

单词 widowhead
释义 ˈwidowhead Obs.
Forms: see widow n.1: 4–5 -hede, 4–6 -hed, 6 -heade, Sc. -heid(e, 6–7 -head; also 4 viduid, widoued, 5 weddewede, wydewede, wedowed, wedoet, 6 wydowed, widuede, 7 widdowed.
[f. widow n.1 or n.2 + -head.]
a. = next, 1 a.
a1300Cursor M. 11346 Anna,..Þat liued had foursith tuenti yeier In viduid [Gött. widowhede, Trin. wodewehode].c1385Chaucer L.G.W. Prol. 295 Alle kepid they here maydynhed Or ellis wedlek or here widewehed.1447in Reg. Mag. Sig. Scot. 1451 106/1 Cristiane has set and to ferm latyn in her pur wedowhed to the said Alex{ddd}hir landis of Stratoune.1563Cal. Anc. Rec. Dublin (1891) II. 29 That mistres Margarete Handcoke..shalbe free of all..taxis,..during her widuede and living sole.1591Spenser Teares Muses 240 During the time of that her widowhead.c1610Women Saints 28 As true widdowed..is of rare dignitie and power,..so false widdowed,..which liueth so more freelie to take her pleasure..is likewise more dishonorable.1662Hickeringill Apol. Distressed Innoc. Wks. 1716 I. 298 Tamar after she had plaid her wicked prank, resumed the garment of her Widowhead.
attrib.a1586Sidney Arcadia ii. iii. (1912) 160 The comfort of her widowhead life.
b. gen. = next, 1 b.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxiv. (Alexis) 41 Symeone, þat in wedoue-hed Þat lang tyme þat his lyf can led.c1460Emare 77 Aftur, when hys wyf was dede, And ledde hys lyf yn weddewede.1530Tindale Answ. More iii. xiii. Wks. (1575) 313/2 Virginitie, wedlocke and widowed are none better then other to be saued by.1552Abp. Hamilton Catech. (1884) 10 Of the chastitie of mariage wydohed & virginitie.1601Holland Pliny x. xxxiv. I. 290 They [sc. doves] abandon not their owne nests, unlesse they be in state of single life or widdowhead by the death of their fellow.1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus i. 6 Where the Apostle affirmeth it to be good to abide single, either in virginitie or widowhead..shall no time afford lawfulnes for some sort of men to marie?
c. fig. = next, 1 c.
1624Donne Lett. (1651) 10 Upon you, who are a member of the spouse of Christ the Church, there can fall no widow⁓head.1697G. Keith 2nd Narr. Proc. Turner's Hall 31 The words of G. W. and W. Penn about the Souls of the Deceased Saints being in a state of Purgatory or Widow⁓head, if they look for the Resurrection of their bodies.




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