

单词 Windsor
释义 Windsor|ˈwɪnzə(r)|
Name of a town in Berkshire, on the right bank of the Thames, at which is Windsor Castle, a royal residence.
1. attrib. in names of various things now or originally obtained, made, cultivated, etc. at or near Windsor, or of persons connected with Windsor Castle. Windsor bean, the common broad bean; Windsor blue = phthalocyanine blue s.v. phthalocyanine c; Windsor brick, a kind of red fire-resisting brick formerly made at Hedgerley, near Windsor; Windsor chair, (a) a kind of low-wheeled carriage (obs.); (b) a kind of wooden chair with the back formed of upright rod-like pieces surmounted by a cross-piece, and often with arms; Windsor herald, an officer whose duties are now performed by Garter King of Arms; Windsor knight, one of a body of military pensioners residing within the precincts of Windsor Castle; Windsor knot, a large, loose knot in a (neck)tie; so Windsor-knotted a.; Windsor loam, the earth from which Windsor bricks were made; Windsor pear (see quots.); Windsor Red, the name of a recently introduced type of English cheese containing red wine; Windsor soap, a kind of scented (usually brown) soap; Windsor tick (tick n.1 2), app. a small variety of Windsor bean; Windsor tie U.S., a broad bias-cut necktie or scarf; Windsor tub (see quot.); Windsor uniform, a uniform introduced by King George III, consisting of a blue coat with red collar and cuffs, and a blue or white waistcoat, worn on certain occasions at Windsor Castle by members of the royal household, and by royal or other distinguished guests by permission of the sovereign.
1712tr. Pomet's Hist. Drugs I. 133 Fruit in Pods, of the Size of our *Windsor Beans.1848Johns Week at Lizard 300 [The Buck-bean's] leaves closely resemble those of the Windsor Bean.
1912R. Ridgway Color Standards & Color Nomenclature 40/1 *Windsor blue.1938H. Nicolson Let. 17 Apr. (1966) 336 His Windsor blue eyes were wistful.1970Windsor blue [see Monastral].
1702Savery Miner's Friend 26 The Furnace being made of Sturbridge or *Windsor-Brick.1825J. Nicholson Oper. Mech. 535 Red bricks..which will stand the greatest heat..called Windsor bricks.
1724in Amherst Gardening (1895) 234 My wife was carry'd in a *Windsor chair like those at Versailles.1740C'tess of Hertford Corr. (1805) II. 4 A tolerably large circle, with Windsor chairs round it.1766Jackson's Oxf. Jrnl. 29 Nov., The Bodleian Library has most confessedly been very much improved by the Introduction of Windsor-Chairs, so admirably calculated for Ornament and Repose.1867Trollope Chron. Barset iv, There was one arm-chair in the room,—a Windsor-chair, as such used to be called.
1473–4Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. I. 53 For *Wyndissoris heraldis expensis quhen he come again for the renewyne of his conduct.1517–18in Archaeologia XLVII. 310 Wyndesore Harald at Armes.1631Weever Anc. Funeral Mon. To Rdr., Augustine Vincent, Esquire, Windsor Herald, & keeper of the Records in the Tower.
1953Man about Town Spring 117 (caption) How to tie the ‘*Windsor’ knot.1959T. Williams Sweet Bird of Youth iii. 111 He nods slightly, loosening the Windsor-knot of his knitted black silk tie.1976J. H. Spencer Surgenor Campaign i. 18 The tie was a crisp silver, the sort normally worn only with morning dress and tied in a Windsor knot.
1953K. Amis Lucky Jim ix. 98 His *Windsor-knotted silk tie.
1747Phil. Trans. XLIV. 458 Hedgerley, the Place where there is dug an Earth commonly call'd *Windsor Loam.1827Faraday Chem. Manip. xviii. (1842) 484 Windsor loam: obtained at Hampstead, &c...is frequently used for the lining of furnaces.
1664J. Evelyn Kalendarium Hortense 72 August..Pears. *Windsor, Soveraign, Orange, [etc.].1860R. Hogg Fruit Man. 221 Windsor... A fine old pear for orchard culture. Ripe in August. It should be gathered before it becomes yellow.1940J. Betjeman Old Lights for New Chancels 17 Remaining orchards ripening Windsor pears. [1969Vogue 15 Mar. 65/2 Red Windsor, a new British cheese..basically an English cheddar, gets its pink tinge from an English wine.]1969–70Wine & Food Dec.–Jan. 11/2 More ideas for cheese gifts... *Windsor Red in plain jar, each 10/6.1982P. Rance Gt. British Cheese Bk. i. ii. 50 These cheeses are made by breaking up Cheddar or Double Gloucester..and..in the case of Windsor Red, pouring wine over the re-milled curd.
1822B. R. Haydon Jrnl. 16–17 Sept. in Mem. (1926) I. 321 A barber who shaved me..so praised his *Windsor soap, that I..took six cakes.1826MS. Accounts (D. Dewar, St. Andrew's), To Windsor Soap, 3d.1837Morier Abel Allnutt xxvii, A..lamb..which she..kept..washed with the best brown Windsor soap.
1895Montgomery Ward Catal. 95/2 *Windsor Ties... Japanese Silk Windsors... Size 4½ × 34 inches.1912J. London Smoke Bellew 147 He went on dressing,..tying a Windsor tie in a bow-knot at the throat of his soft cotton shirt.1968J. Ironside Fashion Alphabet 114 A bias-cut wide tie, usually black, tied in a loose bow in front of the neck—known in America as a Windsor tie.
1797A. Young Agric. Suffolk 58 The little common horse-bean, ticks, and *Windsor ticks, are the sorts generally cultivated.
1800Alves Banks of Esk 166 Old Port pipes or casks, laid open at one side with conical tops, and seats placed at the ordinary height from the bottom,—which turn round upon perpendicular axis, denominated *Windsor Tubs, from their having been first introduced there.
1781Gentl. Mag. LI. 391/2 The birth-day of the Prince of Wales..was celebrated with extraordinary magnificence... The King, the Prince, the Duke of Cumberland, the great officers of state, and nobility, appeared in the *Windsor uniform on this occasion—blue and scarlet.1805Ann. Reg. (Rivington's ed.), Chron. 12* The gentlemen [at a fête at Windsor Castle] were dressed in the full Windsor uniform, except those who wore the military habit of their respective regiments.1825T. Hook Sayings Ser. ii. Doubts & F. i, The hotel..was a..red brick building, edging the blue wave of the ocean, as the collar of the Windsor uniform garnishes the coat.
2. Short for Windsor bean, brick, chair, soap, tie.
1786Abercrombie Gard. Assist. Feb. 32 A full crop of long-pods, Windsor's,..or other broad kinds.1836T. Power Impressions of America I. 440 A bit of old brown Windsor to shave withal.1840Thackeray Barber Cox Sept., My dearest girl now turned from red to be as pale as white Windsor.1840Thackeray in Comic Almanack Nov. 45, I never..knew Naples from brown Windsor.1841Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. IV. 342/1 The red sandy bricks called Windsors.1859Habits of Gd. Society ii. (new ed.) 124 The old brown Windsor being still..far the best for the skin.1884‘H. Collingwood’ Under Meteor Flag xii, As thorough an ablution as was possible in the absence of my cake of old brown windsor.1895[see Windsor tie, sense 1 above].1901[see comb-back s.v. comb n.1 9].1939F. Thompson Lark Rise vi. 102 If the father had a special chair..it would be but a rather larger replica of the hard windsors with wooden arms added.1969‘J. Morris’ Fever Grass ii. 21 A small electric fan..and two more Windsors, were the room's only furnishings.1976J. Philips Backlash (1977) i. ii. 27 Two armchairs, Windsors, for visitors.




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