keiser, and later variants, were adopted afresh from other Teutonic languages. Ormin used both kasere, kaserr from OE. and keȝȝsere from ON.
In 14–15th c. the word was mainly northern, and the ai-form prevailed. About the middle of the 16th c. ei (ey) again became usual, prob. under Dutch or German influence. The mod. form kaiser is directly adopted from G., in which it represents a Bavarian (and Austrian) spelling which supplanted the normal keiser in the 17th c. (see Grimm and Kluge, s.v.).]
1. a. The Emperor: cf. emperor 1 and 2.
(a) The (ancient) Roman Emperor (obs.); (b) The Emperor of the West; the head of the Holy Roman (German) Empire (now Hist.); (c) The Emperor of Austria (from 1804); (d) The German Emperor (from 1871). The mod. English use in sense b, whence c and d follow, appears to be mainly due to Carlyle.
c1160Hatton Gosp. Matt. xxii. 21 Aᵹyfeð þan caysere þa þing þe þas cayseres synde.Ibid. John xix. 12 Ne ert þu þas caiseres freond.c1200Ormin 3519 Forrþi chæs he to wurrþen mann O þatt Keȝȝseress time.a1225Juliana 67 Maximien þe mihti caisere of rome.1807J. Barlow Columb. v. 679 The Austria's keiser and the Russian czar.1858Carlyle Fredk. Gt. i. v. (1872) I. 43 Kaiser Leopold [I]..had no end of Wars.Ibid. ii. v. I. 70 Barbarossa himself,..greatest of all the Kaisers.1866Spectator 1 Dec. 1326 It is rumoured that the Kaiser intends to offer the Hungarians the possession of their own army.1888Times (weekly ed.) 10 Aug. 16/3 The author's personal intercourse with the late Kaiser.1897W. T. Stead in Contemp. Rev. April 596 The Kaiser's chief..offence in the eyes of most Englishmen was his telegram of congratulation to President Kruger after the surrender of Dr. Jameson.
b. An emperor, as a ruler superior to kings.
Esp. in king or kaiser, an alliterative phr. common from 13th to 17th c.; in modern use an archaism, chiefly due to Scott.
αa1225Ancr. R. 138 Hire schuppare..þet is King and Kaiser of heouene.a1300[see β].c1300Havelok 1725 Þe beste mete Þat king or cayser wolde ete.a1400Morte Arth. 1894 We hafe cownterede to day,..With kyngez and kayseres.c1440York Myst. xvi. 15 Kayssaris in castellis grete kyndynes me kythes.1513Douglas æneis viii. Prol. 137 Sum [wald be] capytane, sum Caisar, and sum King.1563Googe Eglogs, etc. (Arb.) 84 Court and Cayser to forsake, And lyue at home.a1618Sylvester Mem. Mortality xiv, This Life (indeed) is but a Comœdie, Where this, the Kaisar playes; and that, the Clown.1818Scott Br. Lamm. xxvi, And what signifies 't..to king, queen, or kaiser?1825Talism. xi, As high as ever floated the cognizance of king or kaiser.1843Lytton Last Bar. viii. i, To ride by the side of king or kaisar.1882Mrs. J. H. Riddell Pr. Wales's Garden-Party 19 Whether her husband were King or Kaiser,..signified not a pin to the bishop's daughter.
βc1205Lay. 7331 Þu þenchest to beon keisere of alle quike monne.a1225St. Marher. 4 Icrunet..keiser of kinges.a1300Cursor M. 3359 (Cott.) Yon es þi keiser [v.rr. kayser, caisere] sal be þin.c1375Ibid. 9409 (Laud) Wytte and skylle he yaf..Ouyr alle this world to be keyzar.1546J. Heywood Prov. (1867) 39 Kyng or keyser must haue set them quight.1620Shelton Quix. III. i. 3 To tell neither King nor Keisar, nor any earthly Man.1640Brome Antip. ii. v. Wks. 1873 III. 265 No degree, from Keyser to the Clowne.1682A. Behn Round-heads i. i. Wks. (1716) 396 He is our General, our Protector, our Keiser.
γ1539Taverner Erasm. Prov. (1545) 64 Though he be hym selfe a prynce, a kynge, a kesar.1567Turberv. in Chalmers Eng. Poets II. 648/1 He slayes the Keasers and the crowned Kings.1591Spenser Teares Muses 570 Hir holie things, Which was the care of Kesars and of Kings.1647H. More Song of Soul ii. App. civ, Which were erect to the memoriall Of Kings, and Kæsars.1722Atterbury Let. to Pope 6 Apr., As far from Kings and Kæsars as the space will admit of.1832–4De Quincey Cæsars Wks. 1862 IX. 7 Modern kings, kesars or emperors.1876Whitby Gloss. s.v., They nowther heed for king nor kezar.
2. Comb. Kaiser moustache (also Kaiser Bill moustache, Kaiser Wilhelm moustache): see quot. 1966; Kaiser's war, the war of 1914–18.
1938J. Cary Castle Corner 108 His small, reddish moustache was curled up at the ends. It was not a Kaiser moustache.1946G. Millar Horned Pigeon xvi. 213 The clientèle favoured cropped hair and either Hitler or Kaiser Wilhelm moustaches.1952‘M. Innes’ Private View iv. 70 Absolutely trustworthy—my batman..in the Kaiser's war.1958P. Kemp No Colours or Crest (1960) x. 205 The one appointed as our personal bodyguard was a bibulous, red-faced fellow with an enormous ‘Kaiser Bill’ moustache.1963Bird & Hutton-Stott Veteran Motor Car 16 Before the Kaiser's war famous firms made cars in Scotland.1966J. S. Cox Illustr. Dict. Hairdressing 86/1 Kaiser Moustache, a moustache of which the ends are turned up in the manner of William II, Emperor of Germany, the Kaiser.1971A. Price Alamut Ambush x. 118 The war the wheelwright was remembering was the Kaiser's, not Hitler's.1974A. Ross Bradford Business 20 The man..was tall..with a shock of white hair and a Kaiser Bill moustache.
Hence ˈKaiserate, ˈKaiserdom = Kaisership; ˈKaiserish a.; ˈKaiserism, absolutism as exhibited in the rule of the German emperor; ˈKaiserist, an adherent of the absolutist political system of the German emperor, esp. that of Wilhelm II (ruled 1888–1918); so Kaiseˈristic a.; ˈKaiserling, a minor emperor; ˈKaisership, the office of emperor, the rule of the Kaiser.
1848J. R. Lowell Fable for Critics 73 Two dozen of Italy's exiles who shoot us his Kaisership daily.1852Tait's Mag. XIX. 550 Let them bring us a kingling's or kaiserling's heir.1881R. Adamson Fichte 81 Even the shadowy bond which seemed to unite the German States had been dissolved by the Austrian emperor's renunciation of the Kaiserate.1888Contemp. Rev. LIV. 622 The ‘weakening’ of Wilhelm's opposition to the Kaisership.1892Daily News 27 Feb. 5/2 That party in Germany which does not find the Kaisership a perfect instrument of progress.1905Westm. Gaz. 27 Apr. 2/2 We confess to finding his speech..distinctly Kaiserish.1914C. Brereton Who is Responsible? 101 In order to smash and pulverize Kaiserdom and all that it stands for in the world.1914T. Roosevelt in N.Y. Herald 5 Sept. 8/2 The American people will countenance nothing..that resembles..Kaiserism.1915Morning Post 13 Feb. 6/7 The Revolutionaries, who declare that ‘Kaiserism’ is as deadly a form of ‘Absolutism’ as any that can be encountered.1919New Appeal (Girard, Kansas) 18 Jan. 4/6 The Tribune's editorials..have generally been in a Kaiseristic vein.1920B. Cronin Timber Wolves vii. 121 A more flagrant example of business Kaiserism never happened.1920Glasgow Herald 10 June 4 The curious relations between Kaiserists and anarchists.1923Ibid. 23 May 7 The Kaiserist system of political autocracy.1972Times Lit. Suppl. 27 Oct. 1272/5 A brilliant imperial stroke in the defence of world liberty against Kaiserism.

Restrict Hist. to sense 1 in Dict. and add: 2. N. Amer. [perh. directly ad. G. Kaisersemmel.] Ellipt. for *Kaiser roll below.
1927J. P. Bryant Commercial Exhib. & Fancy Breads 106 The beginner will find it difficult at first to make nicely shaped Kaisers.1986Waterloo (Ontario) Chron. 12 Mar. 7/4 Sliced ham on a kaiser.1993Canad. Living Feb. 39/1 Breaded Veal on Kaisers...This hearty meal will satisfy even the most voracious appetite.
3. Kaiser (also kaiser) roll N. Amer. [tr. G. Kaisersemmel], a round roll made from unsweetened dough with several edges pulled and folded in at the centre to form a radial pattern.
[1968Singer & Gottleib tr. I. B. Singer Manor ii. xx. 268 There was bread left over from breakfast, but Mrs Frankel sent a girl to the bakery to buy a fresh loaf and some Kaiser buns.]1978Washington Post 2 Feb. dc10/2 A ham sandwich..made with canned ham, sliced and piled on a fresh *Kaiser roll.1984S. Bellow Him with his Foot in his Mouth 262 A small work-force of Polish bakers, had supplied..immigrant grocery stores with bread and kaiser rolls.




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