

单词 rejoin
释义 I. rejoin, v.1|rɪˈdʒɔɪn|
Also 5–7 rejoyn, (7 -nd).
[ad. F. rejoin-, rejoindre, f. re- re- + joindre to join. The sense, however, is not recorded in F., and was prob. developed in AF. legal use.]
1. intr. Law. To reply to a charge or pleading; spec. to answer the plaintiff's replication. Hence reˈjoining vbl. n.1
1456in W. P. Baildon Sel. Cas. Chanc. (1896) 148 This is the reioynyng of Nicholl Marshall vnto the replicacion of Robert Bale.1530Palsgr. 683/1, I rejoyne, as men do that answere to the lawe.1885L. O. Pike Yearbks. 12 & 13 Edw. III Introd. 110 Hyncley rejoined, again stating matters of fact, which he was again ‘paratus verificare’.
2. To answer a reply; also more loosely, to reply. Const. to, with. Obs.
1556J. Heywood Spider & F. lix. 66 In reioyner and reioyning with you, this I saie.1568Grafton Chron. II. 428 To this aunswere the Duke of Orliaunce replyed, and king Henry reioyned.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. Pref., Vnto whom..wee shall not contentiously rejoyne.1665Glanvill Def. Van. Dogm. 2 Several passages both of the Preface and Body of the Discourse I am rejoyning to.
3. trans. To say in answer.
1637Gillespie Eng. Pop. Cerem. iii. v. 87 Knox rejoyndeth, it is not enough.1675R. Burthogge Causa Dei 5 You are not to expect Profound, Uncommon, Deep, Elaborate Notions..in what I shall rejoyn to your Letter.1838Dickens Nich. Nick. iv, ‘If you'll have the goodness’, rejoined Squeers.1859Kingsley Misc. II. 99 It will be rejoined, of course, that he was an altogether envious man.
4. To answer (an assertion). Obs. rare—1.
1601Barlow Def. 35 These two last are easily reioyned.
II. rejoin, v.2|rɪ-, riːˈdʒɔɪn|
Also 6–8 rejoyn, (6–7 -joyne).
[ad. F. rejoin- (see prec.), or f. re- 5 a + join v.]
1. intr. Of things: To come together or unite again. Also const. into.
1541R. Copland Guydon's Quest. Chirurg. L iij b, Whan they be drye sewe them subtylly and the lyppes wyl reioyne togydre.1606Sylvester Du Bartas ii. iv. ii. Tropheis 737 In Soule and Bodie both, Hee cannot come, For they reioyne not till the day of Doom.a1705Ray Disc. ii. v. (1713) 293 Several Houses parted from each other, some rejoined, others fell.
2. trans. To join again, reunite (persons or things, or one to or with another).
1570Levins Manip. 215/24 To Reioyne, repangere.1591Spenser Ruins Rome v, Her great spirite, rejoyned to the spirite Of this great masse, is in the same enwombed.1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 188 As tin-soder doth knit and rejoyne a crackt peece of brasse.1642C. Vernon Consid. Exch. 30 Tallies have been counterfeited..which could not bee discovered before they were rejoyned with their foyles.1707Curios. in Husb. & Gard. 326 If we could rejoin to them the other Principles.1836Southey Lett. (1856) IV. 448 The letters were written..to rejoin head, tails, and betweenities, which Hayley had severed.
b. To join, add to; to combine with. Obs.
1582Stanyhurst æneis iii. (Arb.) 77 With stincking poysoned ordure Thee ground they smeared, theartoo skriches harshye reioyning.1791Mrs. Radcliffe Rom. Forest xviii, Such a proof of regard, rejoined with the entreaties of his own family..was too powerful to be withstood.
c. To reannex. rare—1.
1860Gen. P. Thompson Audi Alt. cxvii. III. 54 If France could quietly, and with the assent of the in-dwellers, rejoin the Rhenish provinces.
3. To join (a person, company, etc.) again.
1611Florio, Raggiunto, reioyned or ouertaken againe.1737Pope Hor. Epist. ii. ii. 209 Thoughts, which..I forgot, Meet and rejoin me.a1769J. G. Cooper Estim. Life iii, Receive the one, and soon the other Will follow to rejoin his brother.1802James Milit. Dict. s.v., He left his regiment when it broke up camp, but rejoined it again.1855Browning Ep. Karshish 12 Whereby the wily vapour fain would slip Back and rejoin its source.
absol.1876Voyle & Stevenson Milit. Dict. 224/2 If the officer is not likely to rejoin soon.
Hence reˈjoining vbl. n.2, reassembling.
1573Nottingham Rec. IV. 147 The proclamasyon for reioynyng of the Parlament.




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