

单词 label
释义 I. label, n.1|ˈleɪbəl|
Forms: 4 lable, 4–6 labelle, 5–7 labell, 6 labil, 4– label.
[a. OF. label (also lablel) ribbon, fillet, file (in Her.); of obscure etymology; by some scholars thought to be of Teut. origin (cf. OHG. lappa: see lap n.1). The synonymous OF. lambel, lembel is app. a variant: see lambeau.]
1. A narrow band or strip of linen, cloth, etc.; a fillet, ribbon, tassel; the infula of a mitre.
c1320Sir Beues 974 King Ermin..ȝaf him a scheld gode & sur Wiþ þre eglen of asur, Þe champe of gold ful wel i-diȝt Wiþ fif lables [MS.S. labelles, MS.N. lambels] of seluer briȝt.1519W. Horman Vulg. 129, I wyll recompense the with a labell, reponam appendice quadam.1530Palsgr. 237/1 Labell, hovppe.1552Huloet, A labell hanging on each side of a miter, infula. Labelles hanging down on garlands, or crownes, lemnisci.1564tr. Jewel's Apol. Ch. Eng. P vj b, Peter..sytting in his Chaire, with his triple Crowne full of labelles.1577tr. Bullinger's Decades (1592) 335 Broade beneath and sharpe aboue, in fashion somewhat like to the label of a bishops Miter.1597–8Bp. Hall Sat. iv. ii. 24 A knit night-cap..With two long labels button'd to his chin.1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exemp. iii. xv. 79 Persons..whose outside seemed to have appropriated religion to the labels of their frontlets.1872Shipley Gloss. Eccl. Terms 199 s.v. Fillet, The labels of a bishop's mitre.
2. A small strip of paper or parchment attached to a document by way of supplement to the matter contained therein; hence, a supplementary note, comment, or clause, a codicil. Also fig. Obs.
c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 331 Certis if þise popis bulles shulen be undurstonden wiþ sich a label, þen-ne þei weren not profitable to þe purchasour ne to þe churche.Sel. Wks. II. 399 And so sich cursing of popis is tokene of blessing of God. And if þe Chirche were wel enformed of þis sentence, wiþ hise labellis, men shulden not drede feyned cursingis, ne lette for hem to sue Cristis lawe.1562Apol. Priv. Masse (1850) 39 It is but a very fond dalliance to brawl upon the labels before you agree upon the original verity. The true sense of this little sentence, This is my body that shall be delivered for you, is the root and the original of all such labels as we teach.1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. iv. i. 57 Ere this hand by thee to Romeo seal'd, Shall be the Labell to another Deede..this shall slay them both.1611Cymb. v. v. 430 When I wak'd, I found This Labell on my bosome.1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exemp. iii. 75 Make us..read our duty in the pages of revelation, not in the labels of accidentall effects.1654H. L'Estrange Chas. I 80 It was presented to the King without any such saving label.1658–1706Phillips, Labels..little pieces of parchment cut out long-wayes, and hanging upon Indentures, or other kinde of writings.
3. Astron. and Surveying. In an astrolabe or a circumferentor, a narrow thin brass rule used chiefly in taking altitudes. Obs.
c1391Chaucer Astrol. i. §22 Thanne hastow a label that is schapen lik a rewle, save that it is streit & hath no plates on either ende with holes.1594Blundevil Exerc. vi. Introd. (1636) 607 This Labell is divided into 90 degrees twice set doune therein with Arithmeticall figures.1674Moxon Tutor Astron. (ed. 3) ii. xiii. 50 The Astrolabe is a round Instrument flat on either side... Upon the Center is a moveable Label or Ruler..whereupon is placed two Sights.Ibid. 51 The degree and part of degree that the Label lies on is the height of the Sun above the Horizon.
4. gen. A slip or strip of anything; a narrow piece (of land); a clamp (of iron); etc. Obs.
c1440Promp. Parv. 282/2 Labelle, labellum.1577–87Harrison England i. x. in Holinshed I. 34 By north of the Brier, lieth the Rusco, which hath a Labell or Byland, stretching out towards the southwest.1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exemp. xv. 39 They..‘sealed the grave, and rolled a great stone at the mouth of it’ and as an ancient tradition says, bound it about with labels of iron.1650Fuller Pisgah iv. i. 25 Where Balak met Balaam, standing as it were on his tiptoes on the very last labell of his land, to reach forth welcome to that false prophet.1679Hist. of Jetzer 5 The flesh and skin hung down in long Collops and Labels.1682Wheler Journ. Greece iii. 249 Its Lungs..consisting of a thin, skinny Substance..divided into two Labels, placed on each side, and filled with Air; which being let out, those Labels shrunk together.1686Plot Staffordsh. 335 Nine fryingpan-plates..claspt together by turning up 4 Labells which are ordinarily fixt to the lower plate.
5. Her. A mark of cadency distinguishing the eldest son of a family and consisting in a band drawn across the upper part of the shield having (usually three) dependent points (label of three points); cf. file n.2 5. Also, one of the dependent points (or lambeaux).
[1394in Rymer Fœdera (1709) VII. 763 Habeat justum Titulum hæreditarium ad portandum, pro Cresta sua, unum Leopardum de Auro, cum uno Labello Albo.]a1412Lydg. Two Merchants 868 For now of trowthe no man can contryve A verray seel or thenpreent i-grave Withoute a label his armes hool to save.1463in Bury Wills (Camden) 35 My best herte of gold with aungellys and a ruby with iiij. labellys of white innamyl.1486Bk. St. Albans, Her. f vii b, Off armys barrit and of labellis borne in armys.c1500Sc. poem on Heraldry 44 in Q. Eliz. Acad., etc. 95 Nobillis bere merkis, to mak be knawin, ther douchtynes..The fader the hole, the eldas son deffer[e]nt, quhiche a labelle; a cressent the secound.1562[see file n.2 5].1610J. Guillim Heraldry i. vi. (1660) 33 The Labell of the Heire apparent (saith Wyrley) is seldom transferred unto the second brother.1611Cotgr., Lambel, ..a File with three Labells pendant.Ibid., Pendante, a labell pendant.c1640,1727[see file n.2 5].1708Chamberlayne State Gt. Brit. i. ii. v. (1743) 58 The Arms of the Prince of Wales at this Day differ from those of the King only by addition of a Label of three points.1863Boutell Heraldry Hist. & Pop. ix. 46 A Label is sometimes borne as a sole Charge.Ibid. xiv. 153 A silver label of five points.
6. A narrow strip of material attached to a document to carry the seal.
1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 344 An instrument or wrytynge, at y⊇ which hynge many labellys with sealys.1679–88Secr. Serv. Money Chas. & Jas. (Camd.) 64 For writing, flourishing, and embellishing and guilding the subscripc'on and labells of a l're sent to the Czars of Russia.a1680Butler Licentious Age Chas. II 142 Until the subtlest of their conjurers Seal'd up the labels to his soul, his ears.1726Ayliffe Parerg. 131 On this Label of Lead, the Heads of the two Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul are impressed from the Papal Seal.1738Birch App. to Life Milton M.'s Wks. I. 88 He did stitch the silk Cord or Label of that Seal with silk of the Colours of the said Label, and so fixed the Label and Seal to the said Commission.
7. a. A slip of paper, cardboard, metal, etc. attached or intended to be attached to an object and bearing its name, description, or destination. (The chief current sense.) Also fig.
1679Roxb. Ball. (1883) IV. 549 Let several Labels from their mouths proceed, To note the different Tribes o' the Holy Seed: Here, ‘Root and Branch’; there, ‘Down with Babel, down!’1680Dryden Sp. Friar i. i, About his Neck There hung a Wench; the Label of his Function.1702C. Mather Magn. Christi iii. iii. (1852) 556 A poor Indian having a label going from his mouth, with a come over and help us.1722De Foe Moll Flanders (1840) 261 The hamper was directed by a lable on the cording.1765H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Paint. (1789) IV. 155 Sometimes a short label [in or on Hogarth's figures] is an epigram, and is never introduced without improving the subject.1773Lond. Chron. 7 Sept. 248/3 Labels for bottles.1797Godwin Enquirer i. xv. 129 A collection of books..is viewed through glass doors, their outsides and labels are visible to the child, but the key is carefully kept.1837Dickens Pickw. ii, With a brass label and number round his neck.1841Forbes Eleven Yrs. Ceylon I. 131 ‘Fine cold-drawn castor-oil’ was found printed on the label.1871Morley Voltaire (1886) 4 To the critic of the schools, ever ready with the compendious label, he is the revolutionary destructive.1888A. K. Green Behind Closed Doors vii, Poison that is bought at a drug⁓store usually has a label on the bottle.
b. An adhesive postage-stamp, bill-stamp, or the like. (Now only in official language.)
1840in Philbrick & Westoby Postage Stamps Gt. Brit. (1881) 46, I beg to enclose you two specimens of the Penny and Twopenny stamped Covers and Envelopes, and two of the Penny adhesive Labels.Ibid. 47 Sheets of 1d. Labels containing 240 Stamps.1861Brit. Postal Guide Jan. 14 Postage Stamps. Every Postmaster is required to have on hand a sufficient stock of postage labels and embossed penny envelopes.
c. A circular piece of paper on the centre of a gramophone record on which descriptive details of the record are printed; a recording company, or a section of one, producing records under a distinctive name; a record thus produced.
1907Yesterday's Shopping (1969) 1037/1 Not more than one old 7 in. record will be allowed for against each New Concert Red Label, or 12 in. record.1929Melody Maker Apr. 369/1 A very fine example of this ‘Scat Singing’ is in ‘Candy Lips’ by Louis Armstrong's Washboard Beaters.., the label rightly describing it as ‘Scat’ chorus by Clarence Williams.1939S. W. Smith in Ramsey & Smith Jazzmen 289 There are those who will have nothing but the original label.1952B. Ulanov Hist. Jazz in Amer. (1958) xviii. 216 The QRS Piano Roll Company was taking a flier in the record business and they invited Earl to record for their new label.1957G. Evans in D. Cerulli et al. Jazz Word (1962) 174 A friend of mine..was told by an a&r man at a relatively new major label that if he insisted on charging scale, he'd never be used there again.1964Amer. Folk Music Occasional i. 16 R. A recording company heard of us and wanted to record us. Q. What label was that? R. That was United. A fellow by the name of Allen was the president of that label.1970Melody Maker 20 June 27/1 The above could well be the theme song for most record companies today who have finally realised that jazz is a good seller for budget price labels.1971Daily Tel. 16 Aug. 6/3 Are there precedents for a primadonna appearing on three different labels virtually at the same time?
d. Biol. and Chem. A substance (as a distinctive isotope, or a dye) used to label another substance (see label v. 2).
1935[see label v. 2].1939Jrnl. Biol. Chem. CXXVII. 287 The use of two independent isotopic labels (D and N15) in the same amino acid molecule may reveal a more complete picture of its metabolism.1962R. C. Nairn Fluorescent Protein Tracing i. 1 The choice of a tracing method with fluorescent rather than radioactive labels is governed by the type of information sought.1971Nature 23 July 225/3 By allowing the ‘toluenized’ cells to incorporate the density label bromodeoxyuridine triphosphate and then isolating and characterizing the newly made DNA they have been able to prove that synthesis is semiconservative.1972Science 13 Oct. 185/1 Frogs injected with labeled (radioactive) Na+ rapidly lose the ‘label’ to bathing medium containing Na+.
e. Computers. A character or set of characters used as an arbitrary name for a statement in a program so as to facilitate reference to it elsewhere in the program.
1958Communications Assoc. Computing Machinery Dec. 14 A statement may be made identifiable by attaching to it a label L, which is an identifier I, or an integer G (with the meaning of identifier). The label precedes the statement labeled, and is separated from it by the separator colon (:).1962B. A. Galler Lang. Computers iii. 27 To indicate a transfer to another part of the program, we must be able to label the place to which the transfer is to be made. In other words, we need a way to attach a label such as START to a statement. Let us specify that statement labels must have the same form as names of variables, i.e., up to six letters or digits, the first of which must be a letter.1969P. B. Jordain Condensed Computer Encycl. 272 The use of labels makes it easier to write programs, for mnemonic names may be used for labels..and the programmer is relieved of the detail of maintaining the layout of locations assigned in the computer memory.1970O. Dopping Computers & Data Processing xix. 308 In automatic coding..each data item receives a name, or symbolic address... Not only data cells need names, but also certain instructions, for example, instructions to which the program has to branch. Names of instructions are often called labels.
f. Computers. A set of data recorded on a reel of magnetic tape that is descriptive of its contents and serves for identification by a computer.
1961L. W. Hein Introd. Electronic Data Processing ix. 170 To prevent the incorrect use of tape files, internal labels should be incorporated into every tape.Ibid. 171 Wherever possible, the checking of the tape label should be done without operator intervention.1967McLachlan & Molsom Data Processing xiii. 187 One item usually written in the label is known as a retention period, or purge date... This is to provide on the tape information from which a program can detect whether the data recorded on the tape is out of date and can be overwritten. In addition the name of the file and its generation number are also written in the label... Tape reels are, of course, also labelled externally for visual identification by computer operators.
8. Arch. A moulding over a door, window, or other opening; a dripstone.
1823in Nicholson Pract. Builder 587. 1850 Parker's Gloss. Archit. (ed. 5) s.v. Dripstone, The term Label is borrowed from heraldry, and therefore in strictness is only applicable to the straight form which is used in Perpendicular work, which resembles the heraldic label.1851Turner's Dom. Archit. II. ii. 30 The arches have no projecting label.1879Sir G. G. Scott Lect. Med. Archit. I. vi. 225 As the junction of the arch with the wall above was but slightly marked a small projecting moulding was introduced which we call the drip-stone or label.
9. attrib. and Comb., as (sense 7) label-licking, label-paster; label-cloth, cloth used for the making of labels for books; label-ink, ink used in the marking of labels; label-lolling a., projecting like a label (sense 7); label-mould, -moulding = sense 8; label-seal, a seal attached to a document by a ‘label’; label-stop Arch., a boss or corbel supporting the end of a label or dripstone.
1891Daily News 1 Dec. 2/3 The manufacture of book cloth, tracing cloth, *label cloth, and grey cloth.
1863Fownes' Man. Elem. Chem. (ed. 9) iii. 683 [It] forms a most excellent *label-ink for the laboratory, as it is unaffected by acid vapours.
1899Daily News 9 Sept. 3/4 *Label-licking, which is practised largely in thread mills and aerated water factories.
1615E. Hoby Curry-combe v. 237 These mushrumps (grounded vpon a lesse motiue) may not bee questioned, though nothing so euident as a blareing *label-lolling tongue, which without the helpe of a Muffler, could not be so well concealed.
1878McVittie Ch. Ch. Cath. 67 Over the large pointed arch is a *label-mould.
1830A. E. Bray Fitz of Fitz-ford iv. (1884) 33 A well-turned archway, ornamented with the oak-branch and the *label-moulding.
1889A. T. Pask Eyes Thames 172 They have been book-binders, boot-closers, *label-pasters, and such like.
1679Willoughby in Mansell's Narr. Pop. Plot 21 A Commission, with thirteen *Label-seals, and as many Names thereto.
1894C. G. Harper Marches of Wales 132 A carefully rendered little head..carved on the *label-stop of the canopy.

Senses 7 c, d–f in Dict. become 7 d, f–h. Add: [7.] c. The name by which a manufacturing or retail company or its products are generally known; a brand-name. Also, the company trading under this name.
1902Westm. Gaz. 13 June 10/1, If there was an amalgamation of six or seven houses whose names were household words, the outsider would at once go to the wall. Mr. Dewar thought the public suffered from this fondness for certain ‘labels’.1926P. M. Shand Bk. Wine v. 66 Montbazillac..is a label still met, which prepares one for a rich, sweet white wine.1968Times 29 Nov. p. iv/4 Since they are still price-maintained it is not possible for retailers to cut prices, though in recent years budget labels have emerged.1971Sunday Nation (Nairobi) 11 Apr. 22/2 The suits come from the Highlight label and sell for 198/-.1987N.Y. Times 4 June d 5/2 Mr Klein..bought the Klein men's-wear label back.
e. Lexicography. In a dictionary entry, a word or phrase used (often in italics) to specify the geographical area, register, etc., to which the term being defined belongs.
1911H. W. & F. G. Fowler Conc. Oxf. Dict. Pref. p. v, We admit colloquial, facetious, slang, and vulgar expressions with freedom, merely attaching a cautionary label.1962A. W. Read in Householder & Saporta Probl. Lexicogr. 221 The average Englishman, accustomed to the labels Americanism, Scotticism, provincialism, etc. for designating locutions to be avoided, [etc.].1988R. W. Burchfield in T. L. & J. Burton Lexicogr. & Linguistic Stud. 186 It has been customary for English lexicographers to make free use of regional labels like U.S., Brit. (or U.K.), Austral., N.Z., and so on.

labelmate n.punningly after stable-mate n. at stable n.1 Compounds 2 Music a fellow artist or musician recording for the same record label.
1967Sunday Post-Crescent (Appleton, Wisconsin) 24 Dec. (Showtime Suppl.) 4/4 Otis' *labelmate, Carla Thomas,..was to release a new album in January.2000Arena July 122/2 Pink..is the latest addition to the LaFace stable of man-bashing vixens..but that hair isn't the only thing that sets her apart from her labelmates.
II. label, n.2 Bot.|ˈleɪbəl|
[ad. L. labellum.]
a. ? A segment of a leaf (obs.).
b. The lip of a ringent corolla.
1671Grew Anat. Plants iv. §16 If the Leaves be much indented or jagg'd, now we have the Duplicature; wherein there are divers plaits in one Leaf, or Labels of a Leaf.1707Sloane Jamaica I. 162 The flower stands on a three inches long foot-stalk, is made like the flowers of the Aristolochia..the label being covered with a yellowish farina.1888Syd. Soc. Lex., Label, same as Labellum.
III. label, v.|ˈleɪbəl|
Also 9 lable.
[f. label n.1]
1. a. trans. To affix a label to, mark with a label.
1601Shakes. Twel. N. i. v. 265, I will giue out diuers schedules of my beautie. It shalbe Inuentoried and euery particle and vtensile labell'd to my will: As, Item two lippes indifferent redde [etc.].1786F. Burney Diary 2 Aug., The Queen..employed the Princess Royal to label them [books].1790W. Hastings Let. 2 Dec. in Boswell Johnson (1793) III. 315 A parcel containing other select papers, and labelled with the titles appertaining to them.1831Carlyle Misc. II. 309 Common ashes are solemnly labelled as fell poison.c1865J. Wylde in Circ. Sci. I. 313/2 This may be labled ‘oxygen mixture’.1885Law Times LXXVIII. 385/2 The due diligence of the consignors in labelling and delivering the goods to the carriers.1893Matheson About Holland 22 A carriage labelled Niet rooken.
b. fig. To describe or designate as with a label; to set down in a category (as so and so).
a1853Robertson Lect. ii. (1858) 59 This foolish and wicked system of labelling men with names.1871Morley Voltaire (1872) 277 We cannot label Voltaire either spiritualist or materialist.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) II. 293 He despatches the bad to Tartarus, labelled either as curable or incurable.1881M. Arnold Byron in Macm. Mag. XLIII. 376 It would be most unjust to label Byron..as a rhetorician only.
2. Biol. and Chem. To make (a substance, a molecule, or a constituent atom) experimentally recognizable but essentially unaltered in behaviour, so that its path may be followed (e.g. through chemical reactions) or its distribution ascertained: esp. by replacing an atom in a proportion of the molecules by an atom of another isotope of the same element, identifiable by its radioactivity or its different mass, or by causing a (usu. fluorescent) dye to become attached to a proportion of the molecules. Cf. label n.1 7 d.
1935Jrnl. Biol. Chem. CXI. 164 In order successfully to label a physiological substance, it is essential that the chemical and physical properties of the labeled substance be so similar to the unlabeled one that the animal organism will not be able to differentiate between them. The chemist, on the other hand, must be able to distinguish and to estimate them in small quantities and at high dilutions. A possibility for such a label is the use of an isotope.1949Ann. Rep. Progr. Chem. XLV. 251 Feeding CH3·13CO2H [to rats] labels the 2 and the 8 carbon atoms of uric acid, but not the 4 carbon atom. NH2·CH2·13CO2H, however, labels carbon atom 4, but not carbon atom 2 or 8.1951C. P. Leblond in G. E. W. Wolstenholme Ciba Foundation Conf. Isotopes in Biochem. (Ciba Foundation symposia) 5 A number of radioactive steroids have been synthesized: progesterone labelled with 14C in positions 21 or 3; œstrone labelled in position 16; [etc.].1951Sci. News XXII. 76 It can be shown that all oxygen evolved by the illuminated chloroplasts comes from water. If some of the molecules of the water in which the chloroplasts are suspended is [sic] ‘labelled’ with isotopic oxygen, i.e. if the water is made to contain an excess of H2O*, where O* is an isotope of oxygen, then the evolved oxygen contains O*2, in precisely the same concentration at which H2O* is present in the water.1962R. C. Nairn Fluorescent Protein Tracing i. 1 Proteins, including serum antibodies, can be labelled by chemical combination with fluorescent dyes, without material effect on the biological or immunological properties of the proteins.1971J. Z. Young Introd. Study Man v. 82 These isotopes can be introduced into the body and used to ‘label’ a particular compound and discover for how long it remains in the tissues. The isotope differs in nuclear mass from the normally occurring form..but this does not, in general, make it behave chemically in any markedly different way.
Hence ˈlabelling vbl. n. Also ˈlabeller.
1871Echo 8 Feb., The public..condemn us for labelling the Poison... By inserting this in your next issue you will greatly oblige one of the labellers.1895Athenæum 17 Aug. 219/3 A labelling of Welsh names.1896Westm. Gaz. 26 Mar. 2/1 Bottle fillers, washers, and labellers.




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