

单词 knape
释义 knape Obs. exc. dial.
Forms: 1 cnapa, 2–3 cnape, 3–6 (8 dial.) knape, 6 Sc. knaip, 7 (9 dial.) knap.
[OE. cnapa = OFris. knapa, ODu. knapo (MDu. knape, Du. knaap), MLG. (hence MHG.) knape, ON. knapi (ODa. and OSw. knape):—OTeut. *knapon-. The ulterior etym. and relation to OE. cnafa, knave, are uncertain: see note to knave.]
1. A male child, a boy (= knave n. 1); a lad, young man, youth, fellow. Obs.
c1000ælfric Gen. xxi. 19 Heo of þam sealde þam cnapan drincan.c1200Ormin 4106 To clippenn swa þe cnapess shapp.c1250Gen. & Ex. 2573 Ðe knapes to deade giuen, And leten ðe mayden childre liuen.c1300Arth. & Merl. 7821 Ac right now a litel knape To Bedingham com with iape.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 2136 Þaȝe he be a sturn knape.
2. A man-servant, male attendant, ‘man’: = knave n. 2. Obs.
c1000ælfric Gen. xxii. 19 Abraham þa ᵹecyrde sona to hys cnapum.c1000Ags. Gosp. Matt. viii. 6 Min cnapa lið on minum huse lama.c1250Gen. & Ex. 477 His knape wende it were a der.1390Gower Conf. III. 321 This cherles knape Hath lad this maiden ther he wolde.1508Dunbar Tua Mariit Wemen 125, I dar nought keik to the knaip that the cop fillis.1513Douglas æneis xii. ii. 87 The byssy knaipis and verlettis of his stabill.
b. dial. A thatcher's requisite. (See quots.)
1764Burn Poor Laws 127 The thatchers to this day have an instrument that holds their straw, which they call a knape.1895East Anglia Gloss., Knape or Knave, the frame which contains the straw which is carried up the ladder to the thatcher.
3. As term of contempt or reprobation (also jocularly): A rascal, rogue, knave: = knave n. 3. Obs. exc. dial.
a1450Lydg. Merita Missæ 190 Prowde knapys, That make in holy chyrche Iapis.1513Douglas æneis ix. ix. 77 Turnus..Thus dyd hym chyde: O cative rakles knaip.a1553Udall Royster D. v. vi. (Arb.) 88 Good night Roger olde knaue, knaue, knap.1855Robinson Whitby Gloss., A Knap, a person not strictly honest. .. ‘A regular knap’.
4. attrib., as knape child (= knave-child).
c1200Ormin 7903 Forr cnapechild is afledd wel Affterr weppmanne kind.c1250Gen. & Ex. 2585 Euerilc knape child of ðat kin, ben a-non don ðe flod wið-in.




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