

单词 anchorite
释义 anchorite, -et|ˈæŋkəraɪt, -ɪt|
Forms: 5 ancorite, 6–7 anachorete, 6–8 -it(e, 7–8 -et, 7 anch'rit(e, anchorete, (9 arch. ankret), 7– anchoret, -ite.
[The forms anachoret(e, anachorit(e were a. Fr. anachorète and L. anachōrēta, med.L. anachōrīta, ad. Gr. ἀναχωρητ-ής, n. of agent f. ἀναχωρέ-ειν to retire, retreat, f. ἀνά back + χωρέ-ειν to give place, withdraw. Under infl. of the earlier Eng. ancre, anker (anchor n.2), this has been modified to anchrit, ancorite, anchoret, anchorite, of which the last is now usual. Appeared c 1450, and superseded anchor c 1600.]
1. a. A person who has withdrawn or secluded himself from the world; usually one who has done so for religious reasons, a recluse, a hermit. (Appl. to both sexes, though the special fem. is anchoress.)
1460J. Capgrave Chron. 65 Thelophorus [was] mad Pope, whech was first a ancorite.1538Leland Itin. V. 116 A Chapel of a woman Anachorete.1608Bp. Hall Epistles i. v, He had wilfully mur'd up himselfe as an Anachoret.1634Habington Castara (1870) 18 The Vowes of recluse Nuns, and th' An'chrits prayer.a1680Butler Rem. (1759) I. 47 A solitary Anchorite that dwells, Retir'd from all the World in obscure Cells.1741Johnson L.P., Morin Wks. 1787 IV. 473 The ostentation of a philosopher, or the severity of an anchoret.1816Scott Antiq. xxxv. (1829) 239 No anchoret could have made a more simple and scanty meal.1852Rock Ch. of Fathers III. 115 Not always did the ankret live beneath the church's roof.1869Goulburn Purs. Holiness i. 1 Elijah was a sort of anchorite or hermit.
b. attrib.
1847Longfellow Evan. ii. iv. 25 The grim, taciturn bear, the anchorite monk of the desert.1929C. Day Lewis Transitional Poem ii. 29 Then life's pistons..Begin to tickle the most anchorite ear.
2. Ch. Hist. The recluses of the East in the early Christian centuries. (In this application the Gr. form anachoret |əˈnækərɪt| is often retained.)
1553–87Foxe A. & M. (1596) 138/1 Moonks..were divided into heremits or anachorits, and into Cœnobits.1650W. Charleton Paradoxes Prol. 29 The Faune..desired the mediatory Prayers of Anthony, the Anachoret.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. II. xxxvii. 354 The holy man was followed by a train of two or three thousand anachorets.1844Lingard Anglo-Sax. Ch. (1858) I. v. 204 The same contempt for riches which distinguished the anachorets of Egypt.1867M. E. Herbert Cradle L. v. 154 Endless caverns..where the Anchorites, in the early days of the Church, lived.
3. fig. Any one of solitary secluded habits.
1616Drummond of Hawthornden Sonnet xxi. Wks. 1711, 4/2 Framed for mishap, th' anachorit of love.1848Dickens Dombey (C. D. ed.) 117 Even amongst those absorbed young anchorites Paul was an object of interest.1864I. Taylor in Good Wds. 787 The individual reader, the fireside anchoret.
4. Comb., as anchorite-like, anchorite-window.
1657Trapp Comm. Nehem. vi. 10 He was thus (Anchoret-like) pent up.1865Athenæum No. 1960. 849/2 Considered the opening to be an anchorite-window.




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