

单词 wifely
释义 I. wifely, a.|ˈwaɪflɪ|
Forms: see wife n.; also 6 wyue-, 6–7 wiue-, 7–8 wively.
[OE. wíflíc: see wife n. and -ly1. Cf. OHG. wîblich (MHG. wîplich, G. weiblich), Du. wijflijk.]
1. Of or pertaining to a woman or women; womanly, feminine. Obs. rare (exc. OE.).
c893ælfred Oros. i. ii. §2 Ac hio mid wiflice niðe wæs feohtende on þæt underiende folc æthiopiam.c900tr. Bæda's Hist. ii. xx. §2 Þæt he ne furþum wiiflice hade..arede.1513Douglas æneis vii. vii. 7 All inflambit in ire and wyfly thochtis [L. jemineæ curæque iræque].1533Bellenden Livy i. xxii. (S.T.S.) I. 123 The victorie..of þis wyfelie contencioun [L. muliebris certaminis] was gevin to lucres.
2. Pertaining to, characteristic of, or befitting a wife.
c1000Gloss. in Haupt's Zeitschrift IX. 505 Matronalis, wiflicre.c1385Chaucer L.G.W. 1737 Lucrece, Hire wifly chastite.Ibid. 1843 Hir hert was so wyfely and so trewe.1549Coverdale, etc. Erasm. Par. 1 Cor. vii. 12–16 Howe knowest thou.. whether thou shalt..by wyuely loue, cause thy husbande to amende?1591Harington Orl. Fur. xxi. xiii, Against all wiuely care..she lets her raging loue to raunge.1739G. Ogle Gualth. & Gris. 1313 Wively Patience.1844Mrs. Browning Duchess May lxv, Wifely prayer meets deathly need!1863C. M. Yonge Chr. Names II. iv. 142 A picture of wifely patience.1872J. C. Jeaffreson Brides & Bridals I. ii. 21 The duty of wifely submissiveness to marital authority was impressively inculcated.
3. Having the character befitting a wife; such as a wife should be.
1633P. Fletcher Purple Isl. x. xl, Where she a maiden wife might live, and wifely maid.1853Reade Chr. Johnstone xvii, A wifely wife, a motherly mother, and above all, a lady.1871H. B. Forman Living Poets 231 Lest our wives and daughters should lose delicacy or refinement, become less wifely and daughterly.
Hence wifelihead (wive-), wifeliness, wifely character or quality.
1557Tottel's Misc. (Arb.) 204 Whose perfect vertues..So did adorne that humble *wiuelyhed.
1868Browning Ring & Bk. v. 604 With a wife I look to find all *wifeliness.1896Mrs. Caffyn Quaker Grandmother xxii, Mossy beamed with gentle wifeliness... ‘You needn't tell me how to appreciate my husband, Mr. Royds.’
II. ˈwifely, adv. Obs. rare.
In 5 wyuly.
[f. wife n. + -ly2. (OE. had wíflíce ‘muliebriter’.)]
As a wife.
c1400Destr. Troy 3359 Thou shalt haue..me..wyuly to weld; & I the wed shall.




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