

单词 whitherto
释义 whitherto, adv. Now rare or Obs.|hwɪðəˈtuː, ˈhwɪðətuː|
[f. whither adv. + to prep.; cf. hitherto.]
To what place, state, result, etc.? to what? whither? whereto?
1549Coverdale, etc. Erasm. Par. Heb. xii. 1–6 Whitherto came he? By despisyng of this lyfe, he attained immortalitie.1592Breton C'tess Pembroke's Love Wks. (Grosart) I. 27/2 All the world may see, From whence we came, and whetherto we must.1624Bp. Hall Art Medit., Medit. Death Wks. (1625) 129 Whitherto haue tended all thy serious meditations?1658W. Burton Itin. Anton. 125 Whitherto shall we refer that verb?1751R. Paltock P. Wilkins (1884) II. 252 Fearing whitherto it might grow.




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