

单词 reke
释义 I. reke, n. Obs. rare.
[? Related to next: cf. ON. reke, pursuit of a matter.]
Haste, hurry.
c1320R. Brunne Medit. 821 A cumpany..Þe whych were sente yn a grete reke, Þe dampned mennes legges to breke.c1330Arth. & Merl. 7894 (Kölbing), Ȝif we may owhar abreke, Fle we hem wiþ gret reke!
II. reke, v.1 Obs.
pa. tense 4 rak(e. pa. pple. 4 reke.
[Of obscure origin: perh. f. recþ, rekþ, 3 sing. pres. ind. of OE. reccan recche v.]
1. intr. To go, proceed, make one's way, esp. rapidly or in haste; to run.
It is doubtful if the first quot. belongs here.
a1250Owl & Night. 1606 Myn heorte is neyh alemed Þat ic may vnneþe speke, Ac yet ic wile forþurre reke.13..Guy Warw. (A.) 750 When Gij herd Felice so speke, He tok his leue and gan out reke.13..Sir Beues 1686 Beues is out of prisoun reke.Ibid. 3536 Whan Arondel herde what he spak, Before þe twei kniȝtes he rak.c1380Sir Ferumb. 2177 To þe chambre so harde he rake þat þyderward he ran.a1400Octouian 182 When that sche myght out-breke, To her sone sche gan to reke.c1450Lonelich Grail xxx. 642 Whanne he hadde power forto speke, thanne to his Meyne he gan to reke.
b. Of plants: To shoot up. rare—1.
c1420Pallad. on Husb. i. 194 Deep lond also thou seke, Olyuys grete out of that lond wol reke.
2. trans. ? To rule, govern, guide. rare—1.
a1300Cursor M. 11221 [He] Þat al wroght and al mai reke, And did þe dumb asse to speke.
III. reke, v.2 Obs. rare.
pa. tense 3 rack.
[? a. ON. reka in same senses.]
trans. To drive; to thrust.
c1275Lay. 9320 Hamund..his spere to his heorte rack.13..Guy Warw. (A.) 2886 Ȝif þou miȝt me of hem wreke, & þe felouns out of mi lond do reke.
IV. reke, v.3 Obs.
[= MDu. reken, MHG. (and G.) rechen, OHG. rehhan, Goth. rikan to heap up: see rake n.1]
trans. To cover up in earth or ashes (cf. rake v. 5); to bury. Also fig.
c1330Arth. & Merl. 1027 (Kölbing), No schal þer neuer no iustise Þe bidelue..No in erþe þi bodi reke.1340–70Alex. & Dind. 594 Ȝour bodies..better riht hadde In rouh erþe to be reke to roten hure bonus.c1386Chaucer Reeve's Prol. 28 Yet in oure Asshen olde is fyr yreke.c1412Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 2408 In swiche lordes is vntrouthe I-reke. [1530Palsgr. 684/1, I reke, I cover a thyng with asshes in the fyre (Lydgate).]
V. reke
obs. f. rake, reach v., reck v., reek, rick.




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