

单词 kilderkin
释义 kilderkin|ˈkɪldəkɪn|
Forms: α. 4 kyner-, 5 kynder-, 6 kynterkyn, kinderkind, 6–7 kinderkin. β. 4–6 kilderkyn, 5–6 kylder-, (6 kilde-), -kyn, -kin, (6 -ken), 6– kilderkin.
[Of Du. or LG. origin: cf. MDu. kinderkin, more commonly kindeken, kinneken (or -kijn), also kyntken, -kijn, kimmekijn (see kempkin, kinkin), the fourth part of a tun, etc. (cf. Du. kinnetje, a firkin): a dim. form, referred to kintal, quintal, med.L. quintāle, Ger. dial. kindel, kindle (13th c. chindel): see -kin. (Cf. Grimm s.v. Kindlein2, Verwijs & Verdam s.v. Kindekijn2.) The change of kin- to kil- is app. peculiar to Eng., and is found already in 14th c.]
1. A cask for liquids, fish, etc. of a definite capacity (half a barrel).
By the statute of 1531–2 the kilderkin for beer had to contain 18 gallons, that for ale 16 gallons.
α1530Yatton Church-w. Acc. (Som. Rec. Soc.) 146 Payd for ij kynterkynnys to y⊇ cherche howse..viijd.1598Barret Theor. Warres v. iii. 135, 50 kinderkins and barrels to cary the small cordage.1673S. Parker Reproof Reh. Transp. 11 Some kinderkins, some hogsheads, some tuns.
β1390Letter Bk. H., Guildhall London, lf. 247 Omnes anguille in undecim barellis et uno kilderkyn.Ibid., Dicti barelli et kilderkyn cum anguillis in eisdem.1530Palsgr. 236/1 Kylderken, a vessell, cacque.1531–2Act 23 Hen. VIII, c. 4 The Ale bruers..have used..to make..theyr barrels kilderkyns and firkyns of moche lasse quantitie contente rate and assisse than they ought to be.1639in T. Lechford Note-bk. (1885) 118 Divers goods..wch were put up in foure chests, three butts,..three kilderkins.1869W. Molyneux Burton on Trent 249 These casks consist of kilderkins, barrels, hogsheads, and butts.
attrib.1565Act 8 Eliz. c. 9 §1 Cowpers might have bowght..a thowsand of Kilderkin Boordes for nyne shillings.
2. A cask of this size filled with some commodity; the quantity contained in such a cask; hence, a measure of capacity for various kinds of goods.
It varied, according to commodity, from 16 to 18 old wine gallons; a kilderkin of butter weighed 112 lbs.
α1391Earl Derby's Exp. (Camden) 96 Pro iij kynerkynes de salmone salso.Ibid. 97 Pro j kynerkyn anguillarum.1423Rolls Parlt. IV. 256/2 Nether kynderkyns, Tercianes, and firdekyns of Heryng.1587in Wadley Bristol Wills (1886) 252 A kynterkin of heringes nowe Laden abourd the Peter of Milford.
β1392Earl Derby's Exp. (Camden) 158 Clerico coquine per manus Johannis Baunche de Linne pro j kilderkyn di. de storgon.1410E.E. Wills (E.E.T.S.) 17 Y be-queþe xl. penyworth bred, & i. kylderkyn of ale, to be spended at my dirige.1594Compt Bk. Dav. Wedderburne (S.H.S.) 44 Sauld..3 kildekins feggis.1670Eachard Cont. Clergy 85 The last kilderkin of drink is near departed.1737Berkeley App. to Querist iii. §158 Twopence advance in a kilderkin of corn.1871M. Collins Mrq. & Merch. I. ix. 290 A huge..kettle,..holding about a kilderkin.
3. transf. and fig.
1593Peele Edw. I Wks. (Rtldg.) 383/1 Then..pluck out thy spigot, and draw us a fresh pot from the kinder-kind of thy knowledge.1600Nashe Summer's Last Will in Hazl. Dodsley VIII. 57 To broach this little kilderkin of my corpse.1682Dryden Mac Fl. 196 A tun of man in thy large bulk is writ, But sure thow'rt but a kilderkin of wit.




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