

单词 rejoicing
释义 I. rejoicing, vbl. n.|rɪˈdʒɔɪsɪŋ|
1. a. The action of the vb. rejoice; the feeling and expression of joy.
1375Barbour Bruce xi. 415 In hert he had gret reiosying.c1468in Archaeol. (1846) XXXI. 331 Wt mellodieus mynstralsye.., castinge out of flowers, rejoising of the people [etc.].1484Caxton Fables of æsop i. xv, Men ought not to be glad ne take reioysshynge in the wordes of caytyf folke.1555Eden Decades 58 Yet receaued they it with muche reioysinge.1610Shakes. Temp. iii. i. 93 My reioycing At nothing can be more.1667Milton P.L. vii. 180 Great triumph and rejoycing was in Heav'n.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xix. IV. 274 He heard the sounds of rejoicing from the distant camp of the allies.
b. With a and pl.: An instance, occasion, or expression of rejoicing; a festival.
a1540Barnes Wks. (1573) 312/1 Men sit and laugh at them, & haue a great reioysing in them.1593Shakes. Lucr. 332 Like little frosts that sometime threat the spring, To ad a more reioysing to the prime.1707Freind Peterborow's Cond. Sp. 200 The rejoycings upon this occasion were of short continuance.1774Bruce in Burney Hist. Mus. (1776) I. 215 The sixth [instrument] is peculiarly an attendant on festivity and rejoicings.1864Skeat Uhland's Poems 91 Who is found to tell to-day What such rejoicings signify?
c. Rejoicing of (or over, etc.) the Law [tr. Heb. Simchat Torah, q.v.], the Jewish feast at the conclusion of the Feast of Tabernacles, celebrating the gift of the covenant of the Law.
1861J. T. Bannister Temples of Hebrews 390 Tisri..[Day] 23. The rejoicing for the law, a solemnity in memory of the covenant that the Lord made with the Hebrews, in giving them the law by the mediation of Moses.1892I. Zangwill Childr. Ghetto I. 134 It was the Rejoicing of the Law, and the Sons of the Covenant had treated him to rum and currant cake.1903W. Rosenau Jewish Ceremonial Institutions & Customs v. 101 On the Day of Rejoicing Over the Law special inducements are held out to the younger members of the congregation to participate actively in the public service.1925Jewish Encycl. XI. 364/2 Simhat Torah (‘The Rejoicing over the Law’): Name given to the second day of SheminiAzeret; it falls on the 23d of Tishri and closes the Feast of Sukkot.1953T. H. Gaster Festivals Jewish Year vi. 100 Not impossibly, the custom of celebrating the Rejoicing in the Law as a wedding was inspired by the idea of sublimating to a more spiritual plane the..staging of a mock wedding at harvest festivals.1962B. Abrahams tr. Life Glückel of Hameln iii. 52 Her companions were not to return before Simchat Torah..Festival of the Rejoicing of the Law, celebrated immediately after that of Tabernacles.1978J. Sacks in P. Moore Man, Woman, & Priesthood iii. 39 On Simchat Torah, the festival of ‘Rejoicing in the Law’, adults and children forget decorum and dance and sing around the synagogue in celebration of the ending of the yearly cycle of Torah-reading and the beginning of the new.
2. A cause or source of rejoicing or gladness.
c1386Chaucer Manciple's T. 142 To myn hert it was a reioisinge To here thi vois.1500–20Dunbar Poems lxxxix. 15 Oure secrete rejoysyng frome the sone beme.c1560A. Scott Poems (S.T.S.) viii. 20 Ȝe be, hairt, My hairtis reiosing.1611Bible Jer. xv. 16 Thy word was unto me, the ioy and reioycing of my heart.
3. attrib., as rejoicing day, rejoicing fire, rejoicing night, etc.
1611Shakes. Cymb. iii. i. 32 The fam'd Cassibulan..Made Luds-Towne with reioycing-Fires bright.1711Addison Spect. No. 85 ⁋1, I met with several Fragments of it upon the next rejoycing Day.1760Gray Let. to Wharton 23 Jan., The first rejoicing night he was terribly frighted, and thought the bonefire was made for him.1771Luckombe Hist. Printing 269 Sudden commotions of the mind..upon lamenting, or rejoicing occasions.1885Academy 5 Sept. 147/1 In 1660 he preached a rejoicing sermon on the restoration of Charles II.
II. reˈjoicing, ppl. a.
That rejoices.
1560Bible (Geneva) Zeph. ii. 15 This is the reioycing citie that dwelt carelesse.1700Prior Carm. Seculare 192 He..dictated a lasting peace To the rejoicing world below.1752Hume Ess. & Treat. (1777) II. 9 To bring light from obscurity..must needs be delightful and rejoicing.1798Coleridge France i, Thou rising Sun! thou blue rejoicing Sky!1861Tulloch Eng. Purit. I. i. 56 An easy and rejoicing hospitality..had reduced the fortunes of the house.




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